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*NO* Final Fantasy 10 'The Other Otherworld'

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Hi hows it going. I saw your website and was intrested

in submitting so I could become rich and famous. Well,

famous anyways.

They call me sometimes i breathe, and I created a

remix of The Otherworld, from Final Fantasy 10. I call

it, "The Other Otherworld This is my first remix using

Acid Pro, so I wouldn't doubt it if you don't add it

to your site.


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Does to Other World what The Best of Final Fantasy 1994-1999 did for Liberi Fatali. namely, it took a perfectly good live song, nixed the vocals, and applied crappy synths to it.

I honestly see no redeming quality here. It adds nothing to Otherworld, and it subtracks far too much.



They call me sometimes i breathe, and I created a

remix of The Otherworld, from Final Fantasy 10. I call

it, "The Other Otherworld This is my first remix using

Acid Pro, so I wouldn't doubt it if you don't add it

to your site.

Id think that the title "The Other Otherworld This is my first remix using

Acid Pro, so I wouldn't doubt it if you don't add it

to your site. " is a bit too long, dontcha think? :P



Nice Jumpy beat


Use of drumloops :( :( :( :( :(

Ugly guitars (but thats not a reason not to post, still the guitars could be helped with 5ths(or is it 4ths?), reverb, and all kinds of things.

SOOOOO repetitive.

Encoding job could have been better - I feel some flange on those hats.

This is from uematsu?

Big cons are: the whole thing is a 4 second loop * 20, guitars could have been helped. OR YOU COULD TRY OTHER INSTRUMENTS :D

good luck next time




Decent rearrangement of the original limiting oneself to GM MIDI soundsets. Regardless, this mix is too repetitive. If you're looking for better samples, check out the OC ReMix ReMixing 101. There are tons of links to samples which would have worked better in this mix. Think about that for next time - NO


HAHAHHAHAH!! Okay, I'm sorry. But those guitar samples (sounds like the midi samples on my soundcard) were just too funny.

Although, I'm thinking if those were real guitars, this mix wouldn't be so bad. A little repetitive maybe, nothing new or exciting after the first loop really. Use some better guitar samples (or real guitar) and spice it up a bit and I'd vote yes.

Vote: No

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