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Posts posted by SoloGamer

  1. You know, a lot of time ago, SoloGamer requested the same tune on OLRemix. Some people, including Xenon Odyssey and myself, said that were going to remix this, I even promised to do so, but I never managed to do that for several reasons.

    Heh, good times.

    The links in that OLR post aren't working anymore, so here's some working links. Don't know which version Drake was referring to, so I'll include all four.

    KoF '95

    KoF '96

    KoF '97

    KoF '00

  2. Requesting a better Terry Bogard Avatar, as well as a Rock Howard one.

    Sologamer, I'm looking at you for this one.

    Yeah, I don't really like the current on either (hence why I don't use it anymore)

    I already posted one many pages ago, which got accepted.

    Haven't seen a Rock submission yet though.

  3. How 'bout some Kinnikuman avatars?






    Robin Mask






    Brocken Jr.


    Mister Kamen


    The Ninja












    The kanji symbol that's on Kinnikuman's forehead (taken from the show's logo)

    LT: Poor resolution on all of 'em, except that last logo, which looks too fan-made rather than a direct scan/resize of the show logo.

  4. LT: Very cool, but they're all very dark; can you compare them to some of the lighter avatars and match that level of brightness?

    sure thang boss





    nineko did all the work though, I'm just the deliver boy

    LT: Ironically enough, now they're a bit too light. Adjust 'em a little more. These would make great additions.

  5. Heh, and I was just going to point that out after seeing Blaze.

    136: Lady (Devil May Cry 3)

    138: Voldo (Sou Calibur)

    140: Cid (Final Fantasy VII)

    141: Shinnosuke Kagami (Last Blade)

    142: Gambit (X-Men)

    146: Zato-1 (Guilty Gear)

    149: Rose (Street Fighter Alpha)

    150: Setsuna (Last Blade)

    Oh, and I noticed this on the first page:


    84. Rikku

    88. Jin Kazama

    101. Female Dark Elf (Lineage 2)

    131. Akira

    135. Bowman

    101 seems to have changed (sorry, I have no clue who that guy is)

  6. From Yu Yu Hakusho:


    Hiei, Kurama, and Yusuke

    LT: Something a bit off on those faces. Nothing you did, mind you, but I don't like 'em.

    And a disembodied head from California Games II on the SNES:


    LT: Nah. Not a particularly interesting image.

  7. It got pruned, so I'm reposting. If I may be so bold as to suggest making it an announcement (since Gorveg's original was also an announcement) as opposed to a sticky, then this one can stick around a little longer.


    I've noticed a surprising amount of people not using the edit button, and other problems that can be attributed to lack of forum knowledge.

    Being the nice guy I am, I will give you a run-through of posting basics. I highly recommend all forum newbies read this, as it is a rather in-depth look at posting, full of tips and tricks.


    1) This is the subject line. When you start a new topic, this is where the title of the thread goes. Subjects are required for all new threads, but are unnecessary for replies.

    Note: We at the OCR forums typically do not put a subject in our replies. Most of you will never have to bother with this line. This may be different at another site's forum, however.

    2) These are the style buttons. These are all mostly self explanatory. b is bold, i is italic, u is underline.

    To use a style, the text must be within the tags. Some may prefer the methods built into phpBB to do this more easily.

    a) Click once on the style of your choice to begin, then enter the text you want affected, then click either the style button again, or 'Close Tags'.

    B) Highlight the text you want affected, and click the style tag ONCE!

    c) Cut/paste the text you want affected into the tags.

    NOTE: Some browsers will not let you do some methods. I know for a fact that Opera will not allow you to use method b.

    Any way you do it, it should look like this:

    [b]BOLD TEXT HERE[/b]

    That will appear to us like this: BOLD TEXT HERE

    Here's a quick run through of the proper syntax of the other buttons.





    endblink's image tutorial goes into much further depth in this subject.

    [color=green]Green text here![/color]

    Green text here!

    [url=http://www.ocremix.org]OverClooked ReMix[/url]

    OverClooked ReMix

    There are four main types of lists.

    Unbulleted lists

    Unbulleted lists

    • ITEM



    1. ITEM
    2. ITEM
    3. ITEM

    Bulleted lists

    Bulleted lists

    • ITEM
    • ITEM
    • ITEM

    Numbered lists

    Numbered lists

    1. ITEM
    2. ITEM
    3. ITEM

    3) Emoticons! You should all know them, and the point behind each should be quickly apparent. Just click to activate it.

    4) This is the body of the post. This is where you type the reply you with to post.

    PLEASE try your best to spell correctly, and use correct punctuation and grammar. It is a show of respect towards other forum members.

    It is much easier to read "Have you seen my cat? It's around here somewhere" than it is "hav u seen m ycta its aruond heer sumwhere!?!?"

    5) These are a few options. Don't worry about those, they are fine the way they are.

    6) These are more specific options. These can all be left alone, but I will explain them all briefly.

    Disable BBcode will make all of the tags I explained earlier not work.

    Disable smilies will disable smilies. This helps when you are listing things, and don't want 8) to appear in place of:


    Unchecking 'attach signature' will remove your signature (often abbreviated as 'sig' or 'siggy') from the bottom of your post. I'll go into more depth

    in this later.

    'Notify me...' will send you an email when this thread is replied to. I don't recommend clicking this unless you want your inbox spammed.

    7) Preview will allow you to look at your post before you actually post it, allowing you to check if your tags are all correct. This is a good time to check for spelling errors and such. Once you are satisfied,

    Submit will send your post into the thread.

    Also, there is a window below this that allows you to look at the most recent previous posts. You can copy and paste from there if needed.


    Now that you know how to make a post, we'll discuss a few other things about posting.


    This is a fairly typical post. I deleted the text, as it is really irrelevant for this demonstration.

    1) This is where the main message of the post is. This is the important part of the post.

    2) Now, these buttons are quite important as well.

    icon_quote.gif is the quote button. When you want to respond directly to someone, you can click this, and their post will appear in quote tags in your reply. You can edit that text to narrow down to the specific part you wish to reply to.

    Be aware that it is bad form to quote a LONG post like this one just to write one sentance about it.

    icon_edit.gif is the edit button. If you notice you made a spelling

    mistake, or if you want to reply to someone else who posted while you were typing your reply, you can use the edit button to add to your post.

    While acceptable other places, posting twice in a row (double posting) or more is very bad form here.

    icon_delete.gif This button will only appear if you have the last post in a thread. If you find that you accidentally double posted or have second thoughts about your post, use this button to get rid of it entirely.

    3) These are some basic statistics about a user. They're all rather self explainatory. The small picture is my avatar. You can set an avatar for yourself if you wish in your Profile.

    4) This is where your sig will go once you have one. They can be pictures or text. Sigs can be added in your profile, the link is located at the top of the page.

    5) icon_profile.gif will allow you to read a user's profile. You can make yours in the profile link at the top.

    icon_pm.gif sends a Private Message (PM) to a user. Use this if you have a question directly to them, or want to tell them something and no one else.

    There may also links to a user's AIM, MSN, email, and webpages, which can be added and removed as they see fit.

    6) icon_minipost_new.gif Now here's a button not very many may know about. Every post has this little icon on the top left corner (If it is an unread post, it will be orange. Otherwise, it'll be white). It contains a link that will take you directly to that specific post. To get this link, you can either right click it and select Copy Shortcut (IE) or Copy Link Location (Firefox), or you can click it yourself and copy it from your address bar. This can come in handy for when you want to direct someone to a particular post without having them scan all over the page to find it.

    Thank you for reading my (actually Gorveg's, I just copied it) in-depth guide to posting. Good posting habits are the first step in making friends and getting along in any forum.

    Good luck.

  8. a few quick ones submitted for your (dis)approval from Little Samson for the NES




    LT: Just the very last Samson.

    and a quicky Pheonix Wright


    I know that one sucks (the best I can do is sprite ripping), so if anyone feels like a go at some Pheonix Wright avatars, there's some mugshots of several characters here.

    LT: Yeah, not to shit on this, but a better/cleaner resize is definitely possible here. Someone check out that link Solo gave and see what they can do.

  9. http://www.ocremix.org/phpBB2/images/avatars/gallery/games/yi_monkey2.gif]
    http://www.ocremix.org/phpBB2/images/avatars/gallery/games/yi_monkey2.gif]There are a few rules that all new comers must follow:

    1) Visiting this thread and drooling over it's awesomeness is a must.

    2) Whenever quoting me, always put my name in bold and green. For example

    [quote="[b][color=green]Arek the Absolute[/color][/b]"][/quote] 

    That is about it. Happy posting!

    Doulifee > Arek The Absolute

    i am no nOOB Arek :twisted: i recommend to all newcommer to write Arek's name in Orange without bold, because it's a long time he didn't see it like that.


    Stop being jealous of my bold greenness frenchie.

    I daresay he's almost green with envy

  10. And some Waku Waku 7:


    LT: Too pixelated; looks like a poorly done resize. If those can be smoothed out a little more or resized with a better program, those would be good, except for the 3rd one. Thanks for your effort here.

    More like a poorly done crop.

    Those are the images from the character select screen, cropped since they were bigger than 32 x 32, but no resizing.

    Since I recently reformated my hd, and haven't gotten around to installing any software on it, I can't fix those up for ya, but maybe someone else can do it. I'll see if I can get the screenshot I used.

  11. And Nineko, you got way too much free time on your hands, haha.

    One site's loss is another site's gain, I suppose

    (I'm sure you know full well what I'm talking about)

    EDIT: K' got some more, this time from Super Punch-Out

    I made two version of each, one with the border and background, and one with just the face.

    LT: I took a handful of them, all with the border. Some of those characters were too fugly for primetime, but nice work.


    Aran Ryan


    Bald Bull


    Bear Hugger


    Bob Charlie


    Dragon Chan


    Gaby Jay


    Heike Kagero


    Hoy Quarlow


    Mad Clown


    Masked Muscle


    Mr. Sandman


    Narcis Prince


    Nick Bruiser


    Rick Bruiser


    Piston Hurricane


    Super Macho Man


    And Little Mac (or whatever his name was)

    EDIT 2: Got some more from various Neo-Geo games

    King of Fighters:



    LT: Really pixelated for some reason. Just took 3 that I think weren't major offenders and otherwise looked OK compared with your current avatar, that being Terry, Kim and Billy Kane.

    Last Blade 2:


    LT: Too pixelated. Pass.

    Super Dodge Ball:


    LT: Took the male characters only. Female ones didn't look as good with the resize for some reason. The first female looks like a shim.

    And some Waku Waku 7:


    LT: Too pixelated; looks like a poorly done resize. If those can be smoothed out a little more or resized with a better program, thouse would be good, except for the 3rd one. Thanks for your effort here.

  12. Cherry_MicroMachines.gifWalter_MicroMachines.gifAnnie_MicroMachines.gifChen_MicroMachines.gifSpider_MicroMachines.gifjoelmicromachines8pd.gifjethromicromachines4ev.gifdwaynemicromachines2zz.gifbonniemicromachines6nw.gif

    Micro Machines for the NES (yay for diversity)


    M.U.S.C.L.E. (character names included in file name)


    Haggar, Cody, and Guy from Mighty Final Fight


    Chip 'n Dale


    Little Nemo and Flip


    Dr. Cossack logo from Mega Man 4


    Adventure Island II

    LT: I only took some stuff from Micro Machines & Muscle. Some of the Micro Machine ones are the fugly, and some of the MUSCLE ones are colored so that they don't stand out enough from the white background. I also only took Higgin's dinosaur, since the Higgin's sprites either blend too much with the background or cut off. The rest are excellent, thanks.

  13. Found some from Samurai Shodown that just happen to be the right size.






    Cham Cham





    And the Dr. Wily logo from Mega Man 2


    LT: Now these are just badass. Nice work.

  14. snowbrothers8uz.gif

    Nick (or Tom, I forget which one's which) from Snow Brothers

    LT: Uglyz.


    One of those bats that always shows up in every Mega Man game

    LT: Uglyz, but better. Taken.


    Heidern from KoF

    LT: Too small, too pixelated, not nearly enough detail on the face. Go for more of a face picture or side profile, like your Terry avatar.


    Some enemy found in Gravity Man's (and Gyro Man's) stage in Mega Man 5

    LT: Ha. Pink. But anyway, we'll take that. Thank you.

  15. Recommendation threads, as far as I'm aware, are pretty acceptable. I see them every so often in GenDisc and even in UnMod.

    And as for Photobucket vs Imageshack, I personally prefer Imageshack, since it allows bigger file sizes (1024 kb vs 250 with PB), and you can easily transload an image from another site so you don't have to leech from their bandwidth. However, PB is more user friendly and makes it easier to share pics with other people by making your album public, like mine, for example.

  16. So, about those stickies.... How long should I spend on them. They seem to get pretty in depth. I mean I don't want to seem like a complete noob (love that word!!) on the froums, but, well, I am. You know?

    Really depends on how much you already know.

    If you're new to forums in general (like I was when I first started posting here), Gorveg's posting tutorial and endblink's image and sig tutorial are a must. The Quirks thread is another highly recommended read (almost mandatory if you wish to stick around UnMod and actually understand what the hell is going on).

    Have fun, and as Gaea said, don't be afraid to PM any of the older members if you need any help on getting around or anything.

  17. Btw, I have a question. As I already said, I am working on a Final Fantasy like game ( similar to FFs I-VI, because I have a hard time drawing tiles, making models and pre-rendered backgrounds would kill me 8O ) and I really want to use your music. Would that be possible ? Of course all the songs' remixers would go into credits, along with original song creator and a link to this great site. I wouldn't charge money for that game ( maybe because noone'd buy it :D, no I just want to fullfil my dream ). So ...? :wink:

    It is usually best to contact the mixer to ask for persmission to use their mixes. Though you aren't obligated to do so, it's the courteous thing to do.

  18. Hello all you new people and welcome to the forums.

    it's been a long while since I last logged in...so I had to reactivate my account...I was on a 6 month hiatus....until now......I've tried making remixes but they are all severe failures :cry: but there is good news...........I just saved a bunch of money on my car insurance by switching to geico.......no seriously it's great to be back I wonder if all my past aquaintances are still here....so um yeah.......hi all

    Welcome back.

    If you don't think your works are up to the OCR or VGMix snuff, then the fine folks at OverLooked ReMiX would be happy to hear your shit. Their submission guidelines are pretty lax as far as quality is concerned.

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