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DJ Krush - Journey of time: Couple of questions

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Theres something about that beat that really captured my ear, it's a bit reptitive after awhile but it's one of those sounds I've been trying to make on my own for such a long time but I just can't seem to do it, can you guys help me create something similar?

It sounds like, wooden, creaky, steel-gridish. I really want to use these types of sounds in my music, another similar sound would be massive attack, angel.

all help is greatly appreciated.

I heard the beat was created with reason, which really surprized me, if thats true.

Also, I heard that music like this takes samples from a certain jazz cd or something and alter them, what is this all about?

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Um doesn't this belong in Remixing?

The way they're processed is more important than the samples themselves I think. The big booming kick pretty obviously is ran through some extreme Scream 4 setting (If it really is from Reason). I think you can get close to a lot of the effects by experimenting a bit with saturation, distortion and bit crushers etc.

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