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This WIP is a remix of: "The Place I'll Return To Someday"; "Loss of Me"; "Song of Memory" and

"You're Not Alone".

Please please please listen and give me feedback, it would really make my day.

Thanks in anticipation,


P.S there may be some popping on the recording - not sure why it's there (if it is?!). I might be imagining it lol.

Anyway, here's the link: http://rapidshare.com/files/57991562/ff9_mixdown.mp3.html

If rapidshare is a problem please let me know and I'll host the file on some other free file sharing site asap.


Very pretty intro.....In the next section, the brass hitting the low notes in the beginning sounds synthetic to me, like a saw-wave. Not sure if it is a synth, but you could probably make it less exposed with EQing. Orchestration is moving and dynamic. It ends in a very tense place, I feel like there should be more to resolve the song. Not sure if u were planning on adding more, but I would recommend it. Great stuff so far.


Thanks for your feedback Dr. Rod!

I think I will add another section to close - maybe a repeat of an earlier section to give a sense of structure.

40 views but only 1 reply. :(


I'm downloading the song at the moment; but, just some advice, it's probably using a better filehosting site such as zshare, because you can just stream the file off it without having to download it. It makes it much easier to listen to.

I really enjoyed the song, and I appreciate all the additional parts you wrote for instruments to support the main melody, but, knowing the site's extroadinarily high standards nowadays, I think the arrangement component for the first two or so minutes isn't substantial enough. It sounds like you're replaying the same main melody except using different instruments. Of course, I appreciate what you did to support the main melody, so, maybe you can say that the 'fleshing out' of the whole orchestra's parts are enough to warrant an arrangement. Who knows, I'm not judge material.

However, the part at 2'25" was a nice change and was also refreshing. ALTOUGH, the strings repeatedly playing that note in the background sounded EXTREMELY fake. And, the note was held impossibly long at such a volume.

I REALLY enjoyed the part at 0'57", where the two woodwinds appeared to dance around the melody together.

Well, I hope I helped, not sure how I did, but, a reply is better than nothing. =)

Still, anything miles above what I could imagine writing.


RedFusion your comments mean a lot. Thanks for taking the time to listen and comment on my WIP.

I will definately look into zshare, so thanks for that.

In terms of that long sustained string note - I have in fact altered that in a more recent version. Thanks for picking up on that. Now I know the change was very much needed.

I'll have a good look at the first 2 minutes and see if I can alter it a bit more from the original. Certainly the short intro with the harp is very different, but that big homophonic section may indeed be too similar to the original. Although I do like the full-orchestral sound. I appreciate you bringing that up though because I'll definately see if I can tweak a few things within it.

So as I say, thanks very much for your criticism and compliments. It has been really useful and I hope to post another WIP soon.


My name's Alex too >_< and I must say this is really good; I don't see why the judges wouldn't allow this, because this is pretty authentic IMO, most arrangements like this are kind of bland and not really engaging. Maybe you have to know the original material to like it, but man this is good. =D

Don't give up if the judges say 'No'; even if they do, this remix is staying on my playlist...can't wait for an update on it.


I've just gotten into classical sequences myself and this is the feel I'm working towards. Good movements, transitions and added melodies. I honestly haven't heard the original but I can tell you've built on it.

I have to agree with Dr. Rod. Some of the instruments (especially the brass) sound a bit too sythesized. It seems to me, mixing-wise, less low and high end would serve this piece better. Classical instruments already lend themselves to the high and low. The mid is the tricky part not to drown out. What program did you use? I've been experimenting with a Garritan Personal Orchestra plug-in for FL Studio but I'm not sure this sythesis is the best. Perhaps using a different sequencer or sound source would be better.

Well, there you have the opinions of two doctors, heh. Hope I've helped at least a bit. Keep at it!

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