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Here comes my first submission (hopefully not my last). I'm still

learning how to make mixes and use the programs.

Remixer name : Razmanaz

Real name : Rasmus Karlberg

E-mail : RasMuX@gmail.com

Userid : 22416

Title : Boogie on the ice

Game : Ice Climber

Song : Theme song

Info : I always end up playing Ice climber when I'm drinking beer with my friends, and I've always loved the theme song. When I noticed that it uses a simple 12-bar blues scale I tried to fool around with it and came up with something that made me happy to listen to.


http://www.zophar.net/nsf/iceclimr.zip - Track 1

Pretty basic, bland bucket drum style opening picked up by the geetar fading in around :08. Possibly could have shaved something off the intro, but it's too serious a criticism as I see the build you were going for. Bassline joined in at :17 to the get the foundation of the theme in place, coasting for quite a while at that level.

The melody finally arrived at :58 on a pretty tacky e-piano that didn't have much presence; not a particularly strong choice of lead given how it's produced. The melodic interpretation value was pretty low. Not really getting too much going on beyond the basic genre adaptation.

The dropoff of instrumentation from 1:39-1:59 wasn't a bad idea in theory but left the track feeling very empty and exposed the lack of realism of the drumkit. Added a little funk guitar stuff on another iteration of the source at 1:59 before going for the gradual fadeout close at 2:20. Kind of a tease at more development of the arrangement, but ultimately not much anyway.

The sample quality was also a low point. The groove/overall flow was ok but the timing still felt rather robotic and rigid over the long haul. Even if you can't step up the sample quality itself, there should be more finesse in the sequencing so that the performance sounds more human, which is more important. I'll leave it to the others to provide better insight at that level.

Beyond the genre adaptation, the arrangement never really picked up besides doing a pretty basic cover of the theme. You really need to get more creative with the theme and give it a more personalized and unique interpretation within the framework of the genre. Solos, melodic alterations, new countermelodies, anything would have made the end result more interesting. A decent base, but too cover-ish and undeveloped an arrangement.




-A real toe-tapper

-Drums are weak

-Guitar sounds aight

-cymbal sample (and crash in general) is way overused

-No real interpretation beyond the insrumentation

-Need s'more expansion beyond the general vibe of the original chiptune.

-fadeout, booo

Not to say I didn't like it, but it's still not really got anything on the original other than better instruments. Needs a little more work. Not a bad first submission, though. Keep at it!



Yeah, while I was tapping my foot to the groove of this one, it's awfully close to the original. You've basically just taken the remix and ported the different parts to new instruments, while adding some simple accompaniment. The production is pretty much fine, though the drums sound kinda cheap and don't have a lot of variation. The main issue, by far, is that the arrangement is so basic. It just plays the theme and fades out. No solos, no tempo changes, no rhythm changes, no changes to the harmony or chord progression, no real funk or groove besides what the original already had. While it's a cool performance of the source tune, we are really looking for creative interpretations of video game music, rather than just covers; I suggest reading the submission standards and listening to more recently posted mixes to get a better idea of what we're looking for.

One last small suggestion: use a real bass, or at least a sample of one! The current synth bass is very plain.


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