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Hey there, here's a link to download the remix, let's hope u like it...

Remixer Nick - Lep666

Real Name - Shai Buskila

Game - Raptor: Call Of The Shadows

Original Track Name - Level 6

Remix Name - Eclipse


Raptor: Call of the Shadows - Level 6

Interesting intro. The string attacks sounded jerky and unrealistic, and the piano used from 1:31-2:02 sounded robotically performed.

Too much volume and too much reverb struck me immediately at :30, not helped by some obvious distortion around :44. The soundfield was way too swampy and cluttered despite not much even going on with the textures.

Despite the relatively brief length, the arrangement felt fairly complete despite being underdeveloped. The arrangement was headed in the right direction in an interpretive sense, but there still could have been more melodic interpretation as well.

Work on your production more though. Creatively, you're already headed in the right direction, so you need to ensure the presentation is smoother and better balanced. Use the ReMixing forums to ask questions about your setup and what programs you use, then post material in the Works forum for fan feedback if you can obtain some.


  • 3 weeks later...

The orchestral stuff at :30 is too loud, too bassy, and has too much reverb. Everything just sounds built up in the lows, with no clarity or distinction between parts. This doesn't leave a lot of rooms for the other stuff that comes in, so everything after that point is too cluttered. The piano, as Larry pointed out, is very mechanical. This mix doesn't have a lot of dynamic to it - it tends to just repeats the same riffs and patterns over and over while layering stuff over and over. There is no significant change to the chord progression or the level of volume/energy. It needs to flow and 'breathe' more. As it is, I felt that the same short chord phrase was the basis of the whole thing and not a lot was being done to really make it interesting.

Also, when compared to the source tune, this could be more interpretive. The main riff is basically used verbatim in terms of notes and rhythm at a few points. The chords are the same. You could add some original melodies, change the rhythms, go to a new time signature, perform a solo on top, use another source from the game, etc. In the right direction, but not quite enough in this department either.

To summarize; production is crowded and muddy with some mechanical sounding sequences, while the structure and arrangement could use refinement. Use the Remixing and Works-in-Progress forum to get help & feedback. Keep at it!



Yeah, not enough done on the arrangement side of the mix. 0:31-1:12 is pretty directly from the source, 1:12-1:32 has a little bit of arrangement in the form of bumping up that string passage a few notes, 1:48-1:53 and 1:58-2:03 are bassline rips of 0:18-0:22 with original stuff on top, and that's it as far as I can hear. Your original material fits in with the mix pretty well, so props on that. The source is pretty sparse, but try to interpret it more in the mix like you did in a couple of places.

Production, I'm drowning here. Very mechanical sequencing also. Tone down the reverb and try to make your sounds more distinct, and add more in the way of dynamics and other contrast.


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