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Posts posted by Compyfox

  1. TUNE IN!

    VG FREQUENCY Show #67 - SATURDAY, 10pm EST

    As usual, here's a small overview of the most salient timezones for you.

    Small World-Timetable

    Los Angeles (CA, USA): 7:00pm *
    Calgary (Canada): 8:00pm *
    Atlanta (GA, USA): 10:00pm *
    Rio de Janero (Brazil): 11:00pm
    Reykjavik (Iceland): 2:00am (Sunday)
    London (England): 3:00am (Sunday, *)
    Oslo (Norway): 4:00am (Sunday, *)
    Germany: 4:00am (Sunday, *)
    Paris (France): 4:00am (Sunday, *)
    Helsinki (Finland): 5:00am (Sunday, *)
    Kapstadt (South Aftrica): 4:00am (Sunday)
    Moscow (Russia): 6:00am (Sunday, *)
    Hong Kong (China): 10:00am (Sunday)
    Tokyo (Japan): 11:00am (Sunday)
    Sydney (Australia): 12:00am (Sunday, midday)

    * currently observing daylight saving time (DST)

    Have fun while listening to VGF#67.

    :arrow: Next week is "super fun with daylight saving times" all over the world (okay most of it)! So I hope I won't screw that one up as "the clock" will jump back ONE HOUR at 3am. Or was it jumping forward?


  2. It's not pessimistic. "Audio Engineering" is art. And yeah I learnt it by myself from reading books, intensive studying with demo tracks, having contact to professional engineers, etc. The problem hereby is really that you can't teach everything.

    Another problem is also "you can't do everything" either. You can be an allrounder, you can be a pro in scoring, composing, mixing, or whatever your heart desires. But you can't be everything at once, only what you focused on. A thing that a lot are forgetting especially in terms of "studio in a box" as it is possible and so easy to access nowadays. I have no problem saying "I suck at writing my own music" (which is true) cause I have other strong points.

    And the risk with writing a tutorial is that there will be those who think "OMG mastering is soooo easy, I'll do it from now on by myself", which sure is not - or why do you think I do this for a couple of years now and I still learn something new. Then again even here on OCR it isn't really clear what the difference between composing, production, postproduction, premastering and mastering is.

    Also if you look around on the internet or reading magazines, noone shares their secrets (especially not all). What zircon and I are doing in the ReMixing forums is completely out of our own free will. Stuff that we learned over years, private/in school/from befriended engineers etc.

    Is it really fair from you to demand from "us" to lay open what we learned and use every day (maybe even if we do it for a living)? Just because spoonfeeding is easier than researching? I don't want to sound picky here, or pessimistic. But ever thought about that point of view too? We can give you a small insight, true. But I sure won't give out all my secrets.

    I'll see what I can do in terms of tutorials, but I won't promise a thing. However I at least want to correct the "solution for clipping" postings and offer them as PDF or something. But this will definitely take a while.

  3. If you have a moment, you should see if you two can get together and co-author something, or maybe you can add to the series and write something to help people out. This series of tips is the closest thing we have to an "introduction to remixing" as we have on this site.

    Maybe I'll write something end of the year. The problem is, if I write something like "guide to mastering", every otehr newbie comes along, things "what a great thing, I'll adapt it" and half a year later you have "pseudo audio engineers" roaming around on OCR who read only "one tutorial", while I for example took years (and will still take a couple of years more) to gain my knowledge and put it into proper action.

    I'll see what I can do, but the first sentence in the tutorial will be something like this "These are no set rules nor is this a guideline in terms of mastering, that's what Audio Engineers are for". Always keep in mind "if" I write a new tutorial.

  4. Can't wait to see a "mastering" tutorial and all the n00bs raging on about it after that. "zircon said so... I'm a master in masterin nowx0rz!".

    Mastering is Art

    and as Bob Katz wrote in his book

    Attention to detail. The last 10% of the job takes 90% of the time.

    I guess this should be clearly stated in your 5th episode, zircon. Still some nice "starter" tutorials. Thanks bro.


    Also a couple of other things:

    :arrow: I'll stop seeding "single EP" torrents with the next show. Releasing will be in 5EP-packs and 10EP-packs from now on. (I don't have the time to do single shows atm, and one of the callers ment it's more efficient to offer "bigger" packs)

    :arrow: Seeders needed!!! Me alone as master seeder is just not enough.

    :arrow: And nope... I don't offer the packs as "HTML" download. Sorry to those who can't use torrent due to reasons unknown.

  6. Less than 4:20h left till the next show. Sorry for the late post.

    VG FREQUENCY Show #66 - SATURDAY, 10pm EST

    As usual, here's a small overview of the most salient timezones for you.

    Small World-Timetable

    Los Angeles (CA, USA): 7:00pm *
    Calgary (Canada): 8:00pm *
    Atlanta (GA, USA): 10:00pm *
    Rio de Janero (Brazil): 11:00pm
    Reykjavik (Iceland): 2:00am (Sunday)
    London (England): 3:00am (Sunday, *)
    Oslo (Norway): 4:00am (Sunday, *)
    Germany: 4:00am (Sunday, *)
    Paris (France): 4:00am (Sunday, *)
    Helsinki (Finland): 5:00am (Sunday, *)
    Kapstadt (South Aftrica): 4:00am (Sunday)
    Moscow (Russia): 6:00am (Sunday, *)
    Hong Kong (China): 10:00am (Sunday)
    Tokyo (Japan): 11:00am (Sunday)
    Sydney (Australia): 12:00am (Sunday, midday)

    * currently observing daylight saving time (DST)

    Have fun while listening to VGF#66.

    Also stay sharp for the end of the month where most of the globe get's it's normal "winter time" back (so no DST anymore). Of course I'll edit the "timetable" as soon as that happens.

  7. A quick hookup on the status in terms of "engineering":


    - Schala and the Queen 80%

    - To Far Away Times 90%

    - Manifest Destiny 60% (it takes time, due to the reproduction)

    I guess I'll simply try to mix up "In Search of the Light" with careful engineering rather than reproducing it. Will be a last minute "choice"


    5% (preparations)

    Kinda missing:

    Unknown/Tyler Heath. He promised me to send me his files a couple of days ago. I already asked over at the Soundtempest channel what's up, but if anybody see's him, please remind him to get back to me. I won't even bite. I just wanna know what's up...


    I try to work as fast as I can, but due to "Murphy's Law" in terms of certain issues (Studio Hardware mostly) and health issues (piercing headaches) I can't focus on the material 24/7. I still try to reach for a mid october release, chances are that it's minimal delayed again (sorry). uhm... yeah.

    Back to work... after a small break.

  8. I wrote that due to a reason!

    And if you allow me a quote by Bob Katz from his book "Mastering Audio", Chapter 1, Page 20 in terms of "the work of an engineer":

    Attention to detail. The last 10% of the job takes 90% of the time.

    Just a little sentence to think about. Cause some are just simply forgetting that along with a handful of other things I won't get into now.

  9. But it's not a "random radio show." If you read before, you might have noticed that I plugged Chrono Symphonic during my interview, and that's why I posted in the first place.

    A plug in form of like two sentences "Yeah I sang for two of the tracks, so check it out". Very informative - as if there's noone else on the project and you're more or less the "leading light".

    Claado is the project leader, indeed. But I'm the engineer, not somebody else. I have to level out the whole project to let it sound "good" (more like even). I have to have more stuff in my head than most of you.

    So far I raised the quality of almost all songs, fixed with almost all mixers (even PLBenjaminZ) issues in their arrangements and right now I'm in the middle of finishing the tracks from SirRus (tomorrow it'll be the track from Reuben, and right now EllyWu is uploading "Schala and the Queen" where I'll insert "cleaned up" vocals from a MAC microphone recording).


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