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*NO* Beatmania 2DX 7th Style 'Traces (Tracing the Noize Mix)' *RESUB*

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Original Decision: http://www.ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=4706

1st RESUB Decision: http://www.ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=6818

Remixer Name: DJ SymBiotiX

Real Name: Fernando Chorney

E-mail: djsbx@hotmail.com

Website: http://www.djsbx.com

User ID: 15925

Game ReMixed: Beatmania IIDX 7th Style

Song Remixed: Traces

Info: Traces (made by Taku Sakakibara) is one of the songs solely created for the IIDX series. This game is for the PS2, as well as arcade. (Wasn’t sure which to place it on, so I just placed it on ps2, if I was wrong please correct it)

Link to original song: (This is the short arcade/ps2 version, I couldn’t find the long version for some reason <_<) http://www.djsbx.com/othermusic/traces.mp3

Link to ReMix: http://www.djsbx.com/othermusic/TracesRemixFinal.mp3

(I would like to request that you keep both links available for people to see. thanks)

Comments: Ok guys, this is my 2nd resub. Its been about a year since I’ve worked on this, but I think I’ve got it nailed down this time. I’ve learnt a whole bunch of new mastering techniques which is what I believe was bringing in the mix down last time. I’ve made sure all the volumes are good, and all that jazz. So again, I really hope you enjoy this mix :D.

DJ SymBiotiX


TaQ released an extended live version of the track on his album bounce connected.

beatmania IIDX 7th style Original Soundtrack - (129) "traces"

bounce connected - (111) "Traces"

Intro was pretty badass. Very tightly done fade-in of the piano. Source comes in at :49.

Not liking the synth design at 1:20, and the percussion work at the foundation at 1:20 (not the additional stuff starting at 1:32) was pretty weak and underwhelming. Cool SFX from 2:07-2:10 whatever that was.

Glad to hear the source return at 2:11 after the dabble in original material. It fits really seamlessly though; if I didn't know the source, I'd assume all of the arrangement writing was derived from it.

2:37's section was based off of the intro of the source for those of you scoring at home. Would have liked for the beatwork to have changed up at some point before the overall changeup at 3:03, as it wore out its welcome earlier. Don't let it get so repetitive; 2:11 & 2:37 were good opportunities to do something subtle but different with that core beatwork, like what you did at 3:35.

Though the tempo acceleration was spot on, I wasn't quite feeling the transition into the different sounds at 4:33. Minor stuff.

And now...to timestamp the arrangement. Fun.

Now AFAIK, the short/PS2 version of "Traces" provided by Fernando has all the composition of the arcade version and isn't missing anything. I'll have to assume that, because the 8:14-long live extended version off TaQ's album, bounce connected, doesn't have any new compositional ideas not heard in the version Fernando gave us, and the original soundtrack verision is indeed 2:13-long.

:49-1:20, 2:11-3:02, 4:59-5:36 are the only sections where I hear overt usage of "Traces," with the arrangement being 5:54-long. So 119 seconds of a 354 second arragement, i.e. 33.6% of the track. Anyone that wants to offer their own take on that, please feel free in case I'm missing anything, but I think that's pretty sound.

Ah man, fuck. Sorry for no one, including me, never mentioning or even noticing this sooner, but while the original parts you're using sound seamlessly integrated with the source arrangement (and the reason I didn't pick up on this sooner), there's apparently not enough usage of the actual "Traces" source tune. At this point, it's seemingly mostly original composition and not arranged material.

I'd be a lot more unsure, to the point where I wouldn't vote. But, as mentioned, the live edition of "Traces" from bounce connected has no new elements compared to the short version you attached. With that said, I strongly doubt there's anything I've missed. I'm very unhappy about having to turn this track away, because it sounds good. We didn't do due diligence on any of the previous submissions in terms of arrangement value, but I can't pass the track as is with such minimal usage of the actual source tune. If it's not more than 50% of the track, I feel you've strayed too far away from the the music you're primarily supposed to be tributing. On the plus side, I feel like you've come a good ways with this piece, which shows the potential to have something passed in the future.

NO (resubmit)

  • 1 month later...

Hmm, difficult for the 3rd time around.

I actually spent more time comparing source and remix this go around like I should have done on the last two versions. I vaguely remember that of the two, I think I liked the first version the best.

I got to be honest, the mixdown wasnt that great. Not to say that it was bad, but it definitely didn't come with any WOW-factor. The volume has been reduced to eliminate clipping etc, but now, the mix feels deprived of a lot of meat. Also, and I may seem like I'm getting hypocritical here by not seeming to have beef in this area during the first two subs, but the length is casting a diminishing light on the remix. I'm just not sure there's enough here to keep the fires of awesomeness a-flame for 6 minutes. I do like the remix, and I am a fan of TaQ, but after about 4 minutes or so, things just start to get a little trite, which I suppose is only fair, b/c even though I'm a fan of TaQ, some of his extended mixes suffer this same problem.

I know two resubmissions can be disheartening, but if you want to go for a 3rd, I guess here's my final suggestions.

Shorten the mix. I realize you've changed up the time signature, and there is a decent amount of dynamic (ie volume sense, not drastic sense) diversity, but after listening to what TaQ did in like, 2 minutes, 6 minutes was just wearing thin. Also, back to what I was saying earlier about comparing source to remix (and validating Larry's timestamp play-by-play) that's the other reason a 6 minute remix is just not playing out.

I hate to vote this way a third time in a row, but sometimes it's just like that. Keep making music, Fernando. That's the important thing, anyway. And remember, this vote in no way defines your abilities. Only how we evaluate your track in relation to the guidelines of OCR.


  • 3 weeks later...

Hmm, mastering does sound better volume-wise, though I would argue that it is almost a little too quiet now. Additionally, there are still definite EQ issues. I can't put my finger on it, but the frequency balance and stereo image just seems off - the bass doesn't sound full, and the highs sound dulled. Maybe you're using too many modulation-style effects. However, this is not a deal-breaker... the core issue is what Larry brought up, regarding arrangement. I mentioned this in a previous vote but now that it's all laid out, I have to agree that there is simply not enough source tune usage. Sorry man. Best of luck in future subs.


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