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Everything posted by Harmony

  1. I'm going to guess that the file is just a placeholder in the event that they'd like to deliver the content immediately as opposed to in a follow-up e-mail. If that's the case, then the file is worthless.
  2. While the acoustics in Taucer's studio room are indeed weird, I think you're hearing the reverb/chorus that I put on the lead vocals. Might have been a bit much, but meh. And I agree, The Xenotones' superstar bass player Jay's skills are pure musical sex.
  3. Nice!, I don't think I've seen a netbook used as a DAW before. Cool photo too.
  4. Hey Luiza, after hearing so much about you this weekend from an anonymous super fan of yours...let's just call him "Level 100"...I've come to the conclusion that you're one of the most awesome musicians that I have yet to get to know! Here's to hoping that you can make it way up here to the next MAGFest :)

  5. Yeah, instead of going to school on time today I worked on it and got it release ready. This is direct post material right here boys! So I'm sending it to you and Steve now to do what you will with it.
  6. Glad you liked it! As I said earlier, I already posted the zoomed out shots earlier in the thread. I primarily use the 4 white mini satellite speakers with sub for everything. I've had them for 10 years now and they are still going strong The two larger stereo speakers are only used if I want to play a tape/cd/radio on the stereo system, or if I really want 6 speakers going simultaneously to either impress a chick or annoy the neighbors. The desk was around $120 (I think) a few years back. It's served me well through two moves now. Pros: it's a corner unit which saves space in smaller rooms. This also means that if you put it in a corner, there is a gap between it and the wall that makes back access very easy. Cons: this particular unit is not well suited for a dual monitor setup and I worry whether it could accommodate even a single a nice big 24" monitor. The one you see in the pics is a 20". I'd only get a real studio desk if you plan on having enough rack mounted hardware to actually justify it. One or two units won't s really cut it, IMO. I've seen some pretty slick homebuilt racks for smaller setups like mine that I'd like to try if I ever decide to get a rack.
  7. I trust you'll be posting pics of this organization OCD awesomness?
  8. And of course, drinking generally leads to juggling when Taucer is involved. Sometimes highly successful!... ...sometimes not so much. And what's the final result of all of this drinking an merriment? Tub boy. BEFORE 11pm. Lame! <3 Taucer
  9. Xenotones 4 life! The following series of pics chronicle the story of Taucer's adventures with alcohol that night sober enough to flip off the camera man! You know those pics when you catch someone when they're blinking or about to sneeze or something, and they look drunk/crazy? Yeah, this isn't one of those.
  10. Got back a little while ago and had just as AWESOME of a time as I always do at meetups. I love this community Still disappointed that we missed out on BGC, ToN, LuckyXIII and everyone else who couldn't make it, but you all BETTER be at MAG! debeerguy007, tefnek, audio fidelity, Taucer, Harmony, LuketheXjesse More OCR peeps including Avatar of Justice on the right and tefnek's friend (sorry I'm forgetting your name bro!) Level99 and audio fidelity tefnek and LuketheXjesse
  11. Dude, I JUST noticed that too and it's a typo...line-o. I'm using bus power. I'll fix the diagram soon. I'm trying to think of ways to integrate the FastTrack into the setup without forcing it, but it's tricky. Right now it's serving as an additional headphone jack and the i/o connection between the stereo and the PC. I've been really interested in doing on-location recordings lately (drum circle, here I come!) so maybe I'll use it as a mobile interface for that. Yes sir, SONAR 6 SE is the best! (until I upgrade). And when you come over tomorrow, I want a shot of you in the studio!
  12. Thanks! I'm proud of my little setup. Ha, good ideas. I have a few adhesive-backed wire clips that are on the back of the desk to route wires more sensibly, but it's not a flexible system if I ever need to move the desk. WalMart desk brothers unite!
  13. I've gotten a new apartment since these pics of my setup, but the layout is almost identical so, no new full setup shots. However, my latest and greatest acquisition, the new heart of the studio, the ProFire 2626, deserves a photo: DAW: 2.4 GHz Core 2 Duo, WinXP/Kubuntu, 4GB, 1.5TB over 4 drives, SONAR, FL Studio. So when I bought the ProFire 2626 I thought I'd take the opportunity to clean up the spaghetti pile of wires that was behind my desk. To help, I came up with this diagram of everything with a wire near my setup: I ended up buying a bunch of wire clips and flexible wire tubes (for lack of a better term). Behind my desk still looks like spaghetti, but it's organized, audio wires are separated from power wires, and it's MUCH better than before (just trust me on that last one):
  14. Noooo! You won't have to fight that battle alone bro. Just let me know if she tries to pull anymore of this "life happens" crap and it's on like donkey kong!
  15. Awesome! Congrats!
  16. Seems very odd to me that people are having vastly different experiences with downloading and authorizing this product. Ahh, well. Glad to see it's eventually getting worked out.
  17. I'm currently sitting in an office, waiting for the boss to show up for a group meeting that was supposed to start 7 mins ago. I'm sleepy, bored, and in need of the awesomeness that will be this weekend. Ugh, when will this day be OVER so I can go home and get ready!
  18. Mine was the exact opposite. The serial and download links came within seconds but the shipping confirmation took more than an hour. I also used a debit card with an American bank.
  19. FYI: don't download the random 'aas' file from the order form. I hear you get gonorrhea if you do. brb, I've got a burning sensation that I need to take care of.
  20. On the order form it asks where you heard about this product, however there was no option for "bullied into buying it by zircon", so I just put "forum"
  21. http://www.swamisound.com/ http://swamisound.blogspot.com/ http://www.myspace.com/myf1 I run into him every once in a while and not surprisingly, he's busy making amazing music. Track 19 of this mixtape is one of my recent favorites from him
  22. I know! I'm on the newegg and tigerdirect mailing lists so at least twice a day I get e-mails alerting me that a 24" HD LCD is only $150 or something and I shed a tear remembering that my budget was mercilessly assassinated my that ProFire purchase
  23. Yeah, it's never too late for that kind of action. I got invited to the party, but I couldn't afford the cover at the front door Oh and you know I love the Axiom, but they've all started to look pretty plain to me since I've seen myf's customized Axiom25 skin. Haha, I love that thing
  24. Can't go wrong with either Neskvartetten or LSD.
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