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Posts posted by BlueMage

  1. So I think it stands to reason that this is, in fact, one of the best releases of late. Between Nicole's fantastic beats, glitchy n' all, and injury's silky smooth vocals, I must say, I really, really love this track. This remix is put together very, very well. You want high quality remixing? You just got it.

    Well done ladies, well done indeed.

    This man has said all I would say.

  2. Some BG2 goodness

    Here are some of the funnier bits:

    Sarevok: I orchestrated a war to slaughter thousands. I have felt the cold embrace of death. I have witnessed the horrors of the abyss. But you, Viconia... you scare me.

    Imoen: So... Sarevok. You've had an itty-bitty piece of my soul in there for quite a while now. What's it been like?

    Sarevok: Well, other than a slight obsession with my weight and the resurgence of a few pimples, it's been simply grand.

    Dradeel: One has lots of time for reflection while waiting for the ENDLESS WAVES OF BAD DOGGIE WEREWOLF MONSTERS THAT CHEW YOUR TOES WHILE YOU SLEEP!

    Sarevok: Ranger, turn your rodent's gaze another direction! I will not be scrutinised as though by some ridiculous divining rod!

    Minsc: Boo has an uncanny judge of character, but you... you give him trouble.

    Sarevok: I'll give him more than that if this continues! I nearly conquered a nation! I will not be judged by a creature that stores nuts in its cheeks!

    Jan: Hey! I resemble that remark.

    Sarevok: Trust me, gnome, you do not want to partake in my wrath this day.

    Minsc: Food storage aside, Boo controls himself far better than you do. Do you see him ranting about mere glances? Let's look.

    Sarevok: What?

    Minsc: See? No rant. In fact, now he is snuffling about for a comfy place to sleep. Admirable restraint.

    Sarevok: I'm still in Hell, aren't I? This is insanity.

    Minsc: Ah, finally a calming look comes across your face. Boo's handiwork, no doubt? Doesn't that feel better?

    Sarevok: Let's... let's go kill something. Soon.

    Keldorn: Imoen! What... are you pawing at me yet again? Do you think I do not notice? You are attempting to pickpocket me, aren't you?

    Imoen: Well, no... I just...

    Keldorn: Just what? Out with it girl. I won't have a party member stealing from me.

    Imoen: No, no, that's not it! I... I was just... I was just trying to find out if you're as muscular under your armour as you look. Oh, I know that you're married and all that Keldorn... but do you have *any* idea how good you look? I... I can't help myself, I just what to touch you all the time!

    Keldorn: Imoen! I... I have a daughter that is the same age as you!

    Imoen: I don't know what it is Keldorn, maybe it's the Bhaal essence in me. I just want to run my fingers through your hair and nibble on your ears! Oh, Keldorn, you drive me so wild!

    Keldorn: By Torm, no! This is terrible! I... I had no idea I had this effect on you...

    Imoen: Oh get over yourself already, Keldorn! Sheesh.

    [imoen giggles]

    Imoen: Here's your ring back. I won't take it again, I promise.

    You sir have made my day.

  3. I grow tired of yelling battle cries when fighting this mage! Boo will finish your eyeballs once and for all so he does not rise again!


    "YES! Lead evil by example, and one day we'll need not put the boot to those who stray from goodness into the muck and bile of villany and track great, bloody footprints across our lily-white tiles! BOO WILL HAVE CLEAN WOODSHAVINGS YOU EVIL BASTARDS!"

  4. its true that a photovoltaic cell is relatively poor and producing energy even in ideal conditions. this is acceptable because of the small size of the cell (there can be many in a small area) and mostly the shear abundance of an ample intensity of sunlight. sterling engines, while they have a higher possible potential, require more strict conditions to function in, they need really intense sunlight to create high temperature differences. at least this is my understanding. theyre also rather large and heavy(it would require a large parabola to compliment it) and ive only seen about 4 in my life so i wouldnt know where to buy a used one. anyway, its not that im trying to squash your idea, i dont want to brush the idea off. i think csp's are really awesome and i hope that we start seeing more of them

    I understand mate - all of what you've said is true. I would add further that my thoughts on using a CSP would be it doesn't power a single unit, but a collection of units

  5. Yea I think its a neat idea too.

    "The gameplay is simple and the cut scenes are hippy propaganda, what else is there to say?" quoth SA forums.

    I'd agree about the gameplay but I think solar power is an issue which needs more light shed on it.

    Oh ho ho ho, I see what you did there.

    An inspired idea, but solar panels may not necessarily be the best option. Has your friend considered CSP (Concentrated Solar Plant) as an alternative? Good ol' Stirling cycle engines and the like?

  6. I'm not really into the whole operation system wars and technical aspects and all, plus I don't care enough to keep up with the news, but I can't help but wonder why did Microsoft decide to start working on a whole new operating system?

    They're not. WIndows 7 is Windows Vista 2.0, just a different name so as to avoid the (ignorant) bad press of Vista.

    Why can't they just take the steps to improve Vista? Ya know, get rid of useless features (UAC!!!), improve performance, security, and compatibility issues.

    UAC isn't useless - were it linux, you'd be typing a password every time. And as a non-administrator user, you DO type a password every time.

    Vista's security - out of the box - shits all over any version of Windows previous. They've actually thought about the design of the OS with security in mind this time. Performance .... well, run it on the appropriate hardware and you'll have wonderful performance. I know I do. I don't have what would be considered a top-end beast anymore.

    As for compatability, the reason for incompatability most of the time is that previously, the Windows system folder and Program Files system folder were whores - open to everyone. In Vista, they're prudes. Which is great from a security perspective. Unfortunately, software developers didn't want to change the way they've always done things, so things broke.

    IMO, it just seems like Microsoft is trying to keep up with the Joneses.

    That, unfortunately, is the name of the game in marketing. It's all one-up-manship and me-too-ism.

  7. Dhsu pretty much answered it but I'll elaborate.

    Not so much not actually playing it, it's more based on whether my pc can play it. What good is a game that won't play at least decently enough on my system..? Rather than letting it sit aside as nothing more than paper weight, I'd wouldn't mind selling it to some one who can play it and enjoy it. Which also made me consider selling my older stuff since currently they are all nothing more than one time expensive, now relatively cheap paper weights.

    As for not considering getting the PS3/360 version, I just don't have an xbox360 nor a ps3, still waiting for the titles that would eventually push me enough to get a system; more likely the PS3...

    There's a simpler reason to not get the X360/PS3 verion - they're consoles. And this looks to be pretty FPSy. FPSs bite on consoles.

  8. I put SP1 on it yesterday and it's still asking me for security confirmations every time I wanna install something or make any major change.

    Well DUH!

    Both are actions that can severly compromise your machine.

    And this to everyone else bitching about not being able to afford a new machine:

    Most of you live in fucking America - you pay roughly 1/3 of what I do for equivalent hardware. I'm upper-middleclass, but I still make my purchases sparingly - and yet I was still able to put together a machine that (in addition to be modelled very closely on the PCPP Beast of the time) could and does handle Vista with ease.

    You have NOTHING to complain about.

    I'm not even going to start on how much I paid for my Eee compared to what I should've paid.

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