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Everything posted by Polo

  1. Okay, here's a tentative first paragraph to add to my Spider-Man bio... ---------- A standout among Marvel Comics icons, Spider-Man was the first teenager-turned-superhero which like-aged readers could relate to. The series, The Amazing Spider-Man, took pains to depict how the world would realistically view the superpowered red-and-blue-suit, and how his life would be affected. In the real world, Spidey's media coverage, especially in two successful movies (with a third debuting in 2007), has helped the web-slinger's legacy endure in a positive light. ---------- And the other bio... ---------- Gambit Marvel 1990 Bio Remy LeBeau, an adventurer from Louisiana, enjoys charming many a fair dame with his smooth French talk and burning red eyes. Known as Gambit among the X-Men, a body of mutant-powered fighters, he hones his above-average speed and muscles through Savate kickboxing and wielding a quarterstaff. Able to charge inanimate objects with explosive energy, he can literally bring down the house with a playing card-for-a-grenade. Charismatic as he fancies himself, Gambit's time with the X-Men is not without strain. He can't kiss, hug, or even touch his teammate and love interest, Rogue, due to her automatic skin-ducted psyche-absorbing power. Gambit is also reticent to reveal his past; some acquaintances would be reason enough for the X-Men to not trust the Cajun overcoat, whose eyes earned him the nickname of "le diable blanc" - the white devil. Quote: "Playin' for keeps is still playin', mon ami, so take a card... ANY CARD!" Selected Game Appearances SUPER NINTENDO Spider-Man and the X-Men: Arcade's Revenge (1992) X-Men: Mutant Apocalypse (1994) GENESIS X-Men 2: Clone Wars (1995) ARCADE X-Men vs. Street Fighter (1996) Marvel vs. Capcom: Clash of Super Heroes (1998) Marvel vs. Capcom 2: New Age of Heroes (2000) References Wikipedia - Gambit (comics) Fighters Generation - Gambit Gambit: Remy LeBeau Gambit Group ---------- I'll also take the first two Last Blade characters, Washizuka and Kaede (36 and 45).
  2. Haha. Well said PN. I could be a bit careless sometimes. Again, good job keeping Venom's bio short and sweet. Dafydd, I'll consider adding another paragraph to Spider-Man's bio. Maybe another resource too.
  3. If you replace the open parenthesis with %28 and the closed parenthesis with %29 the link should work. Like this: karaoke
  4. Spider-Man Marvel 1962 Bio A standout among Marvel Comics icons, Spider-Man was the first teenager-turned-superhero which like-aged readers could relate to. The series, The Amazing Spider-Man, took pains to depict how the world would realistically view the superpowered red-and-blue-suit, and how his life would be affected. In the real world, Spidey's media coverage, especially in two successful movies (with a third debuting in 2007), has helped the web-slinger's legacy endure in a positive light. A bite from a radioactive spider injects high schooler Peter Parker with spiderlike powers, including wall-crawling, web-shooting, heightened strength and agility, and danger-alert spider-sense. At first seeking fame and fortune with his abilities, he soon witnesses the murder of his uncle Ben, which he could have prevented. Haunted by his fatherly advice, "with great power comes great responsibility," Peter devotes his superhuman prowess to saving innocent lives in New York - masked, and with the alias of Spider-Man. Years of crimefighting have multiplied the web-slinger's burdens. Working as a photographer for the Daily Bugle newspaper, Peter listens to his boss malign Spider-Man as a threat to society without understanding why. Meanwhile, recurrent villains like The Green Goblin, Doctor Octopus, and Venom want Spider-Man dead for their own reasons. And through it all, Peter strains himself to provide financially for his aunt May. But add a sense of humor to his arsenal, and Spidey's got that down-to-earth edge to tackle his larger-than-life problems. Quote: "Ah, the life of a hero. Will the excitement never end?" Selected Game Appearances NINTENDO Spider-Man: The Return of the Sinister Six (1992) SUPER NINTENDO Spider-Man and the X-Men: Arcade's Revenge (1992) GENESIS Spider-Man and Venom: Maximum Carnage (1994) ARCADE Marvel Super Heroes vs. Street Fighter (1997) Marvel vs. Capcom 2: New Age of Heroes (2000) DREAMCAST, NINTENDO 64, PLAYSTATION Spider-Man (2000) References Wikipedia - Spider-Man Fighters Generation - Spider-Man SpiderFan Eric's Amazing Spider-Man Unofficial Fan Site Spider-Man Movie Network
  5. Wow, Psychotic Ninja's back. With a Venom bio. I made the casual mistake of researching Venom myself without dibbing him out loud. Should've expected it though; that dude's popular as hell. Oh well. Here's some feedback: You cover the basics of Venom just fine. I had trouble fitting in details like Eddie seeking solace in a church, the symbiote lurking there because it was rejected by Spider-Man, etc. Those aren't spoilers, but you do describe Venom's hatred, fusion, and mission without those details bogging down the account, so that works. And good job noting that he stops hunting Spider-Man to save innocent lives. What about Venom's abilities? He's vulnerable to fire and sonic sounds, but immune to spider-sense. Plus he knows Spider-Man's real identity due to the symbiote bonding once with the webslinger. That also explains his similar powers (webshooting, wallcrawling, etc.). To ease Dafydd's pain, here's a shorter appearances list and some more specific references (feel free to copy and paste): GENESIS The Amazing Spider-Man vs. The Kingpin (1991) SUPER NINTENDO Spider-Man & Venom: Maximum Carnage (1994) ARCADE Marvel vs. Capcom: Clash of Super Heroes (1997) Marvel vs. Capcom 2: New Age of Heroes (2000) DREAMCAST, NINTENDO 64, PC, PLAYSTATION Spider-Man (2000) Fighters Generation - Venom Wikipedia - Venom Finally, so I'm not trumped again, I'm dibbing Spider-Man (145) and Gambit (142) (hope you're not disappointed).
  6. Iori Yagami SNK 1995 Bio Centuries ago, the clans of Iori Yagami and Kyo Kusanagi allied together to seal away the Orochi, a multiheaded dragon. Alas, Kyo's ancestors got the recognition; Iori's did not. They retaliated by striking a pact with the monster, earning the control of purple flames, but cursed with shorter lives. After generations of spilling blood on either side, the Yagami-Kusanagi vendetta makes a heated showdown in the King of Fighters tournament, where Iori rivals Kyo. True to his ancestors' pact, hateful vengeance courses through Iori's veins. Purple flames fuel his rush-in combos, followed by a grab and a final blow. But if he's not careful, Iori can succumb to the Riot of Blood, where the Orochi seizes control of his body and puts him on a murderous rampage. Even his teammates can attest to this. Quote: "Look to eternity! Look to the moon and me!" Selected Game Appearances NEO-GEO The King of Fighters '95 (1995) The King of Fighters '98 (1998) The King of Fighters 2000 (2000) NEO-GEO POCKET COLOR SNK vs. Capcom: The Match of the Millennium (1999) ARCADE The King of Fighters: Neowave (2004) PLAYSTATION 2 KOF: Maximum Impact (2004) References Wikipedia - Iori Yagami The King of Fighters 10th Anniversary Official Web Site - Iori Yagami Fighters Generation - Iori Yagami
  7. Kyo Kusanagi SNK 1994 Bio Kyo Kusanagi is the poster child of the plus-populated roster in the King of Fighters series. He inherited his ancestors' pyrokinetic powers that helped seal away the multiheaded dragon Orochi centuries before. By Japanese standards, Kyo's prestigious pride comes off as conceited. Of course, it's all part of being a visibly avid contestant in the annual King of Fighters tournament. Recurrent opponents include Iori Yagami, who rivals Kyo with his own bloodline and brand of flames. Then there's the enigmatic host, whose identity and motives remain hidden until the strongest fighter is proven. Sure of himself, Kyo mixes his clan's fiery martial arts with Chinese boxing to uppercut, kick, and toast his way up the ranks. Quote: "I fan the eternal flame of victory!" Selected Game Appearances NEO-GEO The King of Fighters '94 (1994) The King of Fighters '96 (1996) The King of Fighters 2000 (2000) NEO-GEO POCKET COLOR SNK vs. Capcom: The Match of the Millennium (1999) ARCADE The King of Fighters: Neowave (2004) PLAYSTATION 2 KOF: Maximum Impact (2004) References Wikipedia - Kyo Kusanagi The King of Fighters 10th Anniversary Official Web Site - Kyo Kusanagi Fighters Generation - Kyo Kusanagi
  8. Dafydd, your feelings are understandable. In truth, I felt overwhelmed covering X's different leg / helmet / arm / body upgrades, and I was considering asking if it's too long - but I guess I have my answer. I am (sadly) a bit of a perfectionist and can get mired in more than I plan to. When I think about having a hand in writing or editing something, I want to present it as polished as possible. "This sounds stunted; these two ideas can flow together; leave this out because it's non-canonical and slows down the reader (etc.)." But at the same time it hurts (irl) when I'm reordering words or changing sentences written by the original person, even if I tell myself it'll "look better" in the long run. It's a lot of extra work and stress. So I think it's best if I stick to reporting on untouched mascots and let Linearity handle the job of "editing" others' bios. I call Kyo Kusanagi (41) and Iori Yagami (80).
  9. Okay, here's a revision of your MMX (full armor) bio, Dafydd. Mega Man X (full armor) Capcom 1993 This article concerns Mega Man X's robotic upgrades. For X's backstory, consult the Mega Man X bio. Bio Knowing he wouldn't live to see the day his latest android would awaken, Dr. Thomas Light crafted armor upgrades to prepare Mega Man X for the battles he would fight, storing them in human-sized capsules. In the series, when X finds a capsule, a hologram of the late doctor appears within and informs X of the enhancement awaiting him. Once the Reploid steps in, beams course around his form and boost one of four sections of his anatomy, now shining white: Legs - When Dashing, X leans forward in a brief "sliding" boost. The Air Dash lets him do it without solid ground beneath his feet. With the right upgrade he can even Hover in midair. Helmet - Scouting his surroundings using the radar-ific Item Tracer, X might spot a power-up lurking behind a false wall or a hidden passage. If nothing else, his brainpower can show in him headbutting breakable blocks to find some of these secrets. X-Buster - Upgrades such as the Double and Plasma Charges inject X's arm cannon with thicker walls of compressed, wavelength-spreading shots. With longer charging times comes the ability to Stock each progressive charge level for later use. And depending on a defeated Maverick's Special Weapon adapted to his arm cannon, X can charge and release something more. Body - Enhanced torso plating reduces the damage X takes from enemy 'bots. One upgrade, the Gravity Crush, collectively stores damage and releases it with genocidal results. In later games, whole armor designs can be assembled to work in tandem with the blue bomber's other systems. For example, the Force Armor maintains X's ability to charge Special Weapons, while donning the girthy Gaia Armor lets him push heavy blocks by Dashing into them. Combined, X's arsenal helps him match the ever-growing might of the Mavericks. Pictured above is X's full armor appearance in Mega Man X2. Quote: *blink* Selected Game Appearances SUPER NINTENDO Mega Man X (1993) Mega Man X2 (1994) Mega Man X3 (1995) PLAYSTATION Mega Man X4 (1997) Mega Man X5 (2000) Mega Man X6 (2001) References Wikipedia - Mega Man X Gamefaqs - Mega Man X2 FAQs and Walkthroughs Mega Man X Game Manuals
  10. Battletoads: LT: As much as I loved that game, these sprites look lame. Castlevania 2 people: LT: Nah. Castlevania 3 figures and weapons: LT: Skeleton with a bone whip? Sure. A brighter Doom soul cube (I can't stand the current one): LT: Brighter is good, but it's a little too bright. Pocky and Rocky (SNES): LT: Word. A Legendary Wings angel, Rygar (2 views), and the Noid from Yo! Noid: LT: Second Rygar looks good. I also changed some old avatars. Have a look.
  11. Re new mascots, djp's in charge of Photoshopping and adding them, so you can talk to him about it. The NWG mascot I made myself, but I wouldn't count on his (joke) bio being implemented ('cause it's just for fun). And you're right Linearity, I've been wholly rewriting others' bios, not just editing them in small spots. Complaints like yours are exactly what I've feared since doing so, which is partly why I've been slow to post them. Adapting every bio to my succinct style, while helpful, is tiring besides. At the rate I'm going, it would take us into next year before we wrap things up. But I must thank you for calling me out before I "took over" the project. As I said in my PM, Dafydd hasn't been in the mood lately and those who posted a handful of bios might not return for various reasons. It gets lonely and frustrating being the only active participant sometimes (but we all know that). I AM glad you're back. Would you care to be the one to edit old bios for spelling and grammar and whatnot? I'll gladly confine my high standards to my own bios (speaking of, I don't mind if we leave out my "revisions"). Sure, I'll try looking for one. EDIT: Found some quotes from the first FAQ/Move List on this page (take your pick): "Gee... this looks so much harder in the comic book." "Hmm... I thought you were taller..." "I've only got a quarter! ...Sorry" "It's like I'm a Super Hero or something!" "That was one crazy fight!" "These are some of earth's mightiest heroes!" "Wow! I didn't know I could do that!?" "Wait a second... How'd I do that!?" Finally, Dafydd, could you rewrite the topic in the first post as "x bios left to write" instead of "nearing completion?" That would give readers a better idea of how close to finished we are. Oh, and Liontamer! On the Wiki page, it's "appearances," not "appearences."
  12. Mascot 101: ...is some guy named Norimaro from the Japanese version of Marvel Super Heroes vs. Street Fighter. Scroll down on this page to see him (the Marvel mascots apparently got image upgrades from there, too). YES! Nice Work Guy Article: Polo Pictured from: The Nice Work Guy Archive - Update 6 Created (or rather hosted) by: Something Awful First appearance: 2002 --- Bio --- While not a video game character in origin, the Nice Work Guy is a contagious part of OverClocked ReMix's visual history. Forumgoer Midee first found the grinning gray-suit on the comedic site Something Awful and wrote the phrase "Nice Work!" on it. At first it was randomly posted as a smart-assed response to someone boasting about a moot accomplishment (like reaching a certain postcount), but then people started making "Nice" edits of the face, body, and phrase. Ranging from silly to vulgar and everywhere in between, the stills and animations simply begged to be archived. Successive "Nice Work" threads in the OCR forum UnModerated (now replaced by Off Topic) housed the edits over time, as well as different hosting sites. Currently a combination of both is used, and organization's handled by prolific NWG editor The Coop. A couple of his edits have been integrated onto the site: as an expressively eye-shifting, eyebrow-raising smiley and an OCR avatar, with contrast tweakage by site administrator djpretzel. Long considered a "borderline" mascot, the Nice Work Guy became "official" when the OCR Mascot Bio Project was released. Included with the other shadow-casting video game mascots selected by djp, the mustachioed arm-folder appears in OCR's mascot randomizer, wishing the forumgoer "Nice Work" with his Big Brother-like (omni)presence. --- Quote --- "Nice Work!" --- Appearances --- Something Awful (2002) OverClocked ReMix - UnModerated forum (2002) OverClocked ReMix - Off Topic forum (2007) --- References --- OCR Quirks - Nice Work Guy The Nice Work Guy Archive (The last paragraph is subject to change or simply not happen, obviously.)
  13. Probably more info than we need Gobolt, but thanks for sharing. I'll see what I can do with the bios of Mega Man, X, AND Dr. Wily, in terms of revising and such. I like the way you type, btw. ---------- A revision of Linearity's Toad bio on page 9... Toad Nintendo 1985 Character Summary The Toads of the Mushroom Kingdom are a busy, peppy lot. They run shops chock-full of power-ups lurking in treasure chests, patrol their purloined princess's castle handing out stars, and urge onward the equally energetic plumbers, Mario and Luigi, with pleas like the legendary "But our Princess is in another castle!" sentiment. Juggling these tasks and more is the loyal retainer to Princess Toadstool, the Toad with the standout name of - Toad. Called Kinopio in Japan, the stout mushroom man first becomes playable (and competitive) in Super Mario Bros. 2, his fast feet and veggie-plucking prowess offsetting weak jumpage. In Wario's Woods, Toad capitalizes on his strength by lifting and chucking whole stacks of bombs to clear puzzle rooms. A speedy lightweight in the Mario Kart games, his childlike voice shouts "yahoo!" as he gains the lead. And he's still mature enough to help organize whole parties. A consummate toady. Quote: "Hey Mario! Lots of people use something called a "door" to go in and out of their houses..." Sources Wikipedia - Toad Mario Mania - Toad La Maison de Toad (French) Appearances NINTENDO Super Mario Bros. (1985) Super Mario Bros. 2 (1988) Wario's Woods (1994) SUPER NINTENDO Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars (1996) NINTENDO 64 Mario Kart 64 (1996) GAMECUBE Super Smash Bros. Melee (2001)
  14. ^ Lookin' good, Coop. In other news, ---------- And now a revision of Rexy's Sonic bio on page 9... Sonic Sega 1991 Character Summary Replacing Alex Kidd in 1991, Sega answered Nintendo's Mario with a new mascot, Sonic, whose name and game complemented the CPU speed of the Genesis. Sporting red-and-white Power Sneakers, the cobalt-blue hedgehog can run and roll faster than the speed of sound. He doesn't look back; that's his way of life. Storywise, Doctor Robotnik (known as Dr. Eggman from Sonic Adventure on) is bent on ruling the world with his mad scientist intellect and the mystical power of the Chaos Emeralds. It's up to Sonic to put a stop to him by going through levels (called "acts") laden with slopes, loop de loops, springs, and other speed-strategic pieces, collecting rings along the way. With his quill-sharp rolling jump and spinning attacks, he spikes the Doctor's machines to save the cute, fuzzy animals trapped within them. Joined by other colorful anthropomorphic characters in spin-off titles, comics, and cartoons, Sonic's popularity has soared beyond Mario's on occasion. He even has a fruit fly embryonic development gene named after him. Quote: "This game of tag is boring; I'm outta here!" Sources Wikipedia - Sonic Sonic HQ MobyGames - Sonic the Hedgehog Series Appearances GENESIS Sonic the Hedgehog (1991) Sonic & Knuckles (1994) MASTER SYSTEM Sonic the Hedgehog 2 (1992) SEGA CD Sonic CD (1993) SEGA SATURN Sonic 3D: Flickie's Island (1996) DREAMCAST Sonic Adventure (1998) ---------- And as always, feedback is a boon, even on editing-phase revisions, in case a sentence doesn't sit right, an idea doesn't fit... whatever.
  15. Fluidly connecting the facts that matter will always be, IMO, the greatest challenge to writing bios. I usually spend time away from my laptop to write different possible openers / data connectors / word orders based on what I know offhand or have learned recently, central / relative to the mascot. Frustrating, but it helps. ---------- And now, a revision of Dafydd's Doom Trooper bio on page 8... Doomguy id Software 1993 Character Summary When a Mars-based teleportation experiment goes awry, contact with Phobos and Deimos is lost. The latter moon disappears, so the former's base is investigated by green-armored grunts and troopers. One, a marine more through force than personal choice, stands guard at the hangar. His radio transmitter returns his buddies' cries of agony mingled with monstrous growls, then silence. Armed only with a pistol and his wits about him, the nameless "Doomguy" advances, about to learn what kind of hell has been unleashed. Doom's immersive 3D atmosphere set new precedents for first-person shooters such that similar games were dubbed "Doom clones" based on their setup. At the bottom of the screen lies the face behind the space helmet, eyes shifting left and right for danger, grunting when pained (and bleeding when health is low enough), and grinning when a new weapon's picked up. Shotguns, rocket launchers, and plasma rifles are a few WMDs that help the marine tear a gory path through the monsters in the hopes of finding where they're coming from - and maybe a way back home to Earth. Quote: "Hgnn!" (grunt) Sources Wikipedia - Doomguy The Ultimate Doom Game Manual Planet Doom MobyGames - Doom Series Old Doom Appearances PC Doom (1993) Doom II: Hell on Earth (1994) Final Doom (1996) Doom 3 (2004) NINTENDO 64 Doom 64 (1997)
  16. means? What exactly is he done with? The bios he dibbed? Was that all? Sephiroth, ranked #1 bad guy of all time. The last of the FF7 bios and my (current) dibs. 500th reply in the thread. My 30th bio. Stirring up a little "WHOA!" reaction from readers used to watching me jump right into the bios. For the heck of it. (insert other obligatory champagne cork-popping reason here) I'm not done writing bios, I've just been focusing on the (rather deceptive) editing phase lately. I'm thinking of rewriting / adding to bios previously written by others, tightening up the words, adding / deleting games / sources, in case you, Dafydd, don't have enough reserves to sift through them. Linearity said he'd help go through them as well, but he hasn't responded to my PM. Also, Coop, you can probably add the Darkstalkers' pics at the top of your explanation: to give the reader a visual anchor.
  17. DUN DUN DUUUUUUN! ---------- Sephiroth Square 1997 Bio Sephiroth is the boastfully ultimate product of the Shinra mega-corporation's science and military facilities. Standing over six feet tall, wielding an equally rare and lengthy Masamune, the elite officer outclasses all other SOLDIERs in power and persona. Add his silver hair to the mix and he wonders about his parentage - which no one in Shinra reveals to him beyond the name Jenova. On a mission to inspect a reactor near the town of Nibelheim, Sephiroth found chambers containing mutated humans alongside one chamber labeled "Jenova." "Was I created this way too?" he thought. Back at the town's mansion he studied research notes by the scientist responsible for these experiments. The reports, though incomplete, were enough to temper his feeling like a mutation into rage against all humanity, starting with the roast of Nibelheim. Thought to have disappeared then, Sephiroth returns with a deadlier agenda on his hands. Bodies of SOLDIERs pile up as he seeks a position beyond that of elite officer of Shinra. Those who follow his black cape are in for several rude surprises - not least of which is a "calamity from the skies." Quote: "What do I have to be sad about? I am the chosen one." Selected Game Appearances PLAYSTATION Final Fantasy VII (1997) ARCADE Ehrgeiz: God Bless the Ring (1998) PLAYSTATION 2 Kingdom Hearts (2002) Itadaki Street Special (2004) Kingdom Hearts II (2005) References Wikipedia - Sephiroth (Final Fantasy VII) Fighters Generation - Sephiroth Video Game Character Adaptations - Sephiroth Temple of Sephiroth Final Fantasy VII Game Manual (PC)
  18. Sagat's bio is now good to go. ---------- Vincent Valentine Square 1997 Bio From his heavily red and black garb to his sin-provoked nightmares, Vincent Valentine is a shady man with multiple burdens. Once a Turk, a stealth operative for the Shinra mega-corporation, he familiarized himself with its staff and inner workings. He was not prepared when Lucrecia, the scientist he loved, became a test subject in the Jenova Project and grew terminally ill as a result. Vincent confronted the project leader, Hojo, who ended not only the altercation, but the Turk's career and humanity as well, one twisted act following another. When Cloud and company find him locked away in a coffin, Vincent has been asleep for thirty years. Like a vampire shunning sunlight, the man refuses the travelers' questions until they speak the name of their target: Sephiroth. The elite officer, like Lucrecia, was another subject in the Jenova Project - now fully grown and bent on genocide. But why? Knowing that Cloud and his allies seek answers and atonement as badly as he does, Vincent lends his secret skills to the group, awaiting a payback encounter with Hojo. Quote: "This body is... the punishment that's been given to me..." Selected Game Appearances PLAYSTATION Final Fantasy VII (1997) ARCADE Ehrgeiz: God Bless the Ring (1998) PLAYSTATION 2 Dirge of Cerberus: Final Fantasy VII (2006) References Wikipedia - Vincent Valentine Fighters Generation - Vincent Valentine Video Game Character Adaptations - Vincent Valentine Final Fantasy VII Game Manual (PC)
  19. Red XIII Square 1997 Bio With the number thirteen tattooed on his fire-red fur, this leonine creature is reduced to a research specimen in the hands of scientists of the Shinra corporation. This does not, however, dilute his instincts - or his intellect. Released during a "save Aeris" mission, "Red XIII" attacks his captor, then surprises and befriends his rescuers by speaking in the human tongue, complete with mannerisms and cool calculations about their escape plan. Hailing from Cosmo Canyon, the headdressed "beast" is part of a tribe that protects their land from marauders. Though blind in one eye, Red XIII is able to tackle enemies with his claws and fangs or with his whole body altogether. Even the elders, conscious of their lengthy life cycles, consider him loyal for a forty-eight-year-old "adolescent." Quote: "Any way you look at it, I'd say I make a fine human being." Selected Game Appearances PLAYSTATION Final Fantasy VII (1997) PLAYSTATION 2 Dirge of Cerberus: Final Fantasy VII (2006) References Wikipedia - Red XIII Video Game Character Adaptations - Red XIII Final Fantasy VII Game Manual (PC)
  20. I PM'ed Linearity for you, Dafydd. ---------- Tifa Lockhart Square 1997 Bio The Seventh Heaven bar hostess, Tifa Lockhart, lets her buxom cheeriness lift patrons out of their gloom whenever possible. Few would learn of her own nightmares just by glancing at her face. Five years ago, Tifa witnessed her hometown burn, her father get slain, and her sweetheart Cloud disappear all in one night. Though mentally and physically wracked by the chain of events, the girl was brought to Midgar to recover, find work, and learn self-defense. A tank top and mini-skirt give her ample mobility in any situation. When not serving drinks, Tifa pounds away at enemies with her tough-as-nails gloves and steel-soled boots, or gets creative executing a suplex. These strengths serve her in good stead when she joins AVALANCHE, a resistance group led by Barret Wallace, to counter the planet-molesting mega-conglomerate known as Shinra. One day, out of nowhere, Barret brings the newest member of AVALANCHE: Cloud. He's changed since Tifa last saw him. Does he remember his vow to her from long ago? Or have years of mercenary work put money ahead of childhood romances? To keep her old friend from getting away again, Tifa urges him to permanently lend his skills to their cause - and maybe rebuild their lives. Quote: "Whenever I'm in trouble, my hero will come and rescue me. I want to at least experience that once." Selected Game Appearances PLAYSTATION Final Fantasy VII (1997) ARCADE Ehrgeiz: God Bless the Ring (1998) PLAYSTATION 2 Itadaki Street Special (2004) Kingdom Hearts II (2005) Dirge of Cerberus: Final Fantasy VII (2006) References Wikipedia - Tifa Lockhart Fighters Generation - Tifa Lockhart Video Game Character Adaptations - Tifa Lockhart Loveless Final Fantasy VII Game Manual (PC)
  21. EazyP - You're probably also disappointed I did Dan Hibiki. Anyway, I see your approach is going through the story of the games in order of their release as opposed to the overall timeline. Guile wants revenge on Bison but never gets it, he goes home to be a family man, he fights again alongside Charlie until his friend "dies," Guile lusts for revenge again... Followed this way, your bio runs circles as opposed to picking up vital tidbits and thrusting forth with it. Guile's ending we need not give away; that's for the player to reach on their own. I know Chun-Li plays a role in the mission where Charlie goes missing, but I didn't include her because her presence has no direct or lasting consequence on Guile's mission / decision to flee (he took the order from Charlie, anyway). It might, however, translate to Chun-Li's bio (unclaimed, if you want it) as an example of her detective work tracing her father's murder to Bison. I do like your description of the Sonic Boom ("a ring of light energy"). Easier to say than "spinning energy disc." A n00b reading about Guile for the first time wouldn't care how to execute it (hold back for two seconds, etc.) until they actually played Street Fighter. And if the SF movie is non-canonical, why include it? That, and the animated series, are on the Wikipedia page anyway, for hungry readers. Dafydd and/or Liontamer - I tweaked Wain's bio, which I now consider complete. ---------- Aeris Gainsborough Square 1997 Bio In the slums of Midgar, we see a pink-clad brunette sell a flower to the mercenary Cloud Strife for the price of one gil. Harmless enough. After a botched bombing mission, Cloud wakes up in a crumbling church, where the same girl is tending more flowers. But she's happier for his health and durability than her garden's, aware that the Turks, scouts of the Shinra mega-corporation, are seeking her out again. To simplify matters, the girl enlists Cloud as her bodyguard in exchange for a date. And so Aeris Gainsborough joins the story of Final Fantasy VII. Aeris is not your average flower girl. Talkative since childhood, she informs her adoptive mother when the spirits of people they love "return to the planet," as well as the planet's cries of pain. This sensitive spirituality shows in Aeris's low-on-health Limit Breaks: healing, status-cleansing, even shielding Cloud's party from onslaughts, blessed from the ground up. This is also why Aeris is constantly pursued. As Shinra's reactors hungrily pump Mako Energy like oil, the planet weakens. Aeris's instinctive know-how and know-where of the substance may yet reveal the location of the Promised Land, where Mako Energy flows in abundance. But at what cost to Aeris, or the planet? Quote: "Don't fight here! You'll ruin the flowers!" Selected Game Appearances PLAYSTATION Final Fantasy VII (1997) Final Fantasy Tactics (1997) PLAYSTATION 2 Kingdom Hearts (2002) Itadaki Street Special (2004) Kingdom Hearts II (2005) References Wikipedia - Aeris Gainsborough Video Game Character Adaptations - Aeris Gainsborough Final Fantasy VII Game Manual (PC) ---------- As long as I'm immersed in FF7, I'm also writing stuff for Red XIII (093), Vincent Valentine (096), and Sephiroth (035) - unless someone wants to call an FF7 character before they're all gone.
  22. Blue Mary SNK 1995 Bio Born and raised in Southtown, U.S.A., Mary Ryan trained to mete out justice on the crime-infested streets just like her father. With a body strengthened by Commando Sambo martial arts, she completes brawl-inclined assignments that weaker agents would fail at. Her late partner's jacket tops off her casual streetwear, and his nickname for her stuck when he ordered a like-named bar drink: a Blue Mary. The annual King of Fighters tournament is an appreciative opportunity to track criminals' actions and to further her training. In hand-to-hand combat, Blue Mary executes bone-crunchers like the Mary Headbuster, Spin Fall, and Vertical Arrow, to name a few. Meanwhile, there are those who keep an eye on the blonde, like her mystery client, gauging a similar chance to strike... Quote: "A first-rate warrior wins without lifting a finger." Selected Game Appearances NEO-GEO Fatal Fury 3: Road to the Final Victory (1995) Real Bout Fatal Fury Special (1996) The King of Fighters '97 (1997) The King of Fighters '98 (1998) The King of Fighters 2000 (2000) ARCADE The King of Fighters XI (2005) References Wikipedia - Blue Mary The King of Fighters 10th Anniversary Official Web Site - Blue Mary Fighters Generation - Blue Mary There's Something About Blue Mary!
  23. Dafydd's Doom Trooper bio on page 8 looks to be the first "complete" bio, but that needs polish. I need time to clean up my bios as well. ---------- Robo Square 1995 Bio The year is 2300 A.D., three centuries after the apocalyptic Day of Lavos. Ashen winds blow over the barren land. Rag-tattered humans take shelter in monster-infested domes, no longer centers of technological advances. Serial droid R-66Y, a yellow sheep in the dominantly blue R Series of humanoid robots, lies disabled and alone in Proto Dome. Enter a trio of time slippers from the year 1000 A.D., one of which is the tech-savvy scientist Lucca. Her curiosity piqued by the Akira Toriyama-designed machine, she puts her brain cells to work repairing, programming, and polishing it up. The bulky 'bot sparks to life, gracing the group with manners, supercomputer-level synapses, and a profound loyalty to his new friends, who give him a new name: Robo. All that's missing is a purpose in life. Not wanting to kill humans - especially not his savior, Lucca - Robo fights alongside them. His metallic frame punctuates his punches, hides explosives, and keeps him shiny and shock-resistant. No baddie is too tough for Robo to (literally) tackle. Defensively, his beams can heal other party members. But these skills are not enough to fix his broken world. Robo's only hope is to follow his friends back in time to help alter Armageddon. Quote: "Good morning, mistress. What is your command?" Selected Game Appearances SUPER NINTENDO Chrono Trigger (1995) PLAYSTATION Final Fantasy Chronicles (2001) References Wikipedia - Robo (Chrono Trigger) Chrono Compendium - Robo Chrono Trigger Game Manual (SNES)
  24. ^ Yep. Same goes for Mario, Kirby, a Street Fighter - any character with a ridiculously long list of titles in their name. ---------- Guile Capcom 1991 Bio Guile, a top-ranking U.S. Air Force pilot, wears his patriotism via flag tattoos on his shoulders, a military-green garb, and an often-combed blond flattop. A second dog tag worn around his neck, belonging to his senior and teammate Charlie, reminds him of the day he went missing. During a mission to destroy the base of Shadoloo, a smuggling crime organization, mastermind M. Bison fought them with power exceeding their Special Forces training. Charlie held Bison off, Guile retreated - and the base exploded. Believing his friend to be dead, Guile neglects the Air Force, his family, and his country, lusting for revenge. When M. Bison, still alive, hosts the second World Warrior tournament, Guile enters immediately, using the special moves Charlie taught him. Unlike the shock wave of a speedy aircraft, Guile's Sonic Boom is a spinning energy disc thrust circularly by his arms. When crouching, he waits for the right moment to execute the Flash Kick, a backflip that greets his opponent's face with a trailblazing leather boot. For Charlie! Quote: "Go home and be a family man!" Selected Game Appearances ARCADE Street Fighter II: The World Warrior (1991) Super Street Fighter II: The New Challengers (1993) Street Fighter Alpha 3 (1998) Marvel vs. Capcom 2: New Age of Heroes (2000) PLAYSTATION Street Fighter EX Plus Alpha (1997) NEO-GEO SVC Chaos: SNK vs. Capcom (2003) References Wikipedia - Guile (Street Fighter) Fighters Generation - Guile Street Fighter Organization
  25. Blue Bomber? Either Aobon or Mega Man. And "HUnewearl" is no typo. Search for it in Google and you'll easily get #27's pic. By contrast, image searching "Sue" got me only one pic. If nothing else, the obtuse name should intrigue readers more than a common three-letter name. ---------- Kirby HAL (Japan) (developer) / Nintendo (publisher) 1992 <()> Bio Kirby is a happy-go-lucky pink puffball from Dream Land. Ever the hungry star warrior, he's widely known for his ability to inhale enemies and copy their powers. Examples include turning into a wheel to roll quickly through levels, hacking and slashing with a sword, and emitting an ice barrier around himself to freeze foes. Transportation is simple: thanks to his light weight, he can inhale air and flap his stubby arms to fly, or board a Warpstar and zoom through space to a new destination, always crashing upon impact. Kirby likes to make a flashy entrance. On his adventures, Kirby searches for goods such as stolen food, crystal shards, and pieces of the Star Rod, which keeps Dream Landers' dreams flowing. But he never ventures alone. Friends and foes alike, including the gluttonous penguin King Dedede, the stout swordsman Meta Knight, and the singular tree Whispy Woods, pop up in places like Kirby's Right Back at Ya! anime and the Super Smash Bros. series. Easy company for one so well-rounded. Quote: *inhales* Selected Game Appearances GAME BOY Kirby's Dream Land (1992) NINTENDO Kirby's Adventure (1993) SUPER NINTENDO Kirby Super Star (1996) NINTENDO 64 Kirby 64: The Crystal Shards (2000) GAME BOY COLOR Kirby Tilt 'n' Tumble (2000) GAMECUBE Super Smash Bros. Melee (2001) References Wikipedia - Kirby (Nintendo) Kirby's Rainbow Resort L'Univers de Kirby (French) Absolute Anime - Kirby: Right Back at Ya! ---------- Also, in case no one else wants them, I'll write bios for: Aeris (4), Guile (34), Blue Mary (66), Robo (75), and Tifa (106). If you're writing a bio on one of these characters, give a holler. I'm calling several now so I don't leave everyone in the dark on which bios I'm writing, and to prevent potential doubling-up now that we have less than 35 bios to write.
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