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  • Real Name
    Kris Baumgartner

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Newbie (1/14)

  1. For anyone interested, you can find more of my old Perfect Dark remixes here. I may actually submit some of these myself this time depending on how OCReMix feels about it.
  2. Gray has a tight schedule full of sleeping, watching anime, and remastering Sephire's mix. <3 Gray
  3. I love the textures here, very organic and crisp. This song has a very ambient nature to it, after listening you hardly feel like 3 and half minutes have gone by at all, nice work.
  4. Well here is my quick mixdown: http://krispy.sleazyc.com/HetcenusMixdown.mp3 However, I found, disturbingly, that my ff C6 note is distorted slightly... very annoying indeed. This can do for now, but rest assured I will do something about that note... so every annoying.
  5. I'm just saying, I have a professional setup if you want the extra polish.
  6. Look, I have a nice piano sample, I will do it.
  7. Your transition at :11 is bad because its non existant. Start by making one . The beginning is nice, but I would hold a string chord for the tonal ambience. I suppose this use of slayer is passable, but as always, an actual synth would sound much fuller and more interesting. Good start, keep working at it.
  8. Give me the midi and Ill make you a rendering with my equipment.
  9. Larry's smell also drives nice boys temporarily insane.
  10. I'm never leaving the WIP boards again.
  11. Who is Paige and why should I hate him?
  12. God, Fusion2004 was the worst addition to a show since scrappy doo.
  13. Sign me up as a maybe. I love doing ethnic kind of stuff if you have ever heard my music, but I already have obligations to complete before starting on this one.
  14. Hahahahaha you are my hero Wingless.
  15. Wow that was a hot episode. I am already learning stuff about Aurora I would have never thought to ask!
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