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Contact Information:

ReMixer name: Low Profile

Real name: Bart Roijmans

Email: bart@spiresound.nl

Website: www.spiresound.nl

Userid: 12389

Submission Information:

Game: SD Snatcher (also known as Super Deform Snatcher)

Songname: Gillian's Dream

Original Composer: Masahiro Ikariko

Developer: Konami

System: MSX-2

Year of release: 1990

More information: http://www.mobygames.com/game/super-deform-snatcher

Used software: Reason 2.5, Cakewalk 9 Pro Audio and Adobe Audition 1.0

Used hardware: Roland Fantom XR

The game is a RPG parody of Konami's more 'serious' Snatcher.

While Snatcher was ported on many systems, SD Snatcher was exclusively made for MSX-2. Perhaps Konami's way of a tribute to the system they got so popular on.

It's one of my al time favorite games on any system, which is one of the reasons I wanted to make a remix,


Thanks for providing a copy of the source material. It would have been nice to get an actual song title rather than just the music clip. Thanks to CHz for the info on the specific track.

SCC Memorial Series Snatcher Joint Disk - (322) "Coda"

There's a decent job adding more sounds and parts to the original to give it some more complexity, but overall the interpretation is too low, primarily due to the melody being kept verbatim. The expansive nature of the arrangement wasn't substantive enough to make up for it, and doesn't stand apart enough from the original. Moving over into the electric guitars from 2:13-2:40 was better in terms of personalizing the delivery, albeit brief.

I'd read up on the Submissions Standards again and look at the other techniques suggested for interpreting the arrangement. This track's not a NO Override in my opinion, but you should compare more recent posted ReMixes to their source tunes to get a better idea of the interpretation level we're looking for.

This is a solid arrangement and an enjoyable piece of music, just not interpretive enough for the standards here. Hope to hear more music from you again though, Bart.


  • 4 weeks later...

Stylistically, this is pretty cool. Reminds me of doujin arrangers like SSH. The sounds in general are not amazing (though the pads and guitar are strong) but the production is for the most part polished and clean. I don't really have any major problems there. The primary issue is that this seems to stick pretty closely with the original in terms of tempo, chord progression, harmonies, melodies, etc. There is not a lot of interpretation being done, as Larry pointed out. More original sections, original writing, and variations on the themes from the source would probably put this over the bar as the production and concept are both strong.



Very cool source tune. I'm eager to hear your mix.

Starts out with some very cool atmospheric pads. Sounds very similar to the source. As it progresses, a little too much so, I'm afraid. The mastering is a little on the "meh" side at times, but otherwise, this is a nice sound upgrade from the original. Your opening snare could have used some processing--maybe some light reverb, even delay or something. Also, I thought the mix never reached it's *LIMIT BREAK* on the energy potential. It's like, it was building up, but never quite went kinetic. The closest it got was when the chugga-chugga power guitar comes in in the later part of the song.

This one still needs some work. Try to throw some more original material in this, and seek mastering advice from as many people as you can. I sure hope to hear a less cover-ish, more expansive and cleaner version of this down the road!


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