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WIP: Resident Evil 3 - Escaped with Their Lives


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Greetings. My name is Gyrick. For a while, I used to post songs and WIPs on VGmix... until it up and died for some reason. Regardless, I have recently gotten the urge to do some remixing again, and I decided to try my luck on OCremix.

Anywho, I have a WIP (as you may have guess by the name of this thread) that I wish to share and get some ideas on what to do with it. This is a WIP, and I plan to make the final version at least over 3 minutes. Before I do that, however, I wanted to see how I was doing thus far.

I was recently searching OCremix by game genre, and I noticed there wasn't that many Resident Evil based songs. This doesn't surprise me, since a lot of the songs are either atonal or meant to make a creepy mood. I've always like the song that plays at the credits of Resident Evil 3, so I decided to work on that. According to every source I could find, the name of the song is "Staff and Credits". Since that's not very catchy, I decided to call the remix "Escaped with Their Lives".



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Man, it took me forever to find the source for this, until I remembered that resident evil = biohazard in Japan. -_-

Very pretty song, I like how you've mellowed it out from the original, and ditched the drums.

Intro strings were pretty good, but the lack of a double bass hurt the believability of it. If it's in there, bring it out more, if it's not, add it. I also suggest widening the sound a bit so it fills out more.

A bigger crescendo before they cut out would make the transition feel smoother as well.

I like the sad sounding Epiano, but I think adding a very subtle pad along with the bass notes would help fill out the space and sweeten things until the strings come in.

The flute is too mechanical and 2 dimensional. If you are using a midi keyboard, try to play a bit more expressivly. If you are using a mouse, zoom way in and move some of the notes around so the attacks aren't so dead-on. To give the flute more body, duplicate the track, pan one side about 20% to the right, and the other 20% to the left. The duplicated track needs to be moved back by the smallest amount possible, so it's *just* behind the beat. Then EQ the topend down by about 3db. It should sound a lot fuller. This is a decent trick to do to widen your strings as well.

2:08 could really benefit from a huge swell in the music along with a suspended cymbal or the gong you had at the beginning.

The ending Crescendo is good, but a little too unnatural, it sounds like every section is crescendoing at the exact same speed, which even with a pro orchestra is impossible. I'd vary up the level in which they crecendo.

Arrangementwise, this follows a little too close to the original as far as structure I think. Maybe add a flute solo, or an additional string section? You have a lot of beautiful sustained chords, so perhaps a section where there is a little bit of movement in the strings to contrast.

Overall this is really pretty and I think it deserves the kind of attention it needs to really shine. :-)

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Very cool!

I'm happy to see another Resident Evil submission on its way after I made a "request" in the topic (not saying you saw this... but I was demanding more RE remixes)

Any idea if you'll be doing any more songs for the other games? I think some Mercenaries songs could benefit form some remixing :)

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