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Posts posted by BlueMage

  1. With the recent "dethroning" of OOT by Galaxy as the highest rated game ever, my friends were all whining about how awesome Ocarina of Time was and how Galaxy, while apparently awesome, is nowhere near the level of OOT. I shamefully confessed that I could never get into Ocarina of Time, and everyone stared daggers at me.

    Am I such a terrible human being for not really caring for this game?

    Yes, you are a terrible person. Go cut yourself.

    If it didn't jive with you that's fine, doesn't make you a pedophile.

    Yes it does.

  2. The theme which bears a striking similarity to the opening mission theme. And yes, I know DS has already given us a nice mellow variant of this, but I'm looking for something more energetic.

    Any mixers wishing to try their hand with the electric guitar, please give this one consideration.


  3. Preordered PC version. Yes, that means I wait a few extra months for it. It also means I can play it on my beast.

    We may just have a worthy contender for the title of Thief-Killer.

    My favorite series being Thief, but the AI in those is so retarded

    No! Benny is awesome!

  4. Am I the only one that thinks that apple keyboards are butt-ugly?

    Just terrible. My university has few of these Macs and at first, I was happily supprised. Then I was lightly anoied, when I found out that I didn't know how to operate the system. Well, this was someting that I could still live with. Lean something new everyday and so forth. BUT THE KEYBOARD!!! OH GOD!!

    No, they are terrible. More than that, my fingers don't work properly on them. My fingers DEMAND large chunky keys to press, not these little tiny nodules that barely depress at all.

  5. Hopefully Capcom continues the series in the tradition of SF3; a refined, technical fighter with an even pace. I don't care too much for the hectic flashiness that characterized their MvC games.

    How in the fuck do you actually play those anyway?!

  6. Most definitely DX10 capable. Bioshock? I can run that baby at highest quality on 1680*1050. Crysis? Dunno, but I'm keen to find out!

    To Hyperion: Yes, DX10 is the way it'll be. Vista isn't an ME already, and for one simple reason: It's stable. Yes, it's stable. Sure, I can crash it, but damned if I don't have to set my mind to doing so.

  7. What DJP has mentioned is news to me - obviously, I haven't made enough use of my network!

    Because aside from that, I will say that Vista does not suck. I'll go so far as to say that it never actually sucked, but was instead unsuited to what you wanted it to do. I've got Vista Ultimate x64 on my machine, and I wouldn't even think of going back to XP now.

  8. J. C. Denton. Because I'm obviously a nanotechnologically augmented secret agent in the employ of a United Nations task force created ostensibly for the purpose of being able to combat global terrorism when in fact I'm merely a pawn for a power-mad cabal of technophiles who seek to use the augmentation architecture to turn themselves into living Universal Constructors that they might rule the world by becoming literal gods with the power to see build or do anything.

    And I fucking dare you to say that all in one go.

  9. Noone mentioned 300 because it was a really really really bad remake.The fighting scenes sucked and wolves and rhinos don't look like giant monsters from some other planet.The people who did the remake did a horrible job.Watch the original.It actually stays with the facts.It's called 300 Spartans.

    No-one cares. Because 300 is fucking epic.

    You don't watch 300 for a history lesson.

  10. We have a thread on it in OT, but for those who missed it:

    It's averaging a 99/100

    PC Gamer (UK): 95%

    PC Zone: 96/100

    Eurogamer: 10/10

    Gamer TV: 5/5

    Game Informer: 10/10

    AP Magazine: 5/5

    Computers and Video Games: 9.5/10

    Gamepro 5/5

    1UP: 10/10

    Xbox World: 94/100

    Gamespy: 5/5

    Console and Gameworld: 99/100

    IGN: 9.7/10

    GameTap: 10/10

    UGO: A

    Games Radar: 10/10

    PLayboy: 4/4

    Console Game World: 99/100

    Team Xbox: 9.5/10

    That, ladies and gentleman, is what you call a pedigree. As the reviews are coming in, it's becoming a dwindling possibility any other game takes Game of the Year.

    I would just like to contribute from PCPowerPlay, Australia's premier PC gaming mag: The first 10/10 I can remember them handing out - I don't think even Half-Life 2 got that.

    Also, Mr Bottle Rocket, Irrational Games made System Shock 2 with Looking Glass Studios, the folks who made the Thief series and from whom Ion Storm Austin arose (creators of Deus Ex)

    Also, my girlfriend has announced she will buy it for me. My life is awesome.

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