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Posts posted by BlueMage

  1. Probably is. Also, there's a little beauty of a thing called wine - basically acts as an API layer between windows programs and the linux kernel. Interestingly, some benchmarks actually show that programs running through wine run faster (in some instances, up to 30% faster) than running natively on Windows. Can't comment on Reason, but I'm pretty sure there're a few decent audio creation programs that'll run on linux. It's all about choice, eh?

  2. You probably can get a copy of WinXP with it. I personally haven't tried. The OS it comes with is easy enough to use, and unless you're using some very specialised programs, should have everything you'd need to start with. Skype works out of the box, webcam works out of the box, voice control is pretty good, OpenOffice Writer/Calc/Impress for your doc/xls/ppt needs.

    The big thing is the fact that the wireless works (practically) flawlessly. (I say practically because it still has a few hiccups with WPA2 and it can't handle PEAP authentication either, but for a home network that's overkill anyway).

    As for fan noise ... I personally haven't noticed it.

    If you are going to go for XP though, I'd recommend you look into a stripped down version (Embedded XP or XP Naked edition or something like that) as you'll get your main functionality without all the half-finished crap they forgot about until Vista.

  3. I've got one. 4G version. Black.

    Simply put, I love it. I don't have WinXP on it. I've got Xandros on the solid-state drive and I run Puppy Linux off of the SD card reader. Considering the specs, this baby flies and I've had nothing but joy from it.

    Now, they won't be made fanless any time soon simply because they use Celeron chips. Celerons, as you may know, have a few issues with extra heat generation compared to equivalent pentiums, and are terrible when compared to Core 2 Duos. However, if you stick with the Linux option, I guarantee you will not find this to be an issue.

    I would also point out that Asus is looking to discontinue the 7" range, and replace it with a 9" range (key difference will be a slightly-less cramped keyboard and a 1024*800 resolution, up from 800*480). That said, I'm a giant hulking male of 6'4" and I find the keyboard fine to use.

    The best part is I can literally take this thing anywhere - it weighs less than a kilo, so I barely even notice it's in my bag at times.

  4. The real world.

    I'm trading in an undergrad business program with honours in accounting for a job at an accounting firm as a CA student.

    Goodbye paying money to study my ass off, hello working full time and studying my ass off.

    that's what I'm doing - the working full time and studying full time I mean.

    I'm lucky however - QUT's current engineering masters courses are geared around people working, so it's all after-hours classes, and a subject is covered entirely in 5-6 weeks - two weeks intensive lectures (Tuesday and Thursday evenings, all-day Saturday) and then an assignment and an exam. And then onto the next subject! I'm currently halfway through Maintenance and Reliability Management, and with only another three subjects to go.

    Work's also cool with it - they're more interested in results than hours spent getting them. So if I rock up for only four hours a day and yet still give them the results they want, they're happy. Which means I get paid. Which makes me happy. Oh, and the work is interesting, uses my undergrad degree, and is of a suitably challenging nature.

    Yeah, my life rocks.

  5. Visuals reminded me of the zero punctuation guy (who I'm not especially fond of) but they essentially worked.

    Yeah, that's what I thought - "He's trying to be Yahtzee... he's failing it. Fairly miserably."

    And yeah, what's with the "white men with stubble" trend??

    Fast beard growth is an indication of high testosterone levels (ie, increased levels of MANLINESS) and you have to admit, when the shit hits the fan, and the world needs saving, you don't want a pussy going out there and fighting for you - you want a guy who'se man enough to fuck anything that moves, and has the chin stubble to prove it.

  6. Wait. You mean *GASP* they're putting in software features which require fairly recent hardware?! THE SHOCK.

    No, seriously - you get a Core 2 Duo (which is pretty standard for now) and you'll be able to run at least one virtual machine at full core-speed emulation. And if I wanted to, say, play Thief 2 or Deus Ex, my virtual machine is still going to have cycles to spare.

    Finally, a real answer to Compatability Mode.

  7. awesome! maybe this time we won't get a load of crap, like what vista is now.

    I reject this - Vista runs everything I want it to, all crashes being due to shonky drivers on third-parties' fault.

    Yes, yes, I've heard all the horror stories. I don't care. IT WORKS.

    And it boots faster than the lightweight linux distro I've got on here too. Yes, you heard me - Vista boots faster than linux.

    If you want to run Vista, run it on the hardware it's intended for.

  8. Alternatively, keep the machine you've got now, and put a lightweight linux distro on it. I'd recommend Vector Linux as it's my preferred distro, but also because it's fairly light and has good dev support - if need be, you can simply grab the source code for your emulator of choice and compile it. I've done that with ZSNES, VBA, and a few others quite well.

  9. Thanks for this.

    I've always liked Deus Ex and it's music, especially the track that plays while in Hong Kong, i forget what it's called but i love it.

    There are several - "The Synapse" for the streets when you first escape the helipad (ohshit spoilers), "Desolation" for the canal, and "Hong Kong Action" for the fights.

  10. Mate of mine was running a modified D20 tabletop, using classes adapted from Final Fantasy (or more specifically, 8-bit Theatre) but they already had a BlackMage. Cue the BlueMage, able to learn any magic used on him and hurl it back at his foes. And in keeping, such a character would be called BlueMage.

    It turns out that a dual-wielding half-dragon with an acid wit can do more damage by taunting than by actually hurling spells. Even moreso when you successfully taunt the DM. And of course, critically failing to teach another party member a spell when they critically succeeded to learn it - it's quite amusing to see a 2nd level spell backfire such that the DM just tosses all his dice to determine damage.

    Anyways, it didn't last, but the handle did - I was BlueMage ever since.

  11. It's because I'm Canadian, isn't it. You all are fucking anti-Canadian! Aren't you? Don't den it, you raci... nationalists? Countyists? What's the word I'm looking for here? Whatever it is, that's what you all are!

    Fuck you all, I'm going ice fishing!

    I believe the term you're looking for is "pricks." Or if you're feeling especially pissed off, "cock-gobbling sons of whores."

  12. norg seems to have a talent for excellent guitar work. Also quite good at mixing source tunes without developing medleyitis. Ever heard Black Ice? I know I hear the S3K Robotnik theme mixed in seemlessly, just as here I can hear the Moon theme mixed with others in a way that makes their joining sound natural.

    Another 5-star track for the mp3 player.

  13. So Judges, the girls in the uni's cheerleading club were flirting with me on the market days (my manly self was maning the marital arts club stall, across from the Pastafarians and next to the Christians. Great day of laughs) and they said I should sign up because they needed hefty guys to throw around the cute smaller girls. I declined, citing lack of flexibility.

    Did I miss out on a great opportunity for extracurricular activties that may or may not have led to me being slapped by my girlfriend?

  14. Hahahaha, I've got a less-polished version of this somewhere, when it was just entitled "Airman" and because I couldn't find it again afterwards, I simply attributed it to Random Emo Band. Good to have a newer version, with a name to put to it too.

    Strangely though, some elements of the first version shine more than they do in this one. I note expanded lyrics though.

    Good enough for me, it shall take the place of its predecessor 'pon my music devices.

  15. Oooh, I'm liking this. So far, captures Mr Brandon's original quite nicely. Builds up well to my (untrained) ear. Like whatever those are that come in around 2:56, flesh things out nicely they do.

    overall, it does sound repetitive, but given the source track, I won't say that's inappropriate.

    I'd also be keen to hear your other Deus Ex stuff - it just doesn't get the love it deserves.

  16. Also speaking of Evangelion i hate that show, though i own all the original DVDs. While i was still watching and buying it I was enjoying it alot. Looking back I can't see what really compelled me to keep watching.

    So, I'm not the only one. Good.

    Also, everyone, stop bitching about dubs. Full Metal Panic is a masterful display of dubbing done RIGHT.

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