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Everything posted by Tex

  1. And this black dating thing in the front page is clearly played out.
  2. Larry is getting even worse at singing. His voice is horrible as usual.
  3. And that is relevant how? Now I can upload my own stuff to the front page. It's perfect.
  4. Enhanced goes for the arrangement, not the samples.
  5. Nothing. It is the same. Wait. Now we can post our own stuff in the front page anytime we want? Then it is much better.
  6. There was a guest feature, yes. People could post in UnMod without the need of registering.
  7. There was an alternate edit of this crud:
  8. This is the Lurk More-Chan. Hi to all our lurkers! Lurk more.
  9. I am pretty sure I found this pic in UnMod, not anywhere else.
  10. Left to right: Analoq, Unforgiving Edges, Neminem.
  11. Nope. There is another reason I am doing this: +1 I too, had this one saved because the owner of this gif is a fucking hilarious guy. I have one more:
  12. Well... not really. Still a lot of people, though.
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