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Everything posted by TheCatPhysician

  1. It's just that when you blatently imitate something and don't innovate with it, that has nothing to do with creativity. I know this won't be the best analogy, but I'm thinking of how this relates to making a rearangement of a song. When someone makes a remix of a song that isn't theirs, it's very possible to get very creative with it, if they use the source as just the base of everything. That's why we don't like MIDI rips, because it's just blatent copying. There's no innovation involved, just choosing which higher-quality instruments to replace the old ones with. What about merely copying the style and improving upon it? If there's copycats, then that would also spurt someone else to become inventive in order to stand out. Thinking back about it, the reason why Nintendo adopted a mini-dvd format, went with a wildly divergent type of controller and has come up with an ambitious online plan is all because it tried the status quo since the N64 and Gamecube and has long since fallen behind the competition. Because Nintendo stuck to the cartridge and stuck to the norm for the most part (maybe except for the strange button format on the Gamecube..) They knew they couldn't stand a chance since the competition was doing better and better with the established formula and look where Nintendo is now. Nintendo tried something new because they were urged on by the competition. They had to try something new or keep floundering in the home console market. Also, like I just said, if you're saying that PS3's online plan is a shameless and almost downright sinful imitation of the VC, then VC is the same damn thing when it copied right off of XLA. And even the whole Wiimote idea isn't entirely new if you're taking into account some PC and Arcade peripherals that has toyed with the idea for a long time. See where that line on reasoning on blaming the 'imitation' leads to? Nintendo is the same as everyone else when it comes down to copying and taking inspiration from other sources. On another note, a lot of the PS3 hate doesn't seem to ring true for many gamers outside the pricerange issue. Nobody really gives a damn about consoles 'copying' one another or about the console wars. They're just videogames and if there's games people want to play, then that's that. Sony obviously could have handled the public relations a lot better, but it's not like their core product in PS3 is the worse for it. Price and politics aside, the console still looks pretty solid in idea and technological aspects. And most importantly, game support is all but guaranteed. That's what truly matters in the end anyway. I understand that copying is necessary for innovating in the industry. I guess my gripe with Sony is that they just don't innovate as much as I'd like them to. Yeah, Nintendo and Sony pretty much just copied the XLA, but I'm glad Nintendo is doing the Virtual Console because Nintendo has such a great backlog of games, and I'm sure they will make some awesome new games for VC that use Wiimote functions. At least they are able to offer something different. It's not like they are just putting the XLA on the Wii, because it's an entirely different set of games. But maybe it's just that Sony hasn't been innovating very much lately. When they took the idea of the control stick, they used two, which became standard. But adding tilt sensors to PS3 controllers, that doesn't improve upon the Wiimote, and it doesn't offer anything different. Like the article I posted earlier said:
  2. It's just that when you blatently imitate something and don't innovate with it, that has nothing to do with creativity. I know this won't be the best analogy, but I'm thinking of how this relates to making a rearangement of a song. When someone makes a remix of a song that isn't theirs, it's very possible to get very creative with it, if they use the source as just the base of everything. That's why we don't like MIDI rips, because it's just blatent copying. There's no innovation involved, just choosing which higher-quality instruments to replace the old ones with.
  3. WHY would it be defective? Have you ever heard of a thing called quailty control? It's tested and sent out. Of the PS2 that were malfunctioning, what percentage of those were defective from the start? Were there ANY cases of this? The PS2s that have malfunctioned, usually in regard to reading dual layer DVDs, are problems that have cropped up YEARS later. We're talking about a 6 year old console here. So if you have your PS2 in a dusty house for 4 years and suddenly get disc read errors on certain DVDs, this means that PS3s are going to be defective right out of the box? I understand that Sony has a bad rep when it comes the the PS2, but come on. You're just exaggerating. You got me. I didn't mean defective on arrival, I meant if something goes wrong with it. First-generation Sony consoles tend to not be the best quality, so I dunno.
  4. You couldn't be more wrong. Not only will Nintendo take them back for only one dead pixel, it was Sony who had that stupid policy. And on top of that, the policy was that it had to have TEN dead pixels, not five. Kind of sad to see that backfire on you. Twofold.Sources: http://www.cnet.com/4520-6033_1-6023185-1.html http://www.engadget.com/2004/12/07/nintendo-fixes-ds-with-one-bad-pixel/ I stand corrected then. I had just heard someone on here (Smoke?) who had trouble returning a DS with dead pixels and assumed it was a universal thing. As for a virtual console on the PS3, it's pretty much a no-brainer for an online console with a harddrive. The 360 has been doing it for a while now (and yet you don't hear people whining about Nintendo stealing their idea). Emulation on consoles is not a new thing. Charging for it is. And really, who the fuck cares? If someone being able to download a Genesis game on their PS3 REALLY bothers you, you sir, need to get a fucking life. Seriously. Step out of the sunlight and get Nintendo's cock out of your mouth for a while. It's clouding your judgement. You just gained respect from me for the way you responded to the dead pixel thing. Most people can not admit when they're wrong, and if they're really cornered, they make the most ridiculous excuses, and it just makes them look stupid. Your mature response makes me feel bad for rubbing it in earlier. And I'm not particularly bothered by the fact that you can download Genesis games on PS3. It's just when added to the tilt sensors, and the fact that Sony is so arrogant and tries to lie out of anything that makes them look bad, it seemed kind of funny. But yeah, it makes sense that they would do a virtual console type of thing too, and I forgot about how Xbox Live came first, Nintendo was obviously inspired by that. But then, like Kitsuta said, copying ideas but making them better/using them differently is necessary for the evolution of the industry. But with the tilt sensors of the PS3, that is kind of...I mean it's only a hint of what Nintendo is doing. There isn't really any innovation there. But with Nintendo taking the idea of Xbox Live Arcade, they are really doing something with it. One of the main features of the console is "ultimate backwards compatibility" and while you could say it's not really backwards compatibility because it's just emulation, it was still a great way to implement the idea. Nintendo has by far the best backlog of old games, and it's going to expand a lot more than the games of XBL. They are really developing the idea, unlike what Sony is usually doing, it seems.
  5. Why the hell do you care? Stop taking it so personally. Ok, I don't fully agree with linkspast. Sony is still doing their own thing overall, it's just that they copy a few ideas, like basic controller functions, and the virtual console. And I don't think spending resources on things they copy is related to how many PS3s they can make; the shortage was due to blue laser diodes or something. But I think the way you responded was kind of wierd, Pthisis. If a gamer (I hate that term but I can't think of what else to say) feels that one of the three major next-gen systems is just wasting it's time copying another of the systems, then of course they're going to care. From linkspast's point of view, it probably looks like there is no response to his complaint, other than someone angrily telling him that they don't like him being concerned about it. But whatever, maybe that's just me. stfu about imitation, huh? You just don't like to hear about it so I have to stop? Sony stealing the idea of the virtual console is pretty notable I'd say, especially after what they did with their controller.I joined the DS and PSP discussion because I saw that EvilHead's argument was wrong, and I didn't want people getting the wrong idea. You have a good point about PS3's customer service. It does seem too expensive to not have decent customer service, but if you get a PS3 on launch and it's defective, I don't think you'll be getting another one for a while, because there are going to be so few PS3s for a while, and they will be in high demand.
  6. I just love listening to Sony lie. First they say the Wiimote had nothing to do with their decision to make the PS3 controller tilt-sensitive, then they see that the DS is expanding to more than the usual crowd so they say the PSP is doing better at expanding in spite of the DS kicking the PSP's butt really badly, and now this. And this. Oh, and looks like Sony's copying Nintendo again: http://www.wiisourceonline.com/articles/52/1/Imitation-is-the-most-sincere-form-of-flattery...-again/ I wonder what story they'll come up with for this one? This article has some interesting points about this subject. Oh, and I know for a fact that the DS only needed to have one dead pixel to be fixed, because my friend Gigs (who is on the boards) had a DS with a single dead pixel, and Nintendo quickly replaced it. BTW, between all my friends who own DS/DS Lites, that is the only one of the 12 that had any problem at all. And man, you should see Tweak's. He spraypainted all over it (tried to write his name but messed up, so spraypainted the whole thing), has thrown/dropped it multiple times and in multiple ways, and one particular time in a grocery store he chucked it at me with the screens open all the way down an aisle. And it still works perfectly, except that he recently lost it (yes, he is really stupid). Also, I just find this hilarious: You couldn't be more wrong. Not only will Nintendo take them back for only one dead pixel, it was Sony who had that stupid policy. And on top of that, the policy was that it had to have TEN dead pixels, not five. Kind of sad to see that backfire on you. Twofold.Sources: http://www.cnet.com/4520-6033_1-6023185-1.html http://www.engadget.com/2004/12/07/nintendo-fixes-ds-with-one-bad-pixel/
  7. Hmm. The site Sir Nuts linked to seemed pretty focused around PS3 games being $100; I wonder where they got that information and why they are wrong. Oh, and the prices in the article you posted are more between $49 and $69, excluding Mah-Jong. Wait. Mah-Jong? Why the heck are they making 2 Mah-Jong games for PS3? Haha. Probably going to be a big waste of all that space on the Blue-Ray discs. Seriously. Is anyone going to spend $45 on Mah-Jong for their PS3? After spending so much money to get the most powerful console, you'd think that people would want to get games that utilize the power of it more than Mah-Jong.
  8. I think we're better off here without the price cut. They are cutting the price of the system down $100, but raising the price of games from $65 to $100. According to my math, by the time you buy 3 games with the "price cut", you are already spending more than you would without it by $5. And then on your fourth game you lost another $35. And so on. I guess it depends on how many games you're planning to buy. But it seems kind of dumb to spend so much on a system and only get a couple games because they're too expensive. I mean $65 is already a lot of money for a single game in my opinion. But $100? I don't think I could bring myself to spending $100 on one game.
  9. A lot of good points, but I think we were talking about selling points. I wont be constantly using every last Wii channel, like weather and everything. But consider this: just today someone I know was asking me to let him borrow my laptop. His desktop is all screwed up and slow, and he can't afford a new computer, and all he needs one for is browsing the web. After thinking about it for a bit, I realized that the Wii would actually be a good thing for someone in his situation, because it's way cheaper than a computer, it's much less susceptible to viruses and stuff, and it's just much more simple and stable. Plus it's more convenient in some aspects, because it's just sitting down and turning on your TV to browse the web. No boot up time. It is definetely different than browsing the web on a PC though, and sure not everyone is going to like it. There are obviously advantages to using a PC for web to heavy users. But it's a pretty good deal, it's a unique way to browse the web/email/photos, and it's more convenient for casual use. Oh, and I already have a USB keyboard. I don't know what you were getting at there, keyboards don't cost that much. I'll probably use my Wii for internet browsing every once in a while if I just need to do something quick, it's a bit more convenient than turning on your computer just to check something really fast.
  10. Yeah, I mostly agree. Except about Sony and Nintendo tacking online functionality on with a downloadable library, I would have to disagree on that with the Wii. The Wii seems to be pretty focused on online connectivity. The most, I'd say. Although, this is not just playing multiplayer games online, this is general online functionality. I mean, the whole Wii Channels thing; every channel uses internet, and only a few of the given channels don't require internet to be used. Plus new channels are created and distributed to Wiis through the internet. Plus the whole WiiConnect24 thing, sending DS game demos, Mii Parades, emailing photos, web browser, virtual console (they said they will sell new games on VC too), message boards, etc. As for the actual multiplayer online functionality, which is probably what you were specifically referring to being X360's selling point, Nintendo hasn't really even released any details on that at all, but given the fact that the Wii is pretty much centered around online, I would say it's safe to assume they are at least putting a bit more focus onto it than, say, the DS's Wifi internet service. But even without considering multiplayer online, one of the Wii's selling points is that it is basically internet on your TV. They seem to like to talk about being able to do things like browse the internet, send emails and photos to family members, etc. at the comfort of your couch or recliner with a simple remote, with this console that is always online, and always able to come out of sleep mode at the press of a button, just like turning on your TV. Then again, that's only a selling point assuming Nintendo will be able to tap into this market of non/casual gamers, so we'll just have to wait and see. Anyways, I'm sure every console will do well enough, so I don't even know why I'm worrying about which one will do the best or whatever. I guess speculating on how well the consoles will sell is about all we can do while waiting for them to finally be released.
  11. By Sony exclusives, do you mean games exclusive to Sony, or features? If you just said "with the exception of Sony exclusive games..." I think that is kind of wierd, because both systems have exclusive games. Well both have exclusives, but Sony has some real big exclusives, like Final Fantasy, Metal Gear Solid, Gran Turismo, Virtua Fighter, Tekken, etc. There are some Xbox exclusives I'm very interested in, but Sony has titles out there that will really sway the crowd. That's true, I know MGS4 is definitely a really big one. But still, Xbox 360 does have it's big exclusives too, especially Halo 3 and Gears of War. Also, Square said they are spreading out their games equally this generation, unlike the last where it was mostly PS2.Anywho, I'm not trying to say which exclusives are better. I just think it was weird to not even consider the 360's, given Halo's popularity alone.
  12. By Sony exclusives, do you mean games exclusive to Sony, or features? If you just said "with the exception of Sony exclusive games..." I think that is kind of wierd, because both systems have exclusive games.
  13. After trying to use it in matches, I realized you kind of need to use the C-stick for the second aerial most of the time, because you need to be able to control yourself in the air to follow their DI. At low percents (Marth vs. Marth) you might go past them with the second fair because you have to hold forward to perform the aerial with Z. So I'm going to have to stick to C-stick for this. And plus, sometimes actually hitting someone with the second fair seems to keep you in the air long enough so that Z doesn't L-cancel. Maybe it's just me. But eh, the whole using Z for aerials to L cancel, might work for some, but I've already had the regular way down for a long time, so I don't think there's any reason to change. Plus if you use Z, you have to make sure to only use it for the aerials that are performed close enough to the ground to actually get the L-cancel. Since you're going to have to use L for the aerials that aren't that close, it seems it would just be better to use L for all L cancelling.
  14. The L stands for lag. Also, I've been raped by a Marth who used the short-hopped double forward aerial. I think he got me 7 times in a row with it once. He was using Z for that, and it works well too. The second press cancels the lag and you can go straight into another SHDFA much easier. Whoa! Thanks for that, I can't believe I never thought of using Z for that. I remember expirementing between using A or the C-stick and trying to find the most consistant way to be able to control my character and get the L cancel every time. This is perfect! By the way, I found that it is best to only use Z for the second fair, because you need to start the first fair right away which means most of the time you will do a JC grab. At least that's how it is for me. So now I have a new way to do it that I need to practice: Press A and then Z for the second one. Wow, the way it L cancels is perfect. Thanks!I'll bet this is probably well-known with good Marths, but Marth isn't my main and I'm not so good with him, so I never really go to the Marth Character Specific forum at Smashboards or anything. So thanks for introducing that to me, after practicing this I should be able to SHDFA and L cancel into the next one really consistantly now. I mean I was able to do it before, it's just I would mess up every once in a while. I actually managed to pull the Ken combo off on my friend once, took him from one side of the stage to the other, ended with spike, 0%-death. Should have seen the look on his face! Anyway, hopefully I'll be able to do that more often now.
  15. So is anyone else getting/already have a black DS Lite? I preordered mine from EBGames. It shipped yesterday via 2-Day Air UPS, so if it's on schedule I should get it tomorrow. But it might take an extra day because of where I live. Anyway, I can't wait! Yeah, it seemed really cool at first but it gets boring after a while. I think it's a really good game to show off the DS Lite, though. I got the game when it came out, and after I hadn't played it in a long time I leant it to my friend who has a DS Lite. Now I had never seen a DS Lite in person before, and the next day when I saw him playing it, I had to seriously stop and wonder if it was the same game! Really, play that game on full brightness. The colors are amazing! Maybe it's just because it's the first game I saw played on a Lite, but compare it to playing on the old DS. It's awesome.
  16. Your first real outside experience, huh? Yep, that's what happens to everybody. I was happy when I got whipped at my first outside experience, because it showed that though the people in my local group thought we were pretty close to being as good as we can be at the game, there is still a WHOLE lot more left. Heh, we knew nothing about the game. We're still not up to the professional level, still quite a ways away, as I found out when I went to OC2, but we're getting there.
  17. It depends on what type of using the C-stick you're talking about. For aerials, the C-stick is very useful as G-T said, because it allows you to perform up, back and down airs without losing momentum, giving you complete control of the control stick while performing the aerial. Or you might be referring to how a lot of new players discover the C-stick and do nothing but repeated smash attacks. I'm actually kind of glad this happens, because there are tons and tons of people who find out about competitive Smash and think it's cool so they learn all the advanced techniques and try to play just like the pros they see in videos. They will do wavedashes and dash dances and such, but they don't know why they are useful, why they are doing it. They think that technical skills like wavedashing and shuffling are everything, and they think that's what seperates pros from everyone else. The truth is that things like mindgames, predicting your opponent, and making yourself unpredictable are way more important than technical skills. And that said, technical skills are still really important to playing competitively. They forget that they should be watching their opponent's character and concentrating and their opponent, not themselves. They get frustrated because they're doing all these advanced techniques they had to practice (well I wouldn't say they're doing them, because they aren't using them correctly at all), and they're being countered by the most simple tactics/moves. They have to realize that these advanced techniques are not meant to replace anything. They are simply additions to what options you already have (that's why they are still very important, because having more options is definetely advantagous, and having less then your opponent is NOT. Plus it adds a lot more depth to the game). Playing Smash is like playing Rock Paper Scissors somewhat, because different moves counter each other. The key thing here is that even simple moves have their place in this, because sometimes they counter more advanced ones. If you watch videos oef Ken closely, you can see that he always does what is most appropriate for the situation he's in, regardless of how advanced it is. He has no concern for looking flashy. While he's definetely not the only one who does this, he is very good at it, and that's one of the main reasons he is so good. Same goes for all the other top professionals, and I think especially good examples are Japanese players like Masashi. Anyway, if you are in this stage like I was where you're getting beat by someone who uses incredibly stupid tactics, which is what happened to me when I first got into competitive Smash (well, I wasn't getting BEAT, it's just that I wasn't doing nearly as well as I should have been ) then just taking a step back and really watching what your opponent is doing and thinking of what ways you can counter it should set you on track right away. But if your really must know, probably the most effective way to counter constant c-stick smashing is with sheild-grabbing. Even if people in this stage know this, they sometimes want to only counter with advanced techniques, because they feel that the advanced techniques should win because they are difficult, and they took practice to learn. This is NOT they way to play (notice the emphasis on "NOT"). Sheild-grabbing counters this tactic, so if you know they are going to do it, and you know you can counter it with sheild-grabbing (there are quite a few other ways to counter, too, and I think in certain situations certain smash attacks will push you too far away to grab, depending on what character you play), then use it. Every time. They should not be hitting you with this when you know they are going to do it, and you know how to counter it. Eventually they will be forced to move on, to get better.
  18. Dash dancing is an interesting topic for me right now, because at OC2 I found out that Japanese players don't use it! They never do it more than once, anyways. I watched a video of Bombsoldier vs. Masashi to make sure, and the only time I've seen any dash dancing is when they are standing, and they dash away and then back in with an attack, so they use it just to space themselves like that. I think that you can dash dance two ways, the smart way, and the stupid way. The stupid way is to just dash dance in place without worrying about controlling how far each dash is, and the only purpose of you doing it is to be able to come out with an aerial whenever you want, which scares your opponent. But I don't think this is very effective against someone who knows what's going on, which means anyone who is somewhat good. This is the way I used to think dash dancing was supposed to be used when I first found out about it, but it doesn't do much unless you are controlling how far each dash is. Which brings me to the smart way: Since you can cancel a dash at anytime, you can have good control of travelling while dash dancing. You can dash one way, wait until the last possible moment to dash back, but then cancel that dash as SOON as possible, so that you almost just dashed twice in the same direction. This is the most control over travelling while dash dancing you can use, and you can really put dash dancing to use if you can control how far you travel good. One way I used it today was to chaingrab someone for a while when it was a situation I normally wasn't supposed to be able to chain grab because they were being sent to high. Every time when they came down, I would dash away from them, cancel that dash with a dash back in, and either grab from there, or I would get fancy and dash back out again to fake him out, making him think that I was just going to grab out of the first dash back, but then while he's reacting to that, I'm already back out of his range, ready to cancel yet another dash to come back in and finally grab him, abusing the lag from whatever he reacted with. Holy crap this game is fun.
  19. Go to Smashboards, you can learn pretty much everything there is to know about competitive Smash there. First go to Melee Discussion and read the stickied threads. You sound a lot like me when I first found Smashboards, except I couldn't beat EVERYONE I knew, Gigs and I were pretty much tied. But if you are the same as I was then, you'll find that there is a whole lot more to this game then you thought. It's pretty cool.
  20. I thought you didn't even want to bother with that sort of play. Edit: Try using R. Hey, I said I was messing around just to see if I could. And I did try R. Doesn't help. I've gotten to about a 33% efficiency rate with the L button though. There's no way I'd ever try playing someone with this technique. The timing between jumping and airdodging has absolutely nothing to do with reaction time. Anyone can press X and L at the same time. If the timing between press X and L was determined by how fast your reflexes are, then pressing L before X would be going back in time, heh. So no, you are not "too fast for wavedashing." The trick to wavedashing is to find out how long you need to wait before you press L. But some characters take longer to jump then others, so you have to experiment and practice wavedashing for each character you want to use. Except some character's jumps are the same speed as others, but you know what I mean. If you want to compare the quickest and slowest jumps in the game to see how different the timing for wavedashing can be, compare Fox or Sheik to Bowser.
  21. Man, I wish I could meet up with you guys. Maybe next summer. Red Shadow, keep watching Smashboards for tournaments in your area, it will definetely be worth your time, they are very very fun. Well, as long as it's a good tournament. Also, I know you said you don't want to reply to my posts on this subject anymore because you said Cerrax's post hit the nail on the head or whatever, but if you've never played against a professional, and I'm assuming that means you've never met one, how can you know that Cerrax's post, which says that the majority of professional Smashers are elitists, is true? Not only that, but you're saying it's so true that my reply doesn't matter. If you havn't read my last post regarding this subject, I suggest you do because it has my reply to Cerrax's post and everything. It's the third post on page 78.
  22. Hey, at least S2 made it out of the first pool. I got eliminated in the first pool, but my john is that it had Mew2King in it. That, and I couldn't concentrate because I was all nervous. But at least I won two matches, against a Samus named Smooth Criminal. Ah, who am I kidding. The other guys would have won anyway. But I was really dissapointed with my matches with this Ice Climber guy, I counter picked him with Marth and still lost. I was too scared to try anything because I didn't want to lose another match, and I ended up using horrible tactics that I know don't work. It was a terrible feeling. Haha, holy crap was S2 screwed in pool 2. Chu Dat, vwins, Cho, Kei and Rob Money? I would have crapped my pants. Those are all really good players. BTW, my friend Lunaris and I were housed with that vwins guy, I had a lot of fun playing him. I think I only won once against that guy the whole time, heh. And we played a lot of matches.
  23. People from OCR going to California tournaments? You guys should have gone to OC2! It was a huge Melee tournament hosted by Ken. I came all the way from Alaska, so I probably won't be coming back down again until next summer.
  24. Cerrax and Red Shadow, I'm wondering if you still agree with this, and if you have read my reply to this post. I just got back from a huge tournament called OC2 a little while ago and hung out with a lot of professional Smashers for a week. They were all really nice and fun people to be around, and none of them were what you described. Please read my previous reply to this post if you havn't already. If you have never been to a tournament before, maybe you should go to one and meet some of the professionals before you put the majority of them under these labels. Here is what I posted earlier, in case you missed it: Do you still not know what the tiers are? They are only there to give you an idea of how well characters do currently in high-level tournaments. That's why it is constantly updated. Before Ken started going to tournaments, nobody knew Marth could be so good, and he was low on the tier list. Then Ken introduced things like short-hop-double-forward aerial and won the tournament. After that they were happy to move Marth up on the tier list. If someone figures out new stuff with Mewtwo and wins tournaments, they will be happy to move him up on the tier list. Whoever told you that the tiers are infallible clearly doesn't know what the tiers are. Of course out of all the people who play competitively, there are bound to be a few people who brag, but out of all the poeple I played at OC2 and when I went to a Skypal Smashfest, nobody who was a lot better than me bragged when they won. I got four stocked craploads of times, and there was no trash talking or anything. They know that I know it is just a learning exeperience on my part, and we're both ok with the fact that one of us is better. Go to a tournament or smashfest in your area and see if they won't let you play. I haven't heard of this happening, please give me an example. Of course, if you will only play with items and crazy stages, they won't want to play unless they are just messing around. That is simply not true. Of course most professionals will only use high tier characters in tournaments, when they are playing to win, but almost every professional has at least one low tier character. Look at Azen and Isai. But even still, there are quite a few professionals who use low tier characters in big tournaments, like The Germ, Taj, Ness players, Bowser players, etc. I dunno if you maybe went to a Smashfest to find this out or something, but if that is the case, of course they aren't going to want to play without tournament rules because this is how they practice. Although I agree, most of us don't play with items and such unless we're really just messing around. That's just our personal preferance, the same way you prefer to have items on. I don't know where you are getting this from. I've never heard anyone say that, and I go to Smashboards pretty much every day. Maybe there are a few people who would say that, but I highly doubt that the majority of professional smashers would say that.
  25. Alright, this is how you do the glitch: Do an up smash on someone, distancing yourself so that the yoyo hits them. If you upsmash and it hits them immediately and you spaced it right so it hits at the tip, they will go flying away. It's easiest to do if you run into the up smash. Now after they have been hit, you keep charging the upsmash for just a split second. This is the part that takes experimenting, because you just have to know how long to hold it. If you charge it for too long it won't work, but it does need some charge. Now what you have done is you've set an invisible hitbox on the ground that stays there until you die, or it gets tripped. The most basic way to trip the hitbox is if your opponent simply walks over the hitbox. No matter where you are on the stage, they will take a little hit and sometimes fall over when the walk over the hitbox. I did this to my friend a few times and he didn't say anything, so I said "Is your character having trouble walking? I don't know, it looks like he keeps tripping when he tries to walk." Haha, he got so mad. But there are some way more interesting ways to trip the hitbox. For one thing, as long as your opponent is between you and the hitbox, any attack you do will hit them. This means you can grab from across the stage! That's probably the best way to suprise someone. Now there are some more complicated ways to trip the hitbox, they are called jackets that you equip. The most well known is the Thunder jacket. After you set the hitbox, make sure you're opponent is not between you and the hitbox, jump into the air and do an up B, blasting yourself straight down into the ground so that there's an explosion when you hit. Now you have equipped the thunder jacket. What this means is the next time you touch your opponent, even if you're not doing a move and no matter where they are on the stage, it will have the effect of you hittting them as a human missile from the up B. The other jackets you can equip are up air and down air jackets, but those require an advanced technique called double jump cancelling, so I won't get into that. In a real match, it's really hard to do the thunder jacket, so grabbing people from across the stage is probably the best thing to do. It's not too hard, and it has a really funny effect. They just dissapear and reappear in your hands.
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