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Everything posted by mecca

  1. I've currently got a vanilla WoW installation..I've seen some really awesome addons though, but don't want to go through a series of trial and error to get the perfect system. Can any of you recommend the best addon for a rogue? I've seen stuff like Gouge countdowns, Kidney Shot countdowns etc..all look really cool, but I'm wondering if there's a specific one geared toward my class.
  2. Aye, just reformatted, and trying to get back on track toward endgames (just saw a video of molten core..can't wait). Still not seen Onxyia tho..i'm leaving that surprise for when I'm doing it myself Really frustrating considering I've already paid and activated my subscription.
  3. ...completely missing the point here, which is that the game won't fucking install
  4. ..There goes me hitting 53 before the other rogue and getting that full SS award
  5. Which sites do you lot use for free WoW movies? Looking for things like yonder 'World of Roguecraft' etc, but most sites require signup and even premium membership .
  6. Nah that was much appreciated..what's "Tier-2" epic? Currently I've got a [Gut Ripper]...is that the lowest tier then considering it was "only" 80g? The Krol blade for instance, what's that, about 650g? Is that Tier 2? Are there two tiers in total? (Try saying that five times fast).
  7. Aye, I was grinding from 48 in the Eastern Plaguelands, believe it or not, further proof that rogues are the shit (hello flash powder). It's just a case of kidney shot, get up the combo points, ghostly strike, decrease armour, then keep hitting the "1" and "2" keys repeatedly until they die, maybe taking the odd potion and hitting evasion. Anyway, onto the bit I want you all to read. I know some of you have short attention spans, so I'll space this out as much as possible. Ready? Stay with me here: Firstly, I'm on Emerald Dream, EUR. Next, from what I've read, is it true that WoW really only opens up at 60? I've heard so many different oppinions about the endgames, but from what I've seen so far in this thread, the level of tactics when in raids is unbelieveable, what is UBRS..40 man or something? It'd be a massive leap going from the usual five-man runs, can't wait Also, what's a 'green' mob? Heh..I got one of those red rubys and accidentally put it on the ah for 90s startup and 95g buyout..guess what, some schmuck bought it for full price xD EDIT: "I'll take 3 deathweed and a crystal vial please, vendor." Buffs are disguised in the form of poisons..a 30% chance to hit an extra 120-200 with EVERY strike? I like those odds!
  8. My GM just started a contest for the first of us three rogues (at around the same lv) to reach 53 the fastest. The winner recieves full Stormshroud..which as you know is a pretty fucking good incentive to start levelling! Anyway, I've just hit 49, and the other two are 50..any ideas where to level or what to do at this stage? I'm messing about in Un'Goro and the place near BRD (forget it's name now).
  9. zomg torrentplz
  10. < pin> so on saturday i was at a bar < pin> telling a friend about how i played world of warcraft that day < pin> and this girl was like.. are you talking about world of warcraft? < pin> then i found out she played alliance and stopped talking to her < pin> dumb cunt
  11. Now this is what OCR means to me - fucking FANTASTIC! This is my kind of arrangement..very spastic, and very enjoyable. This is TRUE remixing of VGM, not just interpreting the music and 'updating' it, but completely revamping the tune. You, sir, win an iNTERNET!
  12. LEEEEROOOOOY! Duoing SM with a lv50+ at lv33+ is a fantastic way to level incase any of you are within that range. I make 10g easily each run after auctions.
  13. Fantastic story Suzu..I'm lv28 Alliance rogue atm, hope to start doing PvP around 30
  14. LFG DM
  15. World of Warcraft, you're the greatest game, the best game I've ever played
  17. Oddly enough, Xlink is easier to get running than plugging a mouse into your PC. As long as you have a network card and a crossover cable, you'll be connected instantly.
  18. This IRA terrorist is pissing me off now, I'd appreciate it if one of you would make a futuristic-stile sig for me encompassing a blue mech from Eva or otherwise...please
  19. There is NO NEED TO WAIT FOR LIVE. Or to pay MS any more money for that matter: http://www.teamxlink.co.uk
  20. In my oppinion, King K-Rool in the secret world in DKC 3 (in a volcanoe or something) is the most difficult boss I've faced.
  21. I gotta say I prefer the original...it sounds darker, has more energy, doesnt sound as overproduced as the alternative.
  22. John Lennon > Hanniblal Lector
  23. Terrific. Perhaps its how the buoyant piano floats, bobs and sifts along, but this remix gets full marks from me. Uplifting and energetic, this is a superb addition to the OCR library. Nice work blad!
  24. This WORKS. It's rare that a composer can find an alternative style (break beat in this case) and make it mix so perfectly, well done Get working on your next PSO mix!
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