Excellent excellent excellent! You know, I could just keep repeating excellent and you'd totally get what I'm trying to say with this review, but I'm not going to dumb myself down to pokemon intelligence until I make sure y'all get me.
This is one of the first songs that I tried on ole OC, and it wasn't long after that I made it my mission in life to suck up all this free music like a big, gluttonous mosquito. I was disappointed once I realized that most of the other remixes didn't please me nearly as much as this one (personally).
As I've said before, I'm a melody-centric guy, and you can totally take me on a journey through a great, rolling melody, and damn does this mix got one. This mix would've been used in the game had Snake ever started breaking down and crying like a baby over his own conflicting emotions and idealisms.
Well, I think that's all I can really say, besides that this is the second track in my personal "video game remix bestest" cd.
9.5/10. Recognize, this is one of the songs that makes this site impossibly fan-fricking-tastic like plastic elastic.
As I was saying, excellent excellent excellent excellent!
BTW, if you like acoustic guitar, you should be downloading this mix by now.