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I'm pretty excited about this mix. Its got a lot of work (obviously being in this forum) but i cant wait to start making guitar tracks for it. When im done, its gonna be laden with subtle heavy metal guitar parts, in a 300 movie esque sort of way, and i cant wait to hear what it sounds like!

Ok so basically the reason for this mix is this:

Its been a lot of time since i played god of war, and i remember how the final narraration explains how whenever man was at war, Kratos would be there watching his every battle.

This mix is ALL about what Kratos would sound like if he were to come down off mount olympus in 2007. Arnold Schwartzenegger eat your figgin heart out! :)

anyways i hope i do the song justice. Tell me what you guys think! its here because im a noob and havent got a song approved before. (My first OCR mix "The Wisdom of Gagazet" is currently in the judging process) so this time i figure ill preemptively get everyones opinion on this one to avoid rejection.



Wow!!! How'd you do the percussion??

hoboka i dont know if your familiar with reason (which i still use 2.5 by the way :) ) but i have close to 8 redrum machines (which are sampling devices) to produce each individual type of drum.

I have a patch for:

The booming orchestral drums(that are actually slightly crunchy and would actually sound a little out of place if heard on their own)

A snare drum sampler which is using about 7 samples

The rock esque drums are actualyl 2 sets of samples, one for the bass ad toms and one for the cymbals.

I have one for the techy sounding treble that pans and is really technical

lets see what else... I dunno theres a whole bunch of stuff lol thanks for the feed back guys.

Im mostly concerned if anyone thinks if this wouldnt pass the judging panel.

Any kind of details that you thought needed work or were off?

thanks again:-P


Can't remember what it sounded like in the game (don't have the game at the moment).

All good, until the synth comes in at about 0:35. While it's cool to have the occational synth, it feels a bit out of place, since this isn't a modern or future era game. Not to say it sounds bad, it's really cool, but I feel the orchestra could do it just as well, and without feeling as out of place. But, it's a matter of preference, and mine generally doesn't include mixing electronica and orchestra.

1:05 - Nice. Real nice. 1:30, the friggin' synth is getting the way of hearing a real cool orchestral score. Since I don't remember what the game sounded like, I can't compare that aspect of it, and don't know how much of that is original and how much is straight from the game, but regardless, it's all great.

And as mentioned by others, the percussion is amazing. Even through laptop speakers. :D What does that tell you?

So, the judges? They'll be amazed. Depending on how much of this is your own works and how much in unmodified from the game, it's, at worst, a borderline no. I'd pass it, but I'm not a judge, I don't remember the game score, and I don't have proper speakers where I'm at right now. Borderline no to definite yes, that's where you're at, I think.

Good luck.


The front is cool, but it'd be even cooler if you added some crescendo and diminuendo to the strings while they play the notes. In other words, since you said you were using Reason, don't just set static velocity values for each note, also automate the master volume knob on the NN-XT during the note hits to give your strings a more passionate and animated feel. The bass is wicked cool. The violin stabs feel a bit weak, could use some more weight, especially after ~1:00. Uhh, yea, it's already a pretty kick ass song, though you should make it longer, it feels short ending at around two minutes, if you could insert another minute or two in there that'd be awesome.

The front is cool, but it'd be even cooler if you added some crescendo and diminuendo to the strings while they play the notes. In other words, since you said you were using Reason, don't just set static velocity values for each note, also automate the master volume knob on the NN-XT during the note hits to give your strings a more passionate and animated feel. The bass is wicked cool. The violin stabs feel a bit weak, could use some more weight, especially after ~1:00. Uhh, yea, it's already a pretty kick ass song, though you should make it longer, it feels short ending at around two minutes, if you could insert another minute or two in there that'd be awesome.

Thanks! thats great advice. you definitely had me figured out i usually just set velocity. Ill definitely set up automation for the string volumes. One other thing ive noticed in reason that i cant seem to understand is that with staccato strings, each octave gets louder even at the same velocity, so often my staccato parts end up unbalanced, with too much treble on top. Not really sure what to do about that. I even tried setting the high velocities down and the lower octave velocities up, but it STILL gets the same effect!

I dunno i must be doing something wrong. Maybe just setting up different treble and bass tracks is the key.

And btw believe me :-P this song is waaay from over. I anticipate at LEAST 4 minutes by the end. Ive got some guitar parts mulling around in my head and i really want to build the string parts, which are fairly undeveloped. A lot more counter melodies coming out in that direction.

Thank you for the helpful feedback!

Can't remember what it sounded like in the game (don't have the game at the moment).

All good, until the synth comes in at about 0:35. While it's cool to have the occational synth, it feels a bit out of place, since this isn't a modern or future era game. Not to say it sounds bad, it's really cool, but I feel the orchestra could do it just as well, and without feeling as out of place. But, it's a matter of preference, and mine generally doesn't include mixing electronica and orchestra.

1:05 - Nice. Real nice. 1:30, the friggin' synth is getting the way of hearing a real cool orchestral score.

well i can understand why you dont like it. It fools you with being only an orchestral peice, but thats exatcly what im going for.

Imagery is a big deal to me and let me paint a picture of what im going for.

Kratos, both blades flashing wildly in the air of some ancient empire, surrounds himself with the remains of his dead battleclad enemies. He looks up at you and starts walking towards you, when all of a sudden the camera zooms into his eye and fades thousands of years later to the image of the blade of a helicopter, where about the song truly turns form. The helicopter just lands and you see kratos step out calmly, built of future weapons, muscle and uniform, stepping with precision and ruthlessness to meet the figurehead of an opposing force.

Havent got past that. but anyway thats how i build songs. its usually not that detailed but its a narrative technique i use to make a song interesting.

Basically, with all the built tension, shit is gonna hit the fan, and thats why i plan to bring in guitar to this mix. I want it to be futuristic but not overbearing, yet in your face. I dunno, ive been able to get my own songs to jive pretty good. Cant wait to see what you guys think!


This is definitely pretty up there on the epic scale, but I do have to point out that your mix is a little bit on the loud side, enough so that I was getting awful little scratchy popping noises when listening to it, even with the volume turned down. You should probably lower the master volume a tad.

Otherwise, I definitely want to see this one finished. Your opening orchestral bits sound a bit mechanical, so you may want to play with the timing a bit so they sound a bit less perfectly on-time and a bit more human. Once the electronic beat comes in, however, it's no longer noticeable amongst the precise rhythms of the beat and synths, so you don't really need to worry about it past about 0:40 or so.

Yeah they instantly rejected some of my crap when the volume was too loud. It's called clipping so says Liontamer btw :P, it earns an instant rejection of it clips so reduce that EQ dood. Otherwise its super solid :D
This is definitely pretty up there on the epic scale, but I do have to point out that your mix is a little bit on the loud side, enough so that I was getting awful little scratchy popping noises when listening to it, even with the volume turned down. You should probably lower the master volume a tad.

Otherwise, I definitely want to see this one finished. Your opening orchestral bits sound a bit mechanical, so you may want to play with the timing a bit so they sound a bit less perfectly on-time and a bit more human. Once the electronic beat comes in, however, it's no longer noticeable amongst the precise rhythms of the beat and synths, so you don't really need to worry about it past about 0:40 or so.

thanks for the heads up guys! yea reason has a build in clipper and it shows if it ever goes into the red and im notorious for not paying attention to that. Ill definitely make sure to go through the whole track and get the volumes to the right place.

Omicron i have to be honest i have no idea how to make the strings sound more organic. If someone could give me some advice or even recommend a program, i think i need to find another source for producing authentic sounds because i am realizing that reason is less and less the best means to create symphonic sounds. OR if you know some tricks to reason that would be freakin great! lol i use strings soo much and i will be the first to admit i need help in that department.

Thanks again guys!!


ok guys, i updated the song, unfortunately still not able to do the guitar parts yet.

I remastered all of the volumes so hopefully no one experiences any EQ problems... though knowing me i probably made it worse :\

It didn't go over the audio clipper in reason so it should be in the clear.

Also, the new movement towards the end will most likely be a build point for a later part of the song, so expect some re arranging.

Enjoy! :)

Davidicus - God of War: Main Theme (Version 1.3)

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