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Posts posted by SoloGamer

  1. Call me Tater or Chips for short if you want to. Even monster will do, just watch out after you call me that particularly latter name. I am known on many other communities by many other names, but one common thing I am universally known for is a lack of sanity and a therewith inconsistant obsession over order rather than chaos.

    Welcome to OCR, Tater. From what you just said, looks like you'll feel right at home in UnMod where insanity rules and chaos reigns supreme.

  2. Um, I saw somewhere that it's not a good idea to use photobucket for GIFs, so I have two questions: 1) what is the proper "netiquette" for GIF sizes and 2) what is that other site?

    Sorry if these have been asked before, by the way... I'm sure they have...

    1) I don't know.

    2) www.imageshack.us is the same as photobucket, but better. It allows you to store images up to 1024 kb in size while photobucket only allows 250 kb. Imageshack is also better for GIFs than photobucket.

    Hope that helps.

  3. I'd like to add a link in my signature to the I, Mario forum, but at the moment it would surpass the 255 character limit. The code for my signature right now is:

    Hats off to xSR388x and Bean!

    And I'd like to change it to the following:

    Hats off to xSR388x and Bean!

    Is there any convenient way to do this?

    I suggest you try www.imageshack.us since they have shorter URLs.

  4. As long as we're on the topic of late intros:

    May name is SoloGamer87, as you can see. I've been coming to this site since 2002 I believe. I never really bothered to read the forums until one September say when I got bored in Computer Programming class. I decided to join in December. I've been playing games for as long as I can remeber. Since I spent most of my life playing Nintendo consoles (the only non-Nintendo system I owned back then was the Genesis), I developed a bit of a fanboyism. Fortunately, I have grown out of it and now own all three of the current systems.

    To all you n00bs out there, there is no need to fear UnMod. If you've got a sense of humor, then you will definately fit in. If, however you make your first post there, they will greet you with the likes of goatse, begel wang, tubgirl, and many, many more.

  5. I'd have to pick Shao Kahn from MK Trilogy for hardest boss, at least for me. My cousin and I just cant beat the bastard, and I play KoF games on a regular basis so I'm used to cheap bosses, but there is no beating the mighty Kahn.


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