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Woohoo! It's finally ready for download, baby! Zircon said that we should only post major and complete albums here. Well, although this isn't a full length album, it is complete and considering the fact that there aren't gonna be ANY more English The La Li Lu Le Lo songs (I think), this is basically your ONLY chance to see what the heck I'm doing and understand it, and thus classifies this as "major." After this, all of The La Li Lu Le Lo songs I make will be in Japanese. So I hope you enjoy my short and humble comedic hip hop demo CD. If you click the link directly below the song links, you can read the lyrics. I have to tell you because the link is written in Japanese.


By the way, the song "The Legend of a Brother" is a cover of the Beverly Hills Cop theme song and I'd like to dedicate it to LionTamer, even though it's a song that's all about Eddie Murphy. Hahaha!

Snake Over would be an excellent OLR submission

Actually, I think it's just CHIPP by himself, which makes it twice as awesome.

I just did the math, and I believe the point total is quadrupled if the piece was done by one's self.


Yeah. The La Li Lu Le Lo is the comedy Hip Hop act that I do live out here. I make all the music by myself and then I put it into a sampler and then at the concerts it's just me on stage, I push the sampler button, the music starts, and I start rapping. Hahaha. ^_^ Although rap works better in English, even if you ask a Japanese person, the fact that they don't know that I'm talking about killing Kittychan takes away a BIG part of the effect. So I'm gonna try my best to make Japanese lyrics from now on. I've done one song in Japanese so far, and I don't know how I'll EVER make one as interesting as that one. Hahaha.

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