Let me start by saying this, The Panzer Dragoon series is one of the most underrated series ever created, and underrated in every aspect- gameplay, graphics, music, story... the works. The games have done something that very few games nowadays do.. Have an atmosphere and feel distinctly their own. Few series have been able to retain that individuality- and Orta is one of those games
This remix is something that can't be taken lightly. Even small details could make or break this song. When I saw this posted in the W.I.P. board, I about cried- at first because someone was ACTUALLY giving the game some much deserved credit, then because I realized that the smallest mistake could simply ruin it, utterly.
Fortunately, my worries were for naught. SGX and MC really pulled out all the stops on this one, and it shows crystal clear. From beginning to end this piece has the Panzer Dragoon series literally oozing from it. The epic sweep, the voice samples... I can close my eyes and picture the Dragon taking flight- weaving in and out of enemy fire, and taking on the genetic weapons and massive Imperial warships that made the series so memorable. More Than A Weapon delivers superbly, mixing the fast paced techno while judiciously maintaining the atmosphere of Orta. The only real qualm I have with this song is that it seems to start rather suddenly- but this is a pittance when compared to how incredible the song is as a whole, an insignificant foible that is forgotten seconds after.
SGX... MC... You two are simply amazing! An impressive piece in any way, shape, or form. OCR is all the better for including it.
-Yagami Iori
aka Archangel Tavin