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Posts posted by Kenobio

  1. What's wrong with using a 3rd party app to play games that are Touhou..?

    For goodness sake, why not get a windows based laptop for menial/general work & gaming..? Touhou does not take a whole lot of power to run and play... Macs have their merits, but generally, not seriously taken when it comes to computer gaming...

    I can... provide you the Touhou games but, take the plunge into using bootcamp...

    stop making anso cry

  2. Wow, buddy-I have just read this whole thread. Stop fixating on the Joker/Sweet Tooth thing. If you weren't so defensive, people probably wouldn't be riding you so much about it.

    I don't think everyone is saying you copied Heath Ledger's Joker-admittedly some are, but as other people have said, the internet is full of critics, not neccessarily all of them will seem rational to you. The fact of the matter is, even without copying the character, having a psychotic clown character, lanky, grungily dressed with a knife you should be expecting these sort of comments.

    It's like imagine after Spielberg made E.T., if a student film project featured a small, wrinkly friendly alien with similar motives in a different plot. Of course people are going to pick up on the similarities; they may be coincidental or purely superficial, but a shaved monkey could recognise they were there. A blockbuster film would be held back by the studio until sufficient time had passed before the release to avoid such backlash.

    Stop taking these as attacks and just take the criticism, or stop posting altogether, because you're clearly not getting what you wanted out of this thread. Saying "you raise some good points" through bared teeth doesn't help anyone, and getting angry and arguing only costs you your dignity.

    Fact of the matter is, you've got to be confident enough in your subject matter that people can look past the similarities. So stop getting angry at people if you're truly confident that the full film would shut them up, otherwise you getting angry is merely showing your inability to handle criticism. And think about that, because a commercially successful film still gets it's share of damning critics reviews.

    In my personal opinion, Twisted Metal without a budget is a terrible choice if you don't want to do lots of car based action scenes, just because the story is not really that significant other than providing an excuse for OTT destruction derbys and car fights. It'd be like making an F Zero movie without futuristic cars, except you don't have the luxury of a scifi world to fall back on.

    I mean, sure you can still make something, but how pointful is it at that point to use a known license rather than aim for something similarly themed, yet original?

    Sweet Tooth's 'killer clown escaped from mental institute' is already a rather cliche subject matter, but it is something to work with. I have yet to see you relay a clear beginning, middle and end structure for your movie. This would've given people a better idea of what to expect beyond the clown character, which from the trailers you obviously intended as your primary focus and draw, hence the focus on Sweet Tooth which is making you so angry.

    The potential is there, I'm guessing something along the lines of:

    beginning: escape from institute

    middle: meeting Calypso, promise of wish on some condition involving conflict

    ending: Sweet Tooth's wish coming true ( I can't remember his actual game ending)

    I doubt it's anything ground breaking, but if it was that easy to make a good video game adaptation, I'm sure they'd have a better rep in Hollywood, letalone the indie film community.

    I'm sure your film is passable, but I'm gonna have to agree with people that the snippets of acting in the trailer are not really respectable and that if the whole film is like that I would feel pained to sit through it.

    I don't think anyone's saying making a film is easy, but clearly you posted this in the hope of praise and were upset to be met with criticism and in fairness I think a lot of people would. But know your audience-I mean, come on, internet forums are anything but forgiving.

    There's some harshness in this thread, but there are also more than a few kernels of truth. Take it on board and know that this is part of the learning process, who knows your future projects could be great.

    Do yourself a favour, don't skim read this, pretend you've taken it on board when it's actually just made you mad and proceed to get irrationally angry by misunderstanding my restating the Joker point.

    Also, do not try to get all high and mighty with 'awards' and ask what films I've made or what my qualifications are. If you must know, I do Film Studies (as in analysing them, not making them) at university and am on course for a 1st degree, but I think that's irrelevant here beyond the fact that I played the Twisted Metal games back in the day, am an avid gamer and film lover/appreciator.

    If it really does just feel like I'm rubbing salt in the wound, just take the fact that I've wished you luck for future projects, recognised some of the potential merits of your film in spite of the flaws and leave this thread with a little dignity.

    Great post, good sir! You have pretty much nailed it.

  3. Okay, for right now, let's say fuck the QA Testing.

    I always heard that for internships and freelancing that you should ask for little or no pay so that the company can see that you're not just doing the composing for the money while they check out if you're good enough for them.

    I also want to know if any performances outside of college (such as church) will help me on my resume on terms of music for video games?

    Honestly, I'm at the time of my life that I'm really need to start thinking about what should I do for a source of income.

    you should go to clown college

  4. Yeah, I'm not doubting Phelps' claim--I'm merely stating someone else's opinion on the matter. I agree that 6000 cals per day is pretty insane. In my own daily life I tend to somewhat count calories (as well as count the calories I'm burning while working out), so just eating at a place like Burger King can equal a shitload of calories. But to eat 10,000 calories a day?


  5. Phelp's diet is way more impressive.

    On another note, I'm a bit disappointed that Phelp's biggest Korean/Japanese rivals are basically doing their own things in other events. They only came across eachother a handful of times this Olympics. And Phelps even lost pretty handily in a few other prelims by them too.


    There is no doubt he packs away a ton of food, but it is unlikely that he actually eats that many calories a day, an expert believes. University of Pittsburgh Director of Sports Nutrition Leslie Bonci, MPH, RD, says eating 10,000 calories a day is almost impossible. "To consume 10,000 calories a day, he would need to be eating all day long."

    Bonci estimates that to support his 6-foot-4-inch, approximately 190-pound frame, Phelps' rigorous training regime requires roughly 1,000 calories per hour while he is racing or training; she suggests he probably eats closer to 6,000 calories per day.

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