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Everything posted by WesPip

  1. .. Sorry guys, I bought Xenosaga the other day. I'm an RPG whore, so that's taking priority over Halo2 ATM. Eh, i'll be back eventually. And easier to kill than ever before. Woo-hoo! [maybe by then I'll have my nice little pogo ninja? hmm?]
  2. I'd just like to point out the top-right corner of that picture. "WESLEY treat". *points to first half of name* COINCIDENCE? I think not. It's apparent that Aurora wants ME, not wingles.
  4. *votes* Also, for the record, I gave VGDJ a little plug on another site I go to. It has a pretty small active member base, but...better than nothing. Woo.
  5. Actually saw Schmop on yesterday night. The madness! 'Course he's not in the clan anymore, but nevertheless...[and he's now just as mic-less as lasakon. tsk]. Played a few games with metrion though. Woo?
  6. Cheers.
  7. Already there. I just need my pitchfork...
  8. Yeah, I noticed that when I first touched up the badges, but it was just easier to ignore than to fix. Whee.
  9. OMG. I almost forgot about you...
  10. Heh, that sounds awesome, as long as you don't STEAL OUR MONEY AND RUN OFF TO MEXICO. Or..something. Also, MAKE MY DAMNED POGO NINJA. :'(
  11. I'd just like to say something. I was playing a game with Deimos and Sonic, and started singing The Music of My Groin. I'm ashamed to say, they had NO idea what I was talking about, and thought I was mildly insane. So now, as a public service announcement to the clan, I present the following link. The Music of My Groin I'm ashamed of you Deimos and Sonic. Ashamed. Has i been playing with Red or Deej, or most other clan members for that matter, they'd have started singing along. But you, no. SHAME ON YOU.
  12. Trust me, it's not as great as they make it sound. Lies! Still working my way through the archives. Only 11, 12, 13, and 14 left. Heh.
  13. Eh, decent animation. Personally I've seen better on DA and SA... =PBut big time flash people like legendaryfrog are just assholes who never talk to anyone =P So screw them. Stick with the small time guys who actually care about what people think and will make gifts for ya. *cough*pogoninja*cough*
  14. Still making my way through in chronological order... just listened to 007. Very nice Rama. Very nice.
  15. For the record, I'm getting around to listening to the old ones, finally. The new ones shall come..uh..after I'm done with the old ones. Also, Aurora's a much better host[ess] than is Fusion2004. *nods*
  16. Hey Sonic, don't forget THIS match. So close to finishing it...so close...
  17. I wonder if any of our American friends on the site understood the full awesomeness of that severance package? side note: I dunno, seems like a fair enough trade. you think pixie's up for it? ^^
  18. You know you wanna... I do know I wannah.. I also know I can't..ah. Its impossiblah. FYI, if you go, you're taking me with you. Smuggle me in a suitcase or something.
  19. I say go with CC Ricers'. Looks to be the best of the three, methinks. I'm quite bored at the moment. I think I'll do this. *nods* edit: yup, here 'tis. Killed some time. Woo! YOU ARE A GOD!!!!!!!!!!!! Heh..heh. Thanks. Glad you like it.
  20. I'm quite bored at the moment. I think I'll do this. *nods* edit: yup, here 'tis. Killed some time. Woo!
  21. You shouldn't have any remorse, so long as you also bought Canvas Curse. You'd damn well better have, or you're like...out of the clan. Or something.
  22. Yeah... As far as I know it is o.o Yep, what Deej said. 'Tis indeed. Haven't been playing much lately, not feeling really Halo'y. I'll probly start up again in the near future though.
  23. Yeah...A quick job is not a high quality job. I've been having a headache for the last few days, and it bothers me...I guess I should stop making sigs for a while. Heh, if it's any consolation, mine didn't really turn out any better. Better than mine. Add some red in there and you're golden (Y'know, the whole "fire and ice" thing ). Bah, it looked better with BLUE fire. Trust me
  24. Yeah...A quick job is not a high quality job. I've been having a headache for the last few days, and it bothers me...I guess I should stop making sigs for a while. Heh, if it's any consolation, mine didn't really turn out any better.
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