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Everything posted by Razumen

  1. ok...wowzy Best 3D I've ever seen on the DS I think. Yeah, it's amazing what you can do accomplish with limited hardware but good art design.
  2. Unfortunatley that isn't quite correct, people have had issues using the same component cables they used for their PS2. Using HDMI may just cause more problems with more games than using components.
  3. How you use a weapon (skill) should be the deciding factor, not how many imaginary experience points you have invested in it. However I'm definitively up for new and imaginitive Zelda adventures, Majora's Mask was a breath of fresh air in that regard.
  4. The Ps3's hardware is actually quite different than the 360's though, so it's definitively harder for developers to take full advantage of it than the more standard designed 360. Even if they were more similar, there is no way a week is enough time to port a game efficiently over to a new console. Anyways, most of the criticisms of the images were just small nitpicks ("zomg not enuff of teh bloom!"). Judging games by screenshots is also a thing of the past, I bet if you saw them playing side by side you'd be harder pressed to judge the 'superior' version.
  5. It's a game case for two DS games: you have to slide the bottom part out a bit to unlock the cover, then it'll swing open. The only really worthless part of the preorder bonus is the extra stylus. If it had some kind of cool display around it it would be cool, but it's just a white stylus with 'Castlevania' written on it. The Castlvania stylus extends! It extends! Can't you see how great the extendo-stylus is?! Well they couldn't just release a single stylus for the Lite, or the DSFat, and leave out the other. Still, I think it's ugly.
  6. It's a game case for two DS games: you have to slide the bottom part out a bit to unlock the cover, then it'll swing open. The only really worthless part of the preorder bonus is the extra stylus. If it had some kind of cool display around it it would be cool, but it's just a white stylus with 'Castlevania' written on it.
  7. Yep, I just recieved PoR today too. I almost stepped on it as well. The postman had placed it between the two outside doors; The lack of light, and my glasses fogging up from the sudden warmth almost did the package in. Too bad I can't let really let myself enjoy the game until finals are over...
  8. ... Except it doesn't. Because afaik it doesn't support it.
  9. "Nutrition and pleasurable sense data," burbled the PS3. "Share and Enjoy." "My pre-order was canceled!" "If you have enjoyed the experience of this PS3," continued the machine, "why not share it with your friends?"
  10. MS doesn't know what to do with the Battletech franchise I tell you, I would have loved it had they made a MechCommander-esque strategy game for the DS instead of that vanilla Mech-Assualt crap. That would be so fracking awesome.
  11. It all depends on how valuable you find the back catalogue. People like me will want games they owned a long time ago but haven't had since - Kirby, Mario, Zelda, Metroid, Castlevania, the like. I can't make a judgement on the PS1 back catalogue until I know how many third parties are supporting it. For example, SquareEnix would be a huge help if they were onboard. If Sony and Nintendo offered such a service for their portable systems, I would be so much more sold on paying for games on older system like the NES and SNES.
  12. Oops
  13. Well, he started it by saying Nintendo screw's people out of their money with games from the VC I just don't see why you'd pay $20 for four NES games when you can buy a Dreamcast for $20, burn a CD with 400+ NES games on it and play it on your TV just the same, not to mention having one of the best consoles ever made. But like you guys said it's your money! Sorry Evilhead but suggesting piracy is not a valid, much less legal, argument against either Nintendo's or Sony's plan to sell older titles online through their systems. If they want to make their older titles easily accesible to people who would otherwise not be able to play them, good for them. I think the only thing you can challenge them on is the pricing scheme, $10 for a N64 game does seem a bit high, but for good games like OoT, it's not that bad of a deal. Besides, there's nowhere near 400+ NES games worth playing.
  14. He can't troll in the Wii thread without getting flamed to bits, so he does it here instead. Sorry Evilhead, couldn't resist. Youkai: PS3 compatible with PS1 software? That's kinda reaching. Do you have any reasoning or source to back this up? Because PS3 is backwards compatible with PS1 and PS2? Look how monstrous the system is. They have like all things needed to play both playstations in it. Worse than that. The PS3, quite literally, has a PS2 BUILT IN. So if you already own a PS2 that works just fine, you're being ripped off that cash by being forced to re-purchase your PS2 all over again. And I'm sure if one goes, they both do. So if the PS3 blows, the PS2 is useless. If the PS2 blows, the PS3 is useless. Kinda surprised Evilhead hasn't ripped about that yet, since he just -loves- to bitch about being "forced" to buy the same thing over and over. And for the PS3 download service that lets you get PS1 games for 5 bucks? I can go hit up any of 30 large pawnshops and get the games for 2-3 bucks. 5 for the harder to find games like SaGa Frontier. I know a place that pays $1 per PS1 game, then turns around and sells them in the bargain bin, 5 for 20 bucks. And that's in Canadian funds. Either way you cut it, Sony's just out to rip people off with this service. If you can play the originals on the same hardware, and you can find them for cheaper, why would you bother with what limited selection they'd offer, for more? I'm sure including a couple chips for a 8 year old piece of hardware really drove up the price of the PS3 Seriously, I'm glad Sony didn't drop the ball on backwards compatibility, even if they're not enhancing the older titles in any way, it'll be leaps and bounds beyond the shit support MS offers. Other than that I'm interested in what people manage to do with the included OS and stuff, its outrageous pricepoint might yet be justified.
  15. It might be a simple task to replace the drive but there are lot of morons out there. How does Sony know if you spilled your Dr Pepper in there wile you were swapping the thing out? Basically if you open your machine for mods you are on your own if it breaks. Most of the time the warranty is pretty short anyway. I'm pretty sure it'd be just like how memory cards are handled, pop a flap, pull out the old drive, slide a new one in. I may be wrong, but that's what I got from Sony's statements. Keyboard & mouse is overrated. Nay sir, for FPS there is no greater thing. Why do you think the Resistance developers don't want it in their game? Because people who used it would wipe the floor with the other players, even if they had the same turning restrictions placed upon them. It's called not developing something like carpal tunnel syndrome. Keyboard & mouse far more easily facilitate problems with the awkward hand positions encouraged by fast games like FPS. I like to play my games comfortably, thank-you-very-much. You can get carpal tunnel syndrome just as easily from a gamepad as you can a mouse. Moot point. As for 'awkward hand positions' You do know you can move more than just your wrist? I call bullshit. Point me proof. Modern gamepads are designed with ergonomics in mind (i.e. the XBox 360 controller), so I highly doubt that that statement holds any water. What I'm saying is I don't believe using either is likely to get you CTS, otherwise there'd likely be a lot more cases of it, and it probably wouldn't be a syndrome anymore; "There is little clinical data to prove whether repetitive and forceful movements of the hand and wrist during work or leisure activities can cause carpal tunnel syndrome. Repeated motions performed in the course of normal work or other daily activities can result in repetitive motion disorders such as bursitis and tendonitis. Writer's cramp - a condition in which a lack of fine motor skill coordination and ache and pressure in the fingers, wrist, or forearm is brought on by repetitive activity - is not a symptom of carpal tunnel syndrome."
  16. Keyboard & mouse is overrated. Nay sir, for FPS there is no greater thing. Why do you think the Resistance developers don't want it in their game? Because people who used it would wipe the floor with the other players, even if they had the same turning restrictions placed upon them. It's called not developing something like carpal tunnel syndrome. Keyboard & mouse far more easily facilitate problems with the awkward hand positions encouraged by fast games like FPS. I like to play my games comfortably, thank-you-very-much. You can get carpal tunnel syndrome just as easily from a gamepad as you can a mouse. Moot point. As for 'awkward hand positions' You do know you can move more than just your wrist? It wouldn't be weird at all, I can totally see companies making loads of money off of mice/keyboard sets designed specifically for gaming on your couch. They may be better at using the gamepad, but they'll still never be able to match the precision and ease of using a keyboard and mouse.
  17. Keyboard & mouse is overrated. Nay sir, for FPS there is no greater thing. Why do you think the Resistance developers don't want it in their game? Because people who used it would wipe the floor with the other players, even if they had the same turning restrictions placed upon them. That's pretty much how it's done... you replace something in your console (or really do any sort of user modification or repair) and your warranty is kaput. For most consoles yes, But I read a lot about Sony saying the HD could be easily accessed, removed and replaced by the user with any standard 2.5in HD. I don't think they would support any issues cropping up with using bew drives, but I seriously doubt the warranty would be voided. They are after all touting it more as a computer than just a gamemachine. I'll see if I can get any links to verify this.
  18. So if we replace our drive the warranty is voided? sounds like bull to me. On another note I hope Resistance doesn't set a trend with regards to Mouse/Keyboard support in FPS game. Being able to use a M/K was a big deal for me when the PS3 announced it, and now Insomniac are saying they won't even support it for singleplayer because they're lazy asses and don't want to add in a higher difficulty for M/K users.
  19. If you think about it gaming is really kind of childish itself anyways, it's only now becoming a bit more mainstream because we're all now growing up. I don't know about rumble being over-rated, it does add a nice 'feel' to games when used properly (ie: it's not rumbling all the damn time) - and it can even be used to further the gameplay as well. 15 seconds of load time isn't all that long to me, it's longer than I'd like though so I'm glad they have the HD install option there. You're right however, they do seem to have taken a step backwards in some regards, The XBox had it right because it would load data onto the HD automatically, in the background, for faster loading. Of course MS screwed up and made the HD nonstandard for the 360 so we can't really bet on developers using that as much anymore. The PS3, while having a standard a HD, it's the BLU-Ray's pathetic read speed that's limiting it more.
  20. Except it's really just tilt control. SixAxis is a real misnamer for it, considering it uses at most 3 axis (Thumbsticks don't count). But reports say it's sensitive and responsive, so developers should get some good use out of it, too bad rumble's gone - that could've worked well with the tilt functionality (ie: you'd get some feedback on you're steering or whatever by different variations of rumbling) And if the Wii does become more popular than the GC and garner more developers, hopefully they'll learn how push it to the limit like they did the PS2 - I was very impressed with some of the graphics it managed to pull off.
  21. But Razumen, god forbid anybody wants this superior technology. we have to show them the light of how much cooler the Wii is. I mean like...its going to own, you obviously haven't paid attention to the motion sensor. You tool, its innovative, almost futuristic. Well I wasn't talking about Nintendo fanatics, just idiots in general. I myself really like the Wiimote and think it'll open up some new gameplay experiences, it's just too bad we can't get it with a console that actually has next-gen graphics.
  22. Lawlz, on a completely different topic, it's hilarious to hear people start spewing nonsense when they hear that developers are actually using that extra space on the Blu-Ray discs. "O rlly?? Code doesn't take up that much space!?" "Lolz they using uncompressored stuffs?" One guy even thinks they're storing uncompressed data on the disc, but before it loads the data off the disc it compresses them first... Um, right... Seriously guys, you can olny talk so much about stuff you have no experience in before you start spewing crap out the wrong hole.
  23. I just hope that hard drive installation crap doesn't become standard. It's an optional install. If you want to speed up loading times they give you the option to install the game on the hard drive so it loads directly from that. If you have the 60 gig version and only a handful of PS3 games, it would definitely be worth it. Even if you had the 20 gig. Load it up once and you can play Ridge Racer with blazing load times until you decide you want to use that space for something else. Pretty cool if you ask me, and I hope more games offer this option! I tend to focus on one or two games at a time, so while I'm playing them it would be nice to be able to load them on the HD to kill any loading times. I can't believe people would complain about a feature like this... It's actually pretty cool and makes good use of that HD you are paying for. The load times wont be BLAZING. It just said that they would be reduced (to about 4 seconds for Genji, estimating in favor of Sony), since you are not installing the full game. 4 seconds may not be blazing, but if that would be the longest loading time in the game, then I'd totally go for a one time 9 minute install. I don't really see the problem with it, most people aren't going to be playing 5-10 games at once, so when you move onto a new game you can just remove the files. It's kind of too bad they're using 2.5in drives, you can get so much more for less with the standard sized drives (although it would have made the PS3 bigger) I think you can plug in external drives via USB, but they'd be slower and I don't know if you can use them to install game files onto.
  24. FFVII for the PS3. Revive Aeris - $599 For everything else, there's Mastercard. Your PS4 trial period has ended, please buy a monthly subscription of only $59.99!
  25. There's a color difference between the 20GB and the 60GB model: http://www.us.playstation.com/PS3/specs.html Dammit. I really want the black one, even do its gona be a magnet for finger prints and dust. Gonna have to settle i guess. When i get my PS3, might aswell dish out the extra $$ and get the better one. Why do people think black as so sexy anyway? I mean I like the look of the black PS3 too, but why the craze over the color? I mean Apple showed that there is a craze too, with the whole $150 premium on the black Macbook over the white Macbook. More of a personal taste in my opinion. My Ps3 can match my black PSP. While my white Wii can match my white DS Lite. Uh, unless I'm mistaken I'm pretty sure both models are black, the only difference being that the 60GB version has silver trim, while the 20GB doesn't.
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