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The Mutericator

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Posts posted by The Mutericator

  1. thanks for your opinion!!!!

    except there have been plenty of instances in which people have signed their posts and it was the opinion of the majority that it was incredibly annoying


    Wait, wait wait. Hold up. So the "opinion of the majority" matters when someone's verbal (er, typal?) tic annoys you but doesn't make their message any more difficult to read, but doesn't count when the rest of us are annoyed by your apparent inability to use the shift or punctuation keys, which makes your posts harder to read.

  2. I have a theory that the TF2 team passive aggressively hates the Pryo and seeks to make him weaker and less useful in most situations. Strange that bleeding is now stronger than afterburn.

    You don't know that. It might not be extinguishable or easily noticed, but (I would expect) it does less damage over a greater period of time than fire.

  3. ...Actually selecting different stars could seriously change quite a bit of the levels you were going through...

    Edit: Maybe it's just me, but M64 nostalgia doesn't give me the same thrill these days. I like Galaxy more than 64 any day, although I will admit Galaxy is just 64 jazzed up like hell. But I have jazz fingers, and I like that jazz. >=/

    Agreed. Vivi acts like Galaxy shit on his dog or something, but I'm with you - Mario 64 was AMAZING, but Galaxy was the best.

  4. fortunately on OCR spread is not an issue we all shoot in squarewaves =D


    I had one reflect kill yesterday, and right after the crazy Pyro changes went into effect, the first thing I did was to get a point-blank Huntsman reflect kill, which I felt good about (shaaaame on that Sniper for lucksmanning). But yeah, it sucks lighting a big group on fire, knowing you're pushing them back, maybe dropping the heavy or medic... and then none of the rest die, even if you did a lot of good maneuvering. I'd like to see the flamethrower go back up in damage, even if lingering flame doesn't. Or maybe a small increase in shotgun fire speed...

    Really, they should change the class roster and put Pyro under defense, since that's more what he's supposed to be. Even when on the front lines, you're just support, reflecting explosives and keeping enemies from getting too close to your heavy + medic, and on defense, you're ambushing enemies and knocking off sappers. There's very little if any offense involved.

  5. Lancer here. I can't play because my basement is currently defunct thanks to a water leak. The Wii is fine, but the TV that it was on (which is also fine) is out in the garage, and we have to decide what to do with all the dirt and soaked carpet... ;_;

  6. http://ocremix.org/remix/OCR00998/

    "Also, I included some game samples as transitional material. The voice samples used are from the Original Astral Projection hypnosis tapes (sampled frequently by AstralProjection the Group), as well as some crazy self help tapes."

    From the song itself: "We all know that time is limited. That a day's work has to be accomplished in the same finite 24 hours we each have. Some of us do it. Most do some of it. Some others procrastinate. And some never get around to it. Those who get things done and do them well know the right way, and that is time management."

  7. atmuh, you sold me on it, and I sold several friends on it. Good job, there. In fact, my complaints when I bought it yesterday were a) the file picker would occasionally mismatch the filename with the preview, which can mess up your high scores (and crash the game if you aren't careful) and B) it doesn't have a "restart song" option.

    Lo and behold, I power up Steam this morning and find... both of those have been fixed!

    Playing "Crest of Z's" is intense.

  8. The difference is, we pan the PSP Go, and everyone applauds.

    We pan the 3DS, and lurkers register to defend Nintendo's honor.

    Well, and the market. Kotaku's census says around 5% of the readers that participated in its census have a PSP Go: http://kotaku.com/5500495/kotaku-census-2010-the-results-in-full

    Obviously that's not a end-all statistic, but I worked at a local used game store for about a year and a half and the ONE PSP Go we had didn't sell for weeks. Again, anecdotal evidence, but still.

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