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Everything posted by Tex

  1. There is nothing to apologize for. You came here to share your stuff; there is no problem with that. You do not need to become an active member if you don't want to. It is entirely up to you.
  2. You guys are always talking about hate. Let's talk about love.
  3. Because it deserves its own spotlight in a cleaner page.
  4. The color is red. That is all someone needs to know.
  5. Quoting Rexy without stating a reason for it. Well, not really. It is because she is a female. And Monobrow is a female too. I will send something to both once this album is publically available.
  6. Posting after Monobrow without stating a reason for it.
  7. Ugh. It was horrible. I am horrible.
  8. You sure waste no opportunity to remind everyone of this fact.
  9. http://www.remix.thasauce.net http://olremix.org
  10. And here I was, thinking he was saying McVaffe did a remix of the single snes title called Blackthorne, but no... it is another of those "oh my god... FINAL FANTASY REMIXES". Duh.
  11. Happy Birthday, Beethoven. Wait a moment...
  12. Well I do not use this program. I don't know how it works, but I think you can't really learn much from it. I am talking about actual programming; the real deal, if you will. When you understand how it works, it is a lot more fun: http://www.ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=17871 I made this player a while ago; entirely done by coding. Sure it is a difficult thing at first (there was some stuff that should be improved), but it was quite fun to make. Quite much so. It takes a lot of effort, but hell... the results are very rewarding.
  13. Do you really think so? Programming is the best part. No. I do not use RPG M*k*r. No. I am talking about actual programming languages.
  14. I would like to replace an avatar already in the site; it is Brad Fang from Contra HardCorps. ^ It is the one I am currently using. This picture is not bad, but there is some blur in the edge. Could you pick the one below instead? It has a better looking: And since I am here, I am posting all the other Contra Hard Corps playable characters: Ray Poward: Sheena Etranzi: Browny: More Contra HardCorps. Colonel Bahamut: Dr. Geo Mandrake: Deadeye Joe: Noiman Cascade: Random Enemy Soldier Air Police Pilot Alien Recruiter Pretty much all portraits from the game now. LT: I didn't have any problem with the blur, but going without it does allow more of the image to show. Nice work providing these, thanks!
  15. Not really. This site gets a lot of those.
  16. http://www.ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=16425 People still keep posting their stuff in this thread.
  17. Super Mario Land 2 http://br.youtube.com/watch?v=Ca6yD4rQIeo It got an impressive animation for its time.
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