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I've been a lurker on this site for 3 years, delivering the best remixes on the web ;D Anyways. I finally got inspiration for making a game tune myself. It's far from finished as I have only worked on it for a couple of days. Need to sort out the variations, etc... Hope you can help me with some ideas!

Anyways, it's a remix of the "Prelude" theme featured in every Final Fantasy. Although, it's more like the one in FF 9.



Yeah, not bad for your first song, dude. Simple instruments, but I like direction you're taking with this.

- Parts like 2:53 sound really epic, make the synth strings swell up to that point, like everything is going to build up.

- The intro percussion is weird... Dunno, doesn't really fit.

This isn't bad at all, it's just really simple, IMO. But I likes it. I say keep working with it, possibly play with some other sounds.


yey =) thanks for a reply. Well, it isn't the first song ever, more like first video game remix.

Gotta agree, maybe the intro thing is too weird :P but I still like it.

Wonder what type of sounds that will fit, as the arrangement is pretty squashed as is it now. Have to remove something in that case. I'll see what I can do in any case.


i think this song has potential and i like where its going as well. In fact, i think i had just the type of thing it needs. It needs some type of driving drumbeat to go with it and maybe dj style mixing and even scratching. I would also suggest counter melodies, and a baseline to go with it. It may not be what your going for, but i think it would add another dimension to it.

I have to agree with goten, the sound effects in the beginning seem misplaced without some type of intro. Maybe have the theme playing in bits and peices there so it is not that revealing untiil you really kick into it. It kinda goes nowhere and then all of a sudden wow! main theme lol but good job so far.

heres the drumbeat i was talking about, feel to use it or something like it if you want


you should be able to play it concurrently with the song if you match it up right


you may want to make the advice a little more easier to understand Davidy. Most new remixers like myself don't understand those terms like counter melody too well. Mind you, when I started making music I didn't even know wtf the offbeat was; so maybe its just me.

This song has an excellent sound scape, and there's hardly any awful pauses nor most nub stuff for that matter. I love the arpreggio type synth u got going on...did you make it yourself? You gotta teach me how to do that lol :P

I think the percussion just needs to be louder and the other instruments sound a bit more defined, JUST a bit. Otherwise you've got a solid mix, like Arnold Swartzenegger on acid...'cept not; you get the drift lol. Good stuff dude.


So far this has a lot of good stuff going on, but the drum and percussion needs work.

The kick drum is too thin, maybe lowering it an octave or something would help. Or you could simply use several kickdrums samples to create a phater kick. Also I would swap the shaker sample(I'm not sure that's what it is) with a snare.

I would go for a percussion set closer to the one Davidicus uploaded than the one you have now. The snare that comes in at the second half of the track sounds nice, but maybe it needs more variation in its arrangement? Also you have some occasional reverb issues with your piano that gives off unwanted sounds, if you know what I mean?

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