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Everything posted by Catharsis

  1. These are good, but I'm looking for something less fast and trance-like. What's funny is that those first two are some of my favorites in the fast/trance department. I'm quite familiar with those, and all of bLiNd's other stuff on OCR.
  2. OK, I took that part out, because it really doesn't matter what it's for. I enjoy it at any time. I figured anyone could benefit from this thread, too.
  3. Thanks for showing that music, like every other art, is doable by absolutely anyone. Everyone is given the gift of creativity. Fabulous work on this. I loved the whole piece, but for me individually, the first :50 seconds of the song are my favorite. I wouldn't fight you if you decided to do an entirely separate piece like that, only expanded.
  4. I'm looking for music on this site that has kind of a traveling feel to it. Like trekking. A good example of what I'm talking about is "Continental Divide", from the new Summoning of Spirits album. (Great work, Nick Tam!) Also, "Time Voyager" by Chronosis. Any ideas?
  5. I just rediscovered this song this week on YouTube, and forgot how amazing the melody is. I'm surprised no one's done a remix of this yet. This definitely is above any other requests I've posted. I was thinking it could be of the "New Age" category or something similar. I just don't think it would be good being turned into some sort of crazy hard jam session, that's all.
  6. Just a side note: CHIPP Damage, if you dyed your hair blond, you would BE Banon. I just notice your avatar compared with your signature. There's definitely some resemblance.
  7. Wow, yeah, I forgot about Chrono Cross's. That was WAAAY too many. *looking it up* There were 45 playable characters. Ugh.
  8. I know this thread is using FFVI as a "template" of sorts, but, not to be a killjoy, I thought the idea of having SO MANY playable characters spread everything way too thin, and made many of their stories and their depth of character somewhat shallow. (All I've really read about the many characters in FFVI was that it was a good thing. I was always surprised that I seemed to be the odd man out.) For your RPG, avoid tons and tons of playable characters, and stick to maybe six or so. Quality over quantity. I think this statement sums a lot up very nicely. Also, I may be interested in helping as well, like Gario said. I was thinking of doing one on my own, as I said before, but I'd rather not spend THAT much time. However, a collaborative effort sounds more feasible. Anyway, let us know...
  9. I don't know if that's a list of what not to do...but the website calling it a list of clichés is SO true. As I'm reading them one or more games immediately come to mind as I read them. Pretty funny...I never realized how often those scenarios are used. Also, number 6 is also true of most Disney animated movies... "RPG characters with two living parents are almost unheard of. As a general rule, male characters will only have a mother, and female characters will only have a father. The missing parent either vanished mysteriously and traumatically several years ago or is never referred to at all. Frequently the main character's surviving parent will also meet an awkward end just after the story begins, thus freeing him of inconvenient filial obligations." Totally lol'ed at number 20... Just Nod Your Head And Smile And no matter how big that big-ass sword is, you won't stand out in a crowd. Nobody ever crosses the street to avoid you or seems to be especially shocked or alarmed when a heavily armed gang bursts into their house during dinner, rummages through their posessions, and demands to know if they've seen a black-caped man. People can get used to anything, apparently
  10. Weird…I was actually thinking about this either yesterday or today. And, even weirder, I was ALSO thinking about messing around with RPG Maker, especially after playing Final Fantasy: Endless Nova, but decided against it, due to it probably being incredibly time-consuming. I’ve thought about everything I’m about to write many, many times before, so this isn’t just spur of the moment. I’ve only tried to put it into words a couple times, so please forgive me if I mess something up... I couldn’t make up my mind. At first, I was going to say music. Then, I changed it to story. I just kept going around and around with all aspects. I will give what I believe makes a good 2D (or any) RPG, but first, I’ll preface it by saying this: Most aspects of an RPG depend on or hurt each other to some degree. If a game has great music but a lousy story, there’s some value. If it has a great story but lousy music, there is some value. That being said... 1. I think the story is above the music. That is, I believe it could be said (very carefully?) that the RPG IS the story. For example, Final Fantasy VI is Terra’s discovery of compassion, Locke’s experiences with guilt, Cyan’s struggle with revenge, and more. Story-telling involved words and communication. There is nothing more universal than this. Everything speaks in some way. If a story is bad, putting it to good music only glorifies something that is bad. I recently was in a conversation with an acquaintance about music and lyrics. I said that most of the time, the style of music and the quality of that music doesn’t really matter too much to me, because if what is being communicated by the lyrics is bad, the very core of the song is bad. To give an extreme analogy (which was, at the time, the best way I could try to make the point), I said it was like dressing up a turd in seductive clothing and calling it sexy. Sorry if that’s crude, but my point is that outwardly adorning something that is ugly does not make it more beautiful. On the positive side, outwardly dressing up something that is beautiful with something that is ugly does not make that thing ugly. Therefore… 2. ...music is second. Music is universal all over the world. It is a universal language. Music accentuates the story (made up of plot, characters, settings, action, etc.). The story would be good and could stand on its own, but music (as we all know, since we go to this site ) can help magnify (like a magnifying glass) the beauty or ugliness, light or darkness that is already there in the story. Of course, music can stand on its own, for which I’m thankful, but in the context of this discussion, it is inextricably tied to the story, and therefore is not supposed to stand completely on its own. 3. Somewhat believable characters would be third. I say somewhat, because we all probably don’t play RPGs, watch movies, or read books because we want the day-in, day-out kind of things we already experience. And yet, they should be realistic and believable. The reason there should be an aspect of unbelievability is because it stretches us, which can, but sometimes may not, be good (depending on what direction we are being stretched). For example, though he is not a particular favorite, either my first or second (still undecided) favorite character in an RPG is Squall from Final Fantasy VIII. People have complained that he’s too stiff, or mean, or withdrawn. I say to that, “That’s the point.” The story is about Squall himself being changed, more than it is just about destroying an evil enemy. Without Squall’s change, to the point where he actually smiles and shows joy at the very ending sequence, is MUCH more important that defeating an enemy. A greater enemy than Ultimecia is destroyed, namely, Squall, by him learning to love others. (Sorry, I just don’t know how else to put that. Take it or leave it.) 4. Everything else – gameplay, sound, graphics, and more, would be fourth. Yes, they are important, and they can help in communicating the story, but are not essential.
  11. I know I'm coming in late here (just recently started regularly posting), but I think the face on this one is the best of them all. It has less attitude, and seems more genuine. But if that's not what you're going for...
  12. Far Away Memories (Chrono Trigger) - Neil Benjamin (One of my favorites for the LONGEST time) Dreamer (Chrono Cross) - Starblaze Time Voyager (Chrono Cross) - Chronosis A Rose For Zelda (The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past) - Tepid Summoner's Love (Final Fantasy X) - DragonAvenger, EFields Aquamarine (Terranigma) - mv
  13. Haha, yeah. I enjoyed SCIII for its own sake, but it definitely was bad for the series. I think even ToysforBob (Fred Ford and Paul Reiche) pretends it never happened. They didn't write it, and you can tell. I think some might even go so far as to not even have what happened in the official story.
  14. Which is why I suggested freezing it. There's actually a hard drive in the freezer at work here this week. Oh, and the other one I mentioned probably did have damaged platters and/or head. I already said it failed afterwards in my previous post. Anyway, enough having to defend myself... Well, apart from USB being the problem, what would you suggest, phill?
  15. One thing though: Whatever is happening at 3:45 is pretty ear-piercing, at least in my earphones, and they are pretty accurate in-ear monitors. that may need to be toned down. Otherwise, everything is great!
  16. Wow, this is great so far. I'm new to the forums, and this is one the first WIPs I've listened to. Maybe I shouldn't let this set the standard for future ones, or I may be disappointed. Nice work. If I hadn't heard this, I don't think I could've seen how this could possibly be remixed well, especially in the genre you've used.
  17. Haha, I'm sitting here trying to figure out what those were. "Never Look Back" was the really intense, drumming, fast-paced one. "Dead End" might be a good one along those lines.
  18. No one mentioned freezing to be a fix-all solution. We are trying to help this person by supplying possible solutions for him to try. What are you trying to do? Anyway, Lord.Roderick.i, I hope you get your data back, whatever method you use.
  19. STAR CONTROL, but following the lines of Star Control 2, which is now FREE!).
  20. Hmm, I'm guessing maybe the other way around, actually. The strength of The Oath is in it's climax, which is near the end. (Start listening to the above link at around 3:48 to see what I mean.) But if it would be a constant rhythmic remix, that would work.
  21. $85 after $10 rebate for 1TB drive: http://www.zipzoomfly.com/jsp/ProductDetail.jsp?ProductCode=10009440&prodlist=celebros
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