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Everything posted by Cree`

  1. haha, thanks for the honesty
  2. Hey thanks for all the input, I really appreciate it. I took that in mind, as I worked on my song a bit today. I tried out the C , G# , E flat , F progression, and it worked, but changed the mood of the song to something a little bit lighter and more redemptive, so I decided to keep the original descending chord. Yeah, I took the Maestro Electric guitar out, and worked a bit on the mastering of the kick, and 1 hit. Thanks for the advice, helped me out tremendously in that area. Tell me what you think on the new drums! Haha, thank you. Thank you. I'm glad you appreciate my music! Haha it is my passion and It makes me happy that you enjoy my song.
  3. First let me say that I really like your song, and I think you've done a superb job on writing it. However, that isn't to say there aren't some areas you could improve on it. What I mean is for someone like me with a low attention span (most of your audience will most likely be the same) I loose interest in your song before the second half of it (despite the 2nd half being pretty good), and I literally had to keep myself from not skipping past the beginning-mid section because I was starting to get bored. For me to be honest I would say to shorten the "place holders", or if you are still planning on keeping them make it interesting enough so that you don't "Loose" your audience before you get to showcase your skills.
  4. 0:01-1:00: Great Stuff here, banging drums and good beat. Only thing I would personally change is the filter/effects you have over the guys voice when he says "If you feel". The current filters you have on it make the voice sound tinny, whiny, and grainy all at the same time. While you may be doing this on purpose, I think it would be better if you made it sound "more tight, wet, and crisp" rather than "dirty/grainy". 1:09 Once again, when he says dancing same filter/effect being used as in 0:01-1:00. 1:55-2:09 I know stylistically you mave have chosen to make the instrument in this part sound dirty/grainy, but I would tone it down just a tad bit. The instrument becomes a little too sharp, and if this were being played on my stereo real loud would hurt my ears. I would tone it down so the sound isnt so sharp, but a little more rounded. The Song as a whole: I like, Its nice. I think it starts out really great and the drum line is a good hook, but as the song progresses it becomes dull and tiresome. I think you have alot of great things on througout the song, but there are some quiet parts and transitions that are dragged out too long. My suggestion for you to improve on your song is to keep the best parts of it, but don't be afraid to shorten a few sections here and there. Just remember this... No matter how good the second half of your song is, it'll never be heard if there isn't a good hook, and the transition are too drawn out. Just my 2 cents. ~ Cree
  5. apparently Tindeck's streaming function is not working so you may have to click the download button instead.
  6. The song is meant to be semi-sad/redemptive downtempo/chill. Some things I already know that I need to fix: Add ending chord(s) + Violin Cue at the end. Beginning Marcatos could be a tad bit louder. All I really need is some feed back on how I could improve the song/my writing style, and possibly some help/tips on mastering and filtering samples.
  7. Very entertaining, actually listenable. Something I would hear on the radio and not turn off.
  8. You have a very unique voice, the closest thing I can pin it to is maybe the singer from Muse. Your vocals in I must believe immediately reminded me of the song "Shrinking Universe". What vocal range are you able to achieve?
  9. Haha, wow. Strong words there big buddy. You seem to forget that Mac Os X does indeed work on PCs.
  10. Your right, I have absolutely no idea what I was saying. I stayed up real late last night, and I had to wake up real early for an appointment. I didn't proofread my writing, and I obviously misrepresented what I was trying to get across. What I meant to say was that although Macs may maintain their value longer than PCs, PC's are the better deal because they have almost all the functionality of a Mac (except for maybe screen resolution) and they are less as costly.
  11. To the OP: I'm going to link you up with two web-forums that you can continually check over the course of a month, and you'll find a really good deal. It's basically a community of people who continually post whenever they find a price mistake or error. Trust me, its worthwhile to invest some time into checking these sites out. The past few months me and my bro have gotten a 42" and a 50" inch plasma tv for $300 bucks each, and an $800 dollar laptop for about 300 after tax. The other day I also got a 2 gig Kingston thumbdrive for 99 cents. www.Slickdeals.net and www.Fatwallet.com
  12. 1. Thats Your opinion. 2. The discounts are "alright" but you can still get a much better deal on a regular laptop. 3. All of the Cost that was made up will be null by the fact that Apple laptops are 2x more expensive than regularly manufactured PC's, and the reality that your Apple paperweight has the same cost/value ratio as a regular PC. 4. If you really want to satiate your apple-chops you can install mac os x onto your Windows compatible PC. 5. I have no idea whats going on.
  13. Is this your first mix? If so, very nice. If not, still pretty good. Bassline is banging, I think it could use a drum solo in there somewhere, to keeps things moving. I'm not sure what else to say, as jazz isn't really my thing.
  14. I cant offer any specific advice at the moment, but I would like to say that I thoroughly enjoyed your mix. I think you got what your aiming for, and boy I'm impressed. You got some nice samples there, what were you using for soundfonts if you don't mind me asking?
  15. Updated, completely reworked the whole entire song. Intro still sucks, trying to find a good way to start.
  16. Haha, omg.. Just watched your videos on youtube. I know someone that looks EXACTLY like you, haha.. I almost spit out some orange juice that I was drinking when I watched the video.
  17. Haha, what the heck, I'm jealous.. I wish I had your talent, my first tunes sound like garbage compared to yours. Still as amazing as ever, I bet you beatboxing tight tunes before you were even born.
  18. Before I get flamed, I did a little search to try and find to see if there was already a thread for this, but apparently there is not. I think it would be nice if we all, dug around in our digital coffers, and shared our very first compositions (along with links to your favorite personal best mix or lastest mix) with the rest of the OCREMIX community so that newcomers and beginners can see your personal progress and how we can see how far your wonderful talents have developed, and also so you can satiate our undying curiosity to see what you used to sound like. I personally want to see one of Zircon's and Darkesword's very first compositions to see what they had brewing up back in the days of Ramen Noodles, and Super Nintendos.. Anyways, Anyone think this is a good idea? Feel free to post up. Edit: Should this be moved to Community?
  19. This is my first real composition.. Still working on it. Real simple, hoping to get better, and actually sound great. Help, and advice would be very much appreciated. Things I need to work on: An actual real intro More percussion, changing the sound of the drums, adding chimes + Add Countermelody, +More variations... The ending is supposed to fade/decrescendo less repetitive... I'm a little frustrated, because I want to do more, and make the piece sound fuller and less redundant, but hey.. I'm just gonna have to improve my musical ability. I'm willing to work hard to get better at this, but I'm just wondering if I don't have any musical ability.. anywho... here it is unnamedv2.mp3 - 4.92MB Thanks, Cree
  20. Very nice, I enjoyed listening to your song "Steady Nature". Great vibe, and ambiance you have going throughout the song. Would make great driving music. I'm not sure if I can trust my own ear, because I'm not at your level of composition or your style yet, but I'm not sure If I hear a whole lot of progression. It doesn't really hurt the piece because its more of an ambient tune.
  21. Hey, I hope this isn't too much to ask, but could you send me links of EXACTLY what I need, so next time I run to radioshack I can just grab it and leave iwthout having to worry about grabbing the wrong adapters. Thanks, Cree
  22. Well, I got my soundcard today(m-audio audiophile 2496), and I found out that it only supports stereo (rca), and digital out. I don't have any monitors, and I was wondering if there is any way I can hook up my original pair of computer speakers without forking over an arm and a leg for a mixer. Are there any adapters, like RCA PLUGS to 1/4 or 1/8? Thanks, Cree
  23. Haha, lol. I love it how every single thread after 4 pages always seems to turn into a discussion about either religion or politics. lol
  24. Hah, thanks Phrophet. I'll make sure and ask some questions when they come up.
  25. Hmm, thx.. I'll take that into consideration, but I think I'm going to settle with the Casio. I have until Thursday this week to decide, but I'll keep looking until then to see if I can find a better deal. The Fatar looks promising, but I would rather buy something slightly more expensive and have onboard sound, and better reliability.
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