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Posts posted by BlueMage

  1. I have no clue how you dont have driver issues with 64x <_<. But. When I reformatted last time. did the same thing. and when i go to startup repair. it will remove the recent program I installed. If i were to reformat. im sure i would get the same problem again. my Fan is all dusty, so i had to get an undercooler for this so it didnt overheat the power supply and shut down.

    About the BSoD. It was only a Brief flash, but I seen it. Does it eh, once or twice a month. Funny thing is. It did the same thing when i downloaded bit torrent. did the startup repair and it removed it.

    I doubt ill get another BSOD though, tough luck getting that code =/ ill give it a shot tonight after work though.

    She probably doesn't get the driver issues with 64x the same way I don't - by using standard hardware.

    I swear, it's you morons still struggling on the 32-bit versions of Vista that are causing all the problems. Switch to Ultimate for fuck's sake.

  2. I tried Linux today. What a pile of nerdy shit. All the major proponents on a linux message board were like, "You are just used to windows. Linux is better." Well that may be true to some extent, but then I remembered the time I tried my friend's apple computer. Sure, maybe Linux is better for servers, but it's a fucking joke as a desktop.

    I will give it credit though, Linux is good for old computers. I have no experience with servers, but I have heard it is good for that too. It's also free with lots of cool goodies and downloads.

    You simply haven't tried a good linux for desktops.

    Might I recommend Vector Linux or Puppy Linux.

  3. The cartoon made by the Power Puff Girls creator was way better. WAY better.

    Also, why are they so stuck on that one episode of the movies? Too much Clone Wars material... How about something in the latter episodes? Or are they too worried about the retroactive continuity since there most probably will be a new trilogy eventually?

    Mostly because until now, the Clone Wars was untouchable by EU writers - it was Lucas's private little playground, and all that could be mentioned was clones, war, jedi, and mental instability.

    Now that this new vista has been opened up, folks be jumping on it.

    Also, new trilogy should either cover Bane or Thrawn. And by Thrawn, I mean all six book titles. So more of a hexology than a trilogy, but minor detail.

  4. In order to get someone down, you either force them down or throw them down. Once they're down, you effect a pin. Granted, it's easier if they're tired, but not if you're tired as well. Furthermore, some of the best pins (and throws) can be effected by the tangling effect of grabbing a gi (either on the attacking or defending).

  5. I ended up watching a bit of the Women's Judo matches last night.

    Now, I don't mean to be presumptuous here but ... well, I'm a giant hulking male, fairly powerful and able to overpower most opponents by strength. That said, it's beyond me why in most of the judo rounds, both women seemed to be trying to overpower each other rather than throw each other. Against someone of equal bulk, there's little point that I can discern in trying to overpower them, as at best we'll both get tired and at worst, I'll have severely underestimated their strength.

    Can any explain this to me?

    Also, I was impressed that the little Italian girl got her arm almost torn off and handed to her, and then continued the match.

  6. Bullshit. There's basically half the population paying at least a moderate attention to the Olympics and those who don't. I tend to equate non-sports appreciators as mostly blobs of meat, so there's my assessment.

    Well, I admit, I am overweight (rapidly changing however) but blob of meat would be a gross exaggeration even at my heaviest.

  7. I would not get a Macbook Pro. I would not get a Macbook Air.

    Also, Vista is only slow if you put it on hardware it's not intended for.

    I'm just going to go back to playing some good ol' DOS games on my Eee now.

  8. Buy an EEE-pc for laptop duties, and build a desktop.

    Second recommendation of EeePC.

    And I cannot believe I'm saying this but, if your uni has a WPA2-encrypted wireless using PEAP I cannot recommend the linux version of the Eee - I've never been able to get it working quite right. Probably I don't have the appropriate certs in place or something similar, but the PEAP setup is fairly straight forward with windows and the latest Eees have XP preloaded (yes, that shits me).

  9. Hot shit! Steppo, this is the final version of the one you let me preview a few months back, no? If so, damn man ... I thought the early versions were awesome, but ... goddamn. That's all I can say. Goddamn.

    I'm not the demonstrative sort. I'm really not. Ask JamPaladin. But damn, this makes me just want to close my eyes and rock my head in time.

    Easy 5-star, going straight on my iPod when I get home and would be on there right the fuck now if I had my cable with me.

  10. Benny: "Is someone there? Hello?! ... must've been rats..."

    Thief: The Dark Project in response to almost seeing/hearing Garrett

    JC Denton: "You can have my pistol - that'll keep you safe."

    Deus Ex when requested to hand over a weapon for protection. Other options include shotties or knives. Given the calibre of what it was going to be used against (and who would be using it), all are useless and the fool is likely to get himself killed.

  11. This mix freaked me out at first - it came up in my playlist, thought "Hmm, not bad ... don't recognise it though." Yet, I can't say I was entirely surprised to see both Zircon and Sixto on it.

    I'd like to say I particularly like the "Surf's Up" reference mid-track. I think it's "Surf's Up" - it has a distinctly surf-rock feel. All in all, a definite keeper.

    But then, I think everyone knew that - it was made by both Sixto and Zircon.

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