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Everything posted by LooPKiD

  1. hahaha sounds to me like you want it to be thrown into your lap.. First of all read your manual.. Second, google your way around.. Third if here, use the search function, we have many peepz like you who 'just started' and want everything in a blink of an eye. I'm afraid it doesn't really work like that, there is no tutorial to make an instant hit. It comes as times progresses, you just have to keep at it.. Hope that helps..
  2. I might have a couple of things. I'll upload them when i get back from work tonight (11pmEST~) Ehm Myf ?? plz don't forget me Myf ?? Never guessed I had to pull out the (in)famous quoting technique.
  3. I might have a couple of things. I'll upload them when i get back from work tonight (11pmEST~) Ehm Myf ?? plz don't forget me Myf ??
  4. I might have a couple of things. I'll upload them when i get back from work tonight (11pmEST~) Ehm Myf ?? plz don't forget me
  5. aight check: I'm lookin' for any type of FX type sample(packs).. the type of FX samples, you can drop in 1 (or 2) bar drumbreak... Any type of sound will be appreciated.. Hit me back... Thnx in advance...
  6. I also solely use FL Studio for my production.. Only I have nothing on the site (yet) .. I make HipHop beats check 'em out.. Offcourse I use some Vst(i)'s, and some Soundfonts & extra samples.. N Joy.. Take it Ez....
  7. ** you have been pwned by 'Nineko' **
  8. The guy already searched the FL101 thread, so instead of staring each other in the face, lets unite and try to find a solution to the problem .. Although I dunnow the answer, I use ASIO4ALL myself, and I have no problem with it.. I can still switch drivers and such.. If nothing else works and visited every internet site/forum in the world, try mailing the imageline, maybe that will work, and as soon as you found the solution to your problem, share it with us will ya? For the rest of y'all, Peace and Love baby!!
  9. FL Studio has what it takes baby! ... I also love FL Studio, don't want to switch to nothing else , (Maybe Pro Tools )... But I'm too poor, so FL it is ...
  10. BUMP me if this question already passed ... Got my hands on FL 6 recently, but one thing got me bugged. Usually (in the days of FL 5) when my crappy comp. couldn't handle my song, I'd pop up my mixer and turned on the "Smart disable for all", but now I can't seem to find the option... I have this 'vague' memory in my mind of seeing it somewhere, but I can't remember... So help me out...
  11. I would say, instead of asking us which sequencer are like 'OMG TEH SHIT'... Go try some yourself... Download some trials (FL Studio, Cubase, Reason, Logic, etc), and try 'em. After playin' with them you'll probably know what you like... Nobody can exactly tell u how they make their songs, and above all that, you can try that but I don't think it will work, its about finding your own working method, and creating your own style. The closest thing you can find are those Reason files, there's a topic about it here somewhere. Hope you find what you need.
  12. he's right, I had a trial few months ago, and I already have CEP 2.. I wasn't really impressed...
  13. really nice stuff man.. You should start writing columns in a magazine or something man .. Or go extreme and write a book ..
  14. if i recall there's a pretty good spanish guitar in Plugsound Free. it's a VSTi though, if you have a problem with that... OMFG I WORSHIP U this is niceeeeeeeeeeeee :D after so long I finally found a suitable spanish guit.. +2 for you suzumebachi
  15. Then a first option should be the manual or the FL Help File..
  16. The Boy is niceeeeee Im gon' check out #4 right away +1 for zircon plz, do keep it up Thnx man
  17. Ok I have a request for all the Acoustic Guitar players out here.. I make Hiphop/R&B beat mainly, and now I wanna make a nice slick R&B typa track but played by a live Guitar, so If anyone could help me, you would rock my day ALOT.. So if anyone can play a nice slick guitar line for me, Im gon' create a song in around 88 bpm if thats neccesary to know (cuzz after all its R&B ) Plzz respond if ya interested.. Thnx in advance
  18. so cut the crap and lets get back ontopic.. I'm ever so lookin' for a Spanish Ac. Guit. please anyone direct me to a nice .sf2 or sample.. If I get that sample I'm gon' be god, lol
  19. So I got the Trial version of "Izotope's Ozone" Unfortunetely im very poor and can't afford that prog. for myself. So im wondering if there are any free Vst(i)'s out there that are a bit similar or near the capabilities of Ozone.. . Hope you guys can help.. Thnx in advance..
  20. offcourse lol I knew that option excisted .. . (never tried it before though ). Thnx for reminding me mate appreciate it.. .
  21. I'd like to know if there is an effective way of rendering each channel to a .wav file.. Do I: - have to render each channel seperately, by sweeping up my playlist and each time leaving only one channel at a time in? - use the disk recording in the mixer? - neither ?? Help me out here.. Thnx in advance .. .
  22. Well Cozark I listened to your sample and it does sound "Full" enough to me, I know exactly what you mean by a "Full" sound, but it sounds to me that you fairly created that effect. Maybe its just me and my low demandings but it sounds O.K. to me.. [EDIT:] Hail to Parmetriq EQ of FL .. I agree with the rest of the boys the Par. EQ of FL is niceeeeee....
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