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OCR/SEGA Europe Twitter contest! Congrats to the winners!

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THIS WEDNESDAY, June 17th, we're teaming up with SEGA Europe to give away SEGA swag in support of the US & European releases of the innovative music/rhythm game Let's Tap, out this week for the Wii! Along with other goodies, we've got THREE copies of the awesome Let's Tap official soundtrack that we want to hook you up with!

The contest is open to EVERYONE worldwide! (NOTE: It's throughout June 17th according to GMT-4/United States EST time. That may go into Thursday, June 18th for you Japanese, Australian and other Eastern hemisphere fans!)

In order to qualify, YOU HAVE TO BE FOLLOWING THE OCR Twitter, and then respond to our open-ended questions including the #LetsTAP hashtag! Meanwhile, I'll be randomly selecting winners from the responses! Remember, you have to be following http://twitter.com/ocremix to have your chance to win!

Be sure to join us for this 1-shot OCR/SEGA Europe "Win Stuff Wednesday!" And be sure to follow http://twitter.com/SEGA for the chance to win cool SEGA merch EVERY week with their Free Stuff Fridays!



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