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*NO* Sub-Terrania 'Dark Space'


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rexxz - Dark Space(Crystal Space cover - Sub-Terrania)

remixer name - rexxz

real name - Cory Richards

email address - seifer7979@yahoo.com

website - http://coryrichards.ceroprojects.com/Music/

ocremix userid - 22194

name of game - Sub-Terrania

name of original track - Crystal Space

original composer - Jesper Kyd

Comments about the mix:

I am really proud of this particular piece. I had to go by ear on this one, as I couldn't find any existing sheet music. I've always thought the soundtrack was one of the best things about this game, and this is my favorite track from it. A very chilling and eerie atmosphere!


http://project2612.org/download.php?id=39 - "Crystal Space (Level I)"

The sounds are on the generic side, and the opening texture up to :30 seemed pretty empty, but we'll see where it leads to. Percussion dropped out from :31-:41 but came back at :42.

Arrangement-wise, to me the interpretation isn't very interesting or thorough. The generic lead synth which doesn't give any energy to the source verse (:18 of the original).

The piece is stuck in first gear. It doesn't have to ratchet up to second or third (The Orichalcon's Raptor "PlectraSubCity" is a good example of this), but the textures are still relatively simplistic and empty, relying on the effects to fill out the soundfield. The arrangement also doesn't evolve or dynamically shift in any interesting way besides the beefier percussion joining in at 2:07, rinsing and repeating the earlier arrangement ideas.

The sounds and processing could use a step up, though I'll leave it to other Js to offer more specific criticism you can use. The arrangement needs to be developed further and evolve more, also with more interpretation than looping the first half. Not a bad track, but not fully developed as a concept, IMO.


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I liked the lo-fi feel that the track opened with, and I expected it to burst out into something with greater energy and with higher quality sounds later on. However, it just seemed to continue on the same vein, like a continuous intro.

The criticism here is not about the energy level itself, but about the combination of that and the choice of sounds. Had the production been more suited to a slow ambient feel, like chords or a melody that held your attention throughout, then this would have been effective. This mix has all the elements of an uptempo driving beat, minus the energy. The lackluster arrangement and lack of variation did not marry up with the mix's intentions here, and listening to it a second time was not engaging. Very promising, but needs a lot more work.


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I liked the lo-fi feel that the track opened with, and I expected it to burst out into something with greater energy and with higher quality sounds later on. However, it just seemed to continue on the same vein, like a continuous intro.

Don't you just hate when that happens? I often listen to pieces like this and am on the edge of my seat waiting for those sizzling hats and rim-shots to come in and wreak havoc. It never happens and I end up with my butt having fallen asleep. :(

Kudos on doing your stuff by ear, but you gotta take things to the next level with your arrangement. You started off alright, but all that building up never really paid off. There's a lot of atmosphere in this piece, but not much else. I can skip around the piece and not really know whether I'm in the beginning, the middle, or the end. There's not much in the way of variation here. You've got to utilize more ideas and bring more variation to the mix.


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