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Drumming in a remix?

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Most of the time, I play the drums live through my MIDI keyboard, which triggers a drum kit that I'll have loaded as a VST in Sonar, and record as I'm performing. I'll do a measure at a time, maybe more, playing the snare and kick alternately, or maybe even perform through most of the song (after having rehearsed it a number of times) and then do any cleaning up that's necessary by mouse. Then I'll go back and do the same with the rest of the kit, such as the hi-hat, toms and cymbals.

I'll then do some minimal quantizing if necessary and usually leave most notes as is as far as velocity is concerned, to maintain a human aspect to the performance. I usually clean up any unusual notes that might not have been "hit" the way I want them to sound.

Sometimes I'll just perform an entire song on my V-Drum kit via MIDI cables hooked up to my sound card. That works best when I'm looking for the most realistic performance possible, but also it's just a lot of fun. I usually perform to a metronome as I record my performance so that it's easy enough to work with when I go to layer on all my other tracks.

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i'd say most people here sequence their drums by hand by clicking in each individual drum hit. it's an acquired skill. like everything else in music, it's relatively easy to learn and extremely difficult to master.

you can also use a midi keyboard to record your drum tracks, or a midi drum kit, or whatever. like hale-bopp notes, this gives it a little more realistic, human feel. but it also requires more skill to execute.

additionally, a very small number of people here record live drums.

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Mainly I use a MIDI keyboard to trigger the drum sounds from a VST within Cubase. It works pretty well if I do say so myself.

It may not be as cool as recording the drums live, or even recording on an electronic drumkit, but playing the drums on a keyboard does give them a little bit of added flair and realism. I suggest you go that route rather than just clicking them in, I was without a keyboard for a while and believe me, being forced to click in each hit is a royal pain in the ass (though I've become a bit of a pro at that as well).

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