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Everything posted by WesPip

  1. No problem. Uh..these...we don't really need to use, unless so desired...but I was bored, and wanted to see how they'd look so...rar?
  2. Just erase the background. Personally, I think mine is more badge-sized, but we'll wait for input from the rest of the clan before we reach any sort of consensus.
  3. Heh, looks good, but I'm gonna attempt to clean it up a little more. More as the story develops... edit: full sized: badge-sized: Comments?
  4. Yeah, we're all aware. It's just really hard to work on a tiny thing, so once it's done, we'll just shrink it down to the desired size, and all will be well. On a non-badge-related note, who's planning on being on tonight?
  5. Heheh...it's definitely getting there ; I prefer the white text, but...i think you just...used a fill tool on the letters, rather than typing in white? But yeah, clean up the right skull a little more, maybe soften the edges of the controller, and it'll be just about right.
  6. As am I...but like you said, the blue font does not work with that... But its coming along nicely. I can hardly wait to use my precious badge with pride
  7. We need your gamertag. And red, that's pretty great, but We [or...me, at least] are [am] looking for something quite a bit smaller. Of course, if it turns out awesome in the 'final draft', we might be willing to stick with something that size. We shall see.
  8. I LIKE IT. We were doing so good in that one match. Well, I was. If your scores had been proportional to mine in the way that they normally are, we would've won so much faster. YOU SLACKERS. *cracks the whip* Also, Icy...you missed quite the match. We were playing against a bunch of prepubescents, and they rivalled that one match's annoyingness. Also, they insulted Lazy by calling 'er...*GASP*...it's too horrible to say...so i'll make it really small. A GIRL! THE HORROR. Also, that match that stuck us against a level 8 clan...total bull. BAH! Eh, most of the matches were fun, at least. I do enjoy playing with the lot of you mint-donut nubs.
  9. ... Well the overlord says yes, so BADGES HO! So..c'mon..volunteers. They don't need to be anything big or fancy, just something similar to the "I saw The $350 Hat Thread", "I Saw LJU Banned", those sorts of things. Only..more...clan-related.
  10. Yes. Yes we should. Who's up for the task? I'm not too great at PS or anything, as noted by my sig [which was..made by me, and..yeah]. So...who wants to make Team OCRemix badges?
  11. Hm, good times tonight. Wish I had known we allowed melee's. DAMN YOU LAZY. Dunno if I'll be on tomorrow or not, and I won't be on Saturday. Just a heads-up. Don't miss me too much. edit: and wingles, where have you been, EH?
  12. 'Tis quite awesome. Oh, yeah...thanks for making that ReBoot logo all cleaned up and stuff. In conjuction with that and Joyzilla, my sig is finally complete. Woot. So thanks all who had a part in it.
  13. They're not magic, they just help in the execution of the Secret Box Technique. Yep, that's why we're here. Also, if Icy starts abusing glitches in any ranked games, Wingless or I will just boot 'im. Same goes for any of you. Of course, it's different if we're just messing around in a custom game. Sniping Lazy in a Warthog from on top of the roof in Zanzibar=okay. Just don't snipe me from there.
  14. Good call Red. Also, i forgot to mention, I won't be on tomorrow night. I've plans. PLANS. So...good luck without me?
  15. Heh... Do I sense a Peon-ization in his future? Only time will tell.
  16. Well, that's yet to happen, so it's not a big concern. So far, we've never had more than...8 people, i believe...on at one time. As for the time, I'm still too lazy to check, but that sounds right. When in doubt, and too lazy to check a timezone chart, sign on every hour til everyone's on. Then you'll know
  17. XeLa invite is sent, via Spleen. Marius invite is sent, via me. Invites are up-to-date. And nobody was on today. Well...pretty much nobody. So i continued my Campiagn mode, and then rolled along my katamari. Whatever works.
  18. Technically, Friend Requests aren't mandatory...not infrequent, but not mandatory either. Anyone in the clan [Member, Staff, or Overlord...any rank but Peon] can send you [or any other Live user, for that matter] a clan invite. I'll try to get on tomorrow before the Mother's Day stuff starts, so as to get the invite out of the way before I...procrastinate more? You'll have an invite waiting for you before Monday, for sure. I'll send one [assuming nobody else has yet] when i get home from said holiday stuffs, but the time is currently unknown. Point is, you don't actually need to do anything except wait and accept.
  19. Don't worry, TheWingless and LazyLeaf bring us down too, and I haven't booted 'em...yet. *snicker* No seriously, we dont care, as long as you're not a dick 'Tis a clan more for fun than skill...since...most of us=not very good. And XeLa, we kinda need your Gamer Tag to send you an invite.
  20. Weekend time: maybe. Emblems: no. Just..no.
  21. Oh well...as the Overlord [and one of the less capable PLAYERS], let me be the first [well, second probly, redchlorine..] to welcome you into the clan. So..welcome aboard.
  22. Heh, thats what I did for MrB, but he's been slacking off on his Live lately. And yeah, NP Deimos . Uh..in case it's not obvious, I'm not on tonight. Too much stuff to do...probly wont be on again 'til Sunday.
  23. I'm also confuzzled by that...'cause you and Lazy died, but...i didn't. I just kinda sat in the turret, wondering why you both died. And Anti-Government is SO BAD-ASS! I wish I could be anti-government. Wait, wait...i feel it coming on... PAUL MARTIN IS UGLY. OMG! I'M ANTI-GOVERMENT!
  24. *wonders if anyone remembers him*
  25. I wouldn't say we got owned, per se...we were against experienced n00bs [anyone who was in that match knows what i mean], then we pwn3d ourselves. Plenty of betrayals for all. Good times. Anyways, I'll be on tonight too.
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