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*NO* Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 'Zelda's Boogie'


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Dayum - LT

Hello, This my submission to Oc Remix:

Remixer Name: Manticore

Real Name: Alex Choiselat

E-mail: macw@mts.net

Id number: 22459


Game remixed: The Legend of Zelda: ocarina of time

Song: Zelda's Lullaby

Song attached and in link:

Comments: This is my first remix. I just always seem to be jamming and suddenly I'm playing zelda's lullaby, epona's song, or the American national anthem (odd seeing as I'm canadian) as one of my solos. So I figured why not make a real song out of one of these, so here is Zelda's Boogie. I tried playing zelda's lullaby over a boogie baseline and that sounded ok. But then I figured if I took G and made it G# (the riff is FGA-CG) it would sound Like a bend. So added in some harp, some piano, organ, randomn noises from my key board and mouth, and voila! I used a drum beat from the keyboard and a little accompaniment from it to. I hope that's alright.

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Recording has hiss all over the place, and there's delicious clipping as well. Vocals are... soulful. Instruments aren't terribly coordinated, which really just adds to the flavor. Arrangement is oddly the best part of this mix.


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http://www.zophar.net/usf/lozusf.rar - 26 "Zelda's Theme"

Wow, pretty poor recording quality, plus this clips and distorts like it's going out of style. The piano and drum sequencing at :15 is WAY too simplistic, cheap and mechanical. The harmonica work isn't bad at all though. I recognized the piano finally play the melody at :37 in the background, with the harmonica referring to the theme as well at 1:21. What instrument was that at 1:58. Man, some serious buzzing. The ending at 4:57 was so trite, it was pretty lame from a creative standpoint, but that was the least of the arrangement's problems.

Well, on the arrangement side, the source is definitely used enough, albeit in a very loose and unfocused way. While it should be more focused, I don't have a huge problem with what's in place given the genre, but the execution is all sorts of bad. :lol: You have a cool concept, and the harmonica performance was cool, but the sample, sequencing, and production quality drive the track way, way down. You've gotta step that up as even just a basic level. Our ReMixing forum is your friend.


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Well, what more to say? Clipping is noticeable, persistent, and bothersome. The approach is unique and daring. Even though from a production and performance standpoint this is a disaster, I still dig on it in a strange way--it reminds me of back when I used to record my guitar onto a tape player.

But as it is still, it's not going to cut it like it is. Use the remixing forum and IRC support.


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