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Everything posted by Polo

  1. Ukyo Tachibana SNK 1993 Bio Ukyo Tachibana is a lone samurai with a simple-minded passion to keep those he loves safe. As much of a heartthrob he is with the ladies, only one woman, Kei Odagiri, looks past his blue hair and sees his solemn nature. It is this understanding that wins Ukyo's heart, and he seeks to win hers with a gift: the perfect flower. Inevitably, battles come between the samurai and his quest. Ukyo faces away from his opponent, a stance and secretive style which plays on the blindness of the Japanese film character Zatoichi. He quickly draws and sheaths his blade more than he strikes with it, and his attacks, with names like Concealed Sabre Swallow Swipe and Ghostly Dashing Slice, bear an element of swift surprise in them. But Ukyo's time is limited. Stricken with tuberculosis, he coughs up blood before and after battles. Could finding the perfect flower be more trouble than it's worth? Quote: "The moment I drew my sword, the fight was over. Ho-hum." Selected Game Appearances NEO-GEO Samurai Shodown (1993) Samurai Shodown II (1994) Samurai Shodown III (1995) ARCADE Samurai Shodown 64 (1997) PLAYSTATION Samurai Shodown: Warriors Rage (1999) References Wikipedia - Ukyo Tachibana Samurai Shodown Official Website - Ukyo Tachibana Fighters Generation - Ukyo Tachibana Blue Spirit: Ukyo Tachibana Samurai Shodown Game Manual (SNES)
  2. Wain Neverland (Japan) (developer) / Natsume (publisher) 2001 Bio Wain is your run-of-the-mill swordsman from the quiet village of Patos. Not one to back down from a challenge, Wain's tenacity gets the better of him in verbal disputes as well as physical ones. This is evident in his fights with Seena, a wandering gypsy, who downplays his brains out of spite and sympathy. Soon after they meet, the nearby Death Tower strikes a house with a bolt of lightning, setting the house aflame. Wain rescues the girl trapped inside, and collapses thereafter. Seena nurses him back to health, and the two become "pals." As per the backstory surrounding all Lufia games, the Sinistrals of Chaos, Destruction, Terror, and Death have arisen to wreak havoc upon the world. Seena's visions, coupled with her compliments on Wain's bravery, help convince him to join up with her, stop the Sinistrals, and earn fame and fortune along the way. Wain, seventeen, is the first of eleven recruits in the company of Seena, sixteen. Quote: "You called me stupid again!" Selected Game Appearances GAME BOY COLOR Lufia: The Legend Returns (2001) References Wikipedia - Lufia: The Legend Returns Lufia World - Lufia: The Legend Returns RPGClassics - Lufia 3 ---------- Also, in the first post, it's "Terra Branford" (#97), not Terry Brandford.
  3. Hi, just dropping a line to say that mascot 86: ...is Wain, from Lufia: The Legend Returns for Game Boy Color. I scanned a page from one of my Nintendo Powers for authenticity. Cheers.
  4. I have to say, this makes good pizza-eating music. Everything in this mix (mmm, mix) sounds crisp and piping hot. The first 30 seconds or so set the burning atmosphere. There's so many subtle crevices and additions on the surface it's hard to keep track of them all. But they help with the flavor. The staticy intro is the sizzling of the pizza fresh from the oven, the tiny bells are the shiny reflections of the cheese. And of course hell evokes warm colors: reds, oranges, and yellows. Pepperoni pizza (which I'm eating right now) goes by this color scheme too. Those virgin sacrifices sound like they're singing "HOT... HOT, HOT..." Their ecstatic high notes around 2:09 - 2:13 feels like a burn on the roof of the mouth, or at least a mouthful. I guess the drums (they're deceptively varied) would be the crust on the bottom in its subtle brown hues, or the big pepperoni slices. I have no idea what the pizzicato strings would be on pizza, but they fit. (Wait... "pizzicato"... "pizza"... hmmm...) The heavy percussion at 4:04 and elsewhere reminds me of cheese, maybe because of the grating action. And back it goes at the end to its previous state, a continuing stretch of a delicious desert [sic]. Time for another slice!
  5. Maybe it's how this mix "creeps up" on me and then "rots" away, 'cause I find this goes well with horror stories involving rotting corpses and zombies with their entrails leaking out. But it also feels sad in an end-of-the-world-ish way. The Grim Reaper would be proud.
  6. This sounds like the passing of the seasons, in a very fluid way. It's also a good companion when scrolling through this site (for me at least): http://www.athropolis.com/sun-fr.htm Truly an emotional piece.
  7. Those echoing laughs are downright chilling. Perfect when played by candlelight, just to see the jumping shadows of those evil dolls trolling around your bed.
  8. Dude. I could listen to this all day long if I wanted. So autumn-sunsetty. I love the whole 8-bit-ish-ness. Part of it (0:16 - 0:32) reminded me of the bonus level in Battletoads & Battlemaniacs. Though I think you can go farther with the voices - they're a little too... little in the mix. I want more of them! In fact, this whole mix leaves me a little bereft somehow. It's not quite... complete. That's the word. I want to reach out a hand and help it - or hope it reaches its hand out to me and finishes the job. Anyways, don't mind my rant. Good job.
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