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Posts posted by Brycepops

  1. I don't know what you mean by "that's how some people are"... I'm not sitting at home all day stressing out over every last little thing about the game. I really hope you're not trying to lump me into some sort of group of some kind. See above comments for why I'm not happy with this issue.

    Haha nah, I'm just saying that there are people that want something to show for their efforts and have every right to get mad when they get taken away for bullshit reasons.

  2. I don't see how this is a big deal. I don't even see how this is even worth making a topic about.

    I mean, really who stills plays Final Fantasy? Final, my ass. They've been final for the last twenty years, if it's so final, then stop making it over and over with nothing changed between each one. It's all the same thing, over and over again and why are you people paying for this? It's like those stupid football games that are the same every year, but they take ten times as long because all the shitty emofag characters are busy talking about emofag shit over and over again. Big swords, spikey hair, emoting over something gay and then the eight minute long attack that never works.

    Fucking japanime emofaggery bullshit, that's all it is. (Too subtle?)

    Get the fuck out of here if you're going to be a prick.

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