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OCR00829 - *YES* Legendary Wings 'Legendary Strings'

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VGMix renames the file, so you'll have to fix that, but everything else is in proper order (ID2 tags and such).

A quick aside... if it's not too late by the time you read this, I'd like to withdraw the submission of my first mix (Blizzard Rock from Mega Man 6). The guitar tracks badly need to be rerecorded. I didn't know that the effects box I was using had this wonderful thing called "cabinet simulation" that makes the guitar sound a lot better.

Anyway, I suppose I'll just cut and paste the description I used at VG Mix here. Hope you enjoy the mix.

No, this is not a symphony arrangement. This mix actually got started a few months ago (before I started mixing). I thought it would be cool if someone did a LW mix and named it "Legendary Strings" (which implies symphony strings usually, but it fits nicely for guitars too). Since I started mixing a week or so back, this was basically just waiting to happen since I'm attracted to mixing from games that no one else has touched.

The track follows the original music fairly closely, but it's a medley of three songs (Level's 1, 3 and 4) and I played around with (more like completely twisted) things like tempo and feel. The style is rock and roll with distorted guitars and in-your-face drums (naturally). I think people who downloaded my first mix (from Mega Man 6) will be more pleased with the recording quality of the guitar this time.

Assuming that you don't have the info from my previous submission, the mix should be credited to "Rize" whose website is http://www.planetgamecube.com and whose email is Rize@PlanetGameCube.com Thanks!


3 yesses so far? And one of them is from Prot? Hmm, I'll have to listen really hard to find a problem with this mix.

Well, the first problem is that it doesn't work well with my favorite visualization, so that's gonna be a definite no. ;)

Although honestly the guitars almost seem a little too light for my taste. Not a problem though.

Vote: Yes

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