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Everything posted by mecca
Best.WoW.Movie.Ever Awesome. Simply awesome.
Because it's not posted enough: http://dall.no.sapo.pt/index.html
Believe me, it was serious. I almost rolled a caster again last night in desperation, but thankfully my brother changed the account password in time.
So I was starting my Darkmantle 0.5 armour quest when I decided to take two days off University to hasten the process. I was halfway through 45min Baron when we wiped for the second time, everyone was moaning and pointing fingers, and I started to wonder what the fuck happened to the last year of my life, and deleted all my characters. WoW's gameplay is bollocks. It's the neverending quest to get bigger and better weaponry so you can walk through your respective city showing it off, coupled with the social aspect (even if it is comprised of immature retards with little or no comprehension of punctuation and grammar). and I gotta say.. WHAT IN THE NAME OF FUCK HAVE I DONE!?
This is my first time in this thread..Think I'll try and find a few MP3's of the show if possible
I thought you were rogue..?
(Oh really? 1.1 means Hunters can cast mark on already-stealthed characters?) EDIT: NO. RESUBMIT.
Judging from that tune used, Zircon has seen that video before.. Am I right?
I prefer to think of them as trap-campers. Naturally I'm not going to fuck myself because they want a duel to begin in their favour, so I sit in stealth until they get bored and reckless Track Hidden. I R SMRT WITH TWO-WRD ANSWERS. BUT I R FORGETTING SEVERAL ROGERY ADVANTAGES LIKE TREES AND OTHER VARIOUS COVER LOL.
PVP is a different kettle of fish altogether: hunters are often concerned with targets they can actually see which leaves a world of opportunity to those of us with cheapshot and crippling poison
I prefer to think of them as trap-campers. Naturally I'm not going to fuck myself because they want a duel to begin in their favour, so I sit in stealth until they get bored and reckless
I told you so. Jog my memory please kthx
I tried the elite dragonkin outside BRD..have to say it's not as fun as Tyrs, which has had my concentration for easily the past week (I never leave IF or EPL anymore..just farm with main and WSG with tweaked alt). Really wish my guild wasnt so fucking big so I could get in on the raid action..so sick of these blues, and my heartseeker // tribal guardian are starting to bore me.
Apparently Silithus is good too..I'll have to check that out. Saving for my Epic mount now..got 140g so far \o/ Care to give a few tips on 'playing the AH'?
So..Grinding spots? Where do you farm gold when the chips are low?
I'm such a warcraft noob..my endgame life hasnt even begun yet..I'm in a bit of a rut right now between twinked lv39 WSG and grinding constantly in Tyrs Hand (if you know any other nice gold-farming spots please tell me). BWL sounds evil as fuck, and I've only just went on my first MC trash mob run like an hour ago So I've still only lightly touched on AQ and ZG, but I'm excited as to see how badass Ony, Rag, and all those evil bastids in BWL are
Artificial Vs. Human intelligence I guess..always thought it would be much easier to down NPC's
That rogue set looks fucking AWESOME. Hahahaha. Shadowcraft zombies PH33R!
I'm so hopelessly addicted. Let me sum up WoW (and probably any other MMO) for you: Get weapons Get armour Go to higher level area to get better weapons and armour Get weapons Get armour Go to higher level area to get better weapons and armour Repeat. WHY DOES THIS SCOURGE ME SO?!
An hour an a half I spent organising a PUG for Zul Gurub. Before you say it - stfu and listen. Logically, it should work - everyone is lv60, and is bound to have enough decent blues to be able to compete, logically anyway. Our MT's were kitted out in full Wrath, but we STILL couldn't beat that priest with the secondary boss and the two elite tigers guarding them. What the fuck gives? LOGICALLY it should work, right? What makes a guild raid so much more efficient? Purely the fact that everyone listens to the leader? What else could there be? The raid fell apart after two wipes. Wankers.