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Posts posted by Kenobio

  1. Oh, I was wondering what it was... but it isn't that great, either. Listen to that recording on Eyes on Me - waaaaay to wet, and that singer is a bit too thin. It's hard to make out what's going on, there :?. I'm sure other renditions are better because they'll tend to clean up that stuff and make the actual music legible.

    Fortunately, they're not going through the J's panel, so they don't need to worry about their quality as much :tomatoface:.

    Faye Wong is the shit. Not too many asian singers right now as celebrated as her.

  2. Was EGM a decent magazine? I haven't subscribed to a gaming magazine since I let my Nintendo Power lapse in like 2000. I might have to pick up some EGMs if it's coming back though...

    EGM had its ups and downs, but for the most part it was an excellent magazine. Great honest writing and humor abound, I'm glad it's coming back. :)

  3. Okay, stop right there.

    Why would you buy that Dreamcast from your friend? It doesn't have everything you need to play games on it. Actually, let me correct that...


    No cord, no controllers, no A/V cables, no memory cards... in other words, it's a gray, useless box right now. And to top it off, you don't even know if it works. If you're going to buy a Dreamcast, go to eBay, and find one that has all the required equipment it needs. By the time you get done searching for and buying the missing components for the one you mentioned, you'll have spent the same amount you would have on eBay... possibly more. Once that's accomplished, then start looking for games. Speaking of which...

    Ah, I think either the thread title is misleading or Toadofsky meant something else in his initial post, but just pointing out that I think he did say that his friend was giving the Dreamcast to him, not selling it (aside from the thread title). But if he really is buying it from his friend then I agree with you! :tomatoface:

  4. I always thought that Anakin fulfilled the prophecy by bringing balance to the Force. Even though he took the detour as Vader, it was him that ultimately destroyed Sidious.

    Exactly. He kills the last Sith (aside from himself) and saves his son, and in the process reverts back to the "good" side of the Force (as he's dying he even states that there is still some good left in him). Thus, according to the original balance theory that Lucas proposed (See: Darkesword's explanation) the prophecy is fulfilled.

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