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Ipod Shuffle not recognized as USB device

Jam Stunna

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Lately, when I've tried to connect my Ipod shuffle (2nd generation) to my computer, I get an error message "USB Device not recognized". I thought it might be my computer, so I brought it to a PC and connected it, and received the same error message. The Ipod has worked on both computers before, and this started about a week ago, which leads me to believe that it may be the actual Ipod itself. Everywhere I've looked, the troubleshooting guides all start with the assumption that Windows at least recognizes the Ipod as a USB device, so they've been no help. Any suggestions?

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I'm having the same issue. Windows XP Pro detects the iPod, it shows up in My Computer and Windows Explorer, but iTunes says there's a problem with it and tells me to use the Restore feature to fix it, which I did, and it didn't work.

So...it leads me to believe if you're having the same problem, it could very well be the newest version of iTunes and not actually the iPod.

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That's just very odd.

Something else that's odd is that my iPod Nano (2GB, 2nd Gen) is also not showing the songs that are on it when you use it. In fact, the only songs available are on a "On the Go" playlist I built yesterday, which should've been erased after I plugged it into the computer last night. It was not, and displayed the ten songs that were on it.

On closer evaluation of the device in My Computer, I found that it has nearly all its space taken up by the music it supposedly can't see. So, that would make it the iPod's fault...however, there was something I realized. There is the distinct posibility that the recent update to iTunes, the one that included the "iPod lo-jack" programming, could be messing with the iPods themselves causing them to stop functioning properly.

But of that, I am uncertain.

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I get that message when I plug in my iPod to my windows laptop but it still shows up on iTunes and My Computer so it isn't really a problem for me...I don't really know what causes it but it only really started happening for me when the iPod's battery died while it was plugged in.

My iPod's battery life keeps getting shorter, a sure sign it's going to die one day, probably soon, but it shouldn't have any effect on it being given music files.

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