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*NO* Super Mario Bros. 'Bowser in the Undergrounds'


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Contact Info

* Your ReMixer name: Shulleoghedd

* Your real name: Íbiel Berciano

* Your email address: Shulleoghedd@hotmail.com

* Your website: http://escritosdeunelfosolitario.blogspot.com

* Your userid (number, not name) on our forums :41159761, i think. That was my activation ID.

ReMix Info

* Name of game(s) ReMixed: Super Mario Bros.

* Name of individual song(s) ReMixed: Bowser Battle, Underground

* Additional information about game if it has not yet been added to the site, including composer, system, etc.: N/A

* Link to the original soundtrack if it is not one of the sound archives already available on the site: N/A

* Your own comments about the mix, for example the inspiration behind it, how it was made, etc.: Okey, so this isn't really a huge song (actually it's not even three minutes long) and it has not complex melodies that take one's heart and drives it crazy, but... Oh, well, it's just my second arrange (if we can call arrange the first thing I did for OCRemix). This was done with Guitar Pro 5. Well, at least the secuencing of the MIDI and the sampling of the guitars. Then I took the MIDI to Finale and gave it a bit of live with some samples. I'm still not so happy with the ending (the piano part yes, actually I loved that tiny detail coming out of my mind (you know, sometimes my head is great... Well, usually not, but once or twice a month, maybe); but when, after that, it retakes the theme, and it seems too copy+paste -but actually it isn't). The whole idea came hearing some arrange of that Bowser Battle song somewhere, and the arrange Motoi Sakuraba did of the themes of Super Mario. The idea was to take those two song and mix them into a piece of epic/power metal, and... well, instead of that, I made this... thing. I only hope someone likes it, or at least, I hope you find it hearable and fun to hear.


http://www.zophar.net/nsf/smb1.zip - Track 4 ("Castle BGM") & Track 2 ("Underworld BGM")

Not a bad start. Your drum writing, particularly on the snare, was lazy and the snare tone didn't mesh well with the other instrumentation.

Segue at 1:20 to the Underground BGM was really bad. At 1:31, the timing among the parts was too loose, and the guitar work sounded pretty cheap.

Just a really poor transition back into the rock portion at 2:10 with the Game Over and 1-Up jingles; the idea there could have been executed more strongly.

Decent base, but very rough around the edges. There's no polish yet.


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hmm. very amature stuff. drums are super weak, mixing is overall pretty poor quality.

hate to sound like such a jerk, but this one's hardly salvageable as an OCR-hopeful. just say optimistic and keep practicing, Ibiel. i'm not trying to shoot you down, but practice and critical feedback are how we improve our abilities.


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