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I've loved playing EWJ2 on my sega nomad and waste 8 AA batteries in an hour playing it..so I felt like remixing the "Anything But Tangerines" level. I know it's been remixed before, but I think this sounds very different from previous remixes. This is more of a mellow/atmospheric kind of song.

Enjoy :-P


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yeah, im feelin this one. Very clean sounding and ambient (atmospheric) as you said. High quality stuff to me. There's just one little quirk though....it could just be me, but I think the last note is held a little too long. Other than that, its coo


Man, haven't played EJ2 in forever. I barely barely remember the source material, but, it doesn't matter. I'm digging this and it's in my OCR folder already, heh. Perfect style for when I'm spacing infront of the monitor at 4 in the morning trying to get things finished with a few beers.


If I could just add my 2 cents:

This song really lacks any kind of intro. It just jumps kinda jumps in with a beat an everything.

The drums themselves are reallllly low in quality and get reallllllllly dull realllllllllllllllly quickly. (Really.)

TitcTitcTitcTitcTitcTitcTitcTitcTitcTitcTitcTitcTitcTitcTitcTitcTitcTitc goes the hat.

Later on in the song, when the same note is repeating, it does sound a little on the mechnical side.

I think the production, while fine as is, could be a little better with a few tweaks here and there.

And yea, the ending goes on for at least 25 seconds too long.

So while I think this has the potential to get on OCR, the drums reealllly kill it, and I don't think it would hurt to do the other things I've mentioned either.

Keep working on it :)


Very cool atmosphereic style; however, I feel this could use a lot more just one thing: contrast. More dynamic contrast, rhythmic contrast in the drums, harmonic contrast, even change the melody up (or add a counter melody). Also, I think it would give me goosebumps if the drums came in again somewhere towards the end and would tie everything together (but that's just me!). Just a thought to consider. Keep up the good work!


This track could really use some humanization; it's way too mechanical in the bass and drums. They are also way repetitive (both bass and drums), and seemingly on autopilot for most of the track. Halfway through when they fade out, the song itself doesn't really change feel, which kind of implies that they were superfluous to begin with. Give the drums some punch, a stronger, tighter kick and a snappier snare would make them much more interesting, and vary the bass line; have it fit more in the pocket rather than be just something repetitive to fill out some frequencies.

The pads are nice, but everything could benefit from some stereo widening; the song elements don't have a defined room sound. The parts are a bit too sterile sounding in their relation to each other, and nothing really breathes.

You have a good start, but there's a good amount of work to be done on this before it's worthy of being submitted.


It's a pleasant remix, but there are a lot of reasons why this would have a hard time on the panel. Good start though. I feel like I owe a more detailed review, since this gave me some ideas.

Anyways. This is not ready for the panel. Take your time and listen to the feedback you have gotten so far.


yea, I had a feeling that that WIP still needed more work to it...I'm workin on it still, but an update within this week, or early next week, depending on how much free time I've got.;-)

So far..the drum samples are changed, (was gonna do that anyways), the beat/bass does come back in near the end, more than that one pad and piano for the melody, and some small tweaks :)

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