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Posts posted by V___

  1. :(


    that doesnt work.... I recently got a 2nd midi keyboard, and tried that. Locking a keyboard surface to a Reason device doesnt work; the locking surfaces command only works with midi CONTROLLERS not keyboards ie mixers/dials not.. keyboards..>_> (and yes, its right click on a device and choose a device from the list to bind them. you cant use your 'masterkeyboard' even if it has control functions)

    What you can do is either tie every individual KEY to an override function or set everything up in a combi. Either way its a bitch for control and programming (imo, but I'm impatient when it comes to live keyboard control). Override is limited, but its pretty funky with the Matrix if your using loops. The best way to go is with the combi. If you have multiple shorter keyboards, you can tie them together in a combi at different octaves. I have an 88key and a 25 key, and can tie them together in the combi, with the 25 key at 7ocv+ (its an Oxygen8v2 so I can specify its octave imput, hope you can do that with yours).

  2. Time to pimp out mah stuff :P Most of my production work recently has been just experimentation, getting the sound quality up.... so I dont have a recently completed song you peeps can check out...

    What I DO have is:

    2 rejected OCR subs from 6 months or so back....

    http://vmeissner.googlepages.com/RebloomAGAIN6.mp3 (Tetris Attack - Flower Stage)

    http://vmeissner.googlepages.com/VQ-WornOutShoes.mp3 (Legend of Dragoon - World Map 2)

    and a 5-track sampler with some snippets from some WiPs Iv started recently

    http://vmeissner.googlepages.com/Revenge.mp3 (Track 5 seems to be unanamously everyones favorite)

    That said, what are the restrictions with this project? Like genre etc? And what type of time limit would I have?

  3. I haven't played around with this too much yet, but what I've done so far seems promising. I've picked apart the NN-XT patches (for each of the string sections, so far) and set each of an instrument's various articulations as a separate zone in an new NN-XT patch. I've set each of these zones to use a different output on the NN-XT. This basically means that I can use a single MIDI track to trigger every possible articulation, and then automate each articulation's level using a mixer.

    I guess you could do the same thing by combinating a bunch of NN-XTs with the different articulations, triggering the Combinator with a MIDI track, and mixing the NN-XTs' outputs, but there's duplication of data between a lot of the standard patches, and cutting that out and minimizing the number of NN-XTs (like the method above does) would make a file with an entire orchestra load much more quickly.

    Combi patch plz

  4. YAY, I have stuff to show off now!


    So yeh, I'm gonna be improving on this setup some more, and the arrangement is gonna be fixed, BUT i'm thinking of moving, so I'l wait to see how I settle that before progressing...


    Dell Inspiron (1.6ghz, 2gig RAM)

    Edirol FA-101

    Roland 88-key hammer-weighted keyboard

    Korg PadKontrol

    M-Audio Oxygen8 v2

    Behringer BCF2000

    Roland RH-300 headphones

    Crappy speakers (logitech)


    - Monitors

    - Microphone

    - Decks (CDJ1000s)

  5. Well on my laptop it's pretty clear Reason 3 doesn't support multi-core processors, especially when running a heavy song, one CPU will be dancing and prancing around 60-80% while the other would be chilling around at 5-10% just running typical background system processes. And I did look through propellerhead's site along with searching through different forums at places, the general consensus seems to be that Reason 4 won't support multi-core processors either, which is too bad... =/

    :o so THATS why my new laptop runs at a high CPU load.... despite being like 2 times better than my old compy :(

    That said, still not sure if I'l get R4... the interface really pissed me off...

  6. System Shock 2? I never actually played it but if Bioshock is its spiritual succesor or whatever, I assume it is somewhat similar but it's a bit older so it would prob work for you.

    Yeh played that a while back, loved it... The atmosphere wasnt quite as dark, as the actual environment being dark though.

    Other stuff with the atmosphere I liked that Iv played: STALKER, American Mcgee's Alice, Condemned. Doom3 was close but the 'oh hey lets also make the world so dark the player thinks their blind' idea killed it...

  7. *spaced out surfie voice*

    Whoa dude....

    first up... you speak like, way too fast....

    second, chill up man! Like, musics meant to be fun right? Yehh...

    and lastly man.... its spiritual... its music. i mean, am I right or what? You can get whatever you want from whatever you have, you just have to know how to MAKE IT HAPPEN. Yeh? You know who told me that??... the waves, man... the waves...


    Reason can make your music sound good, you just have to know what your doing. It doesnt have VST support, meaning that you cant incorporate every synth/effect with a gimic into your setup, you have to actually understand what your doing and how your doing it.

    If you want full rich strings, you'l need: good samples + EQ + reverb + panning + chorus/phasing on a send + a song that has sounds that compliment the strings + good mastering. You can do that in most DAWs, however in Reason you dont have a free downloadable VST called 'Shiney Strings 101v3' that'l apply that chain with a bunch of presets.

    In short: yes you can make crisp clear things in Reason (you obviously havnt heard enough of Malcos's stuff - www.malcos.co.uk - check out his albums)

  8. Played around with this game a bit on PC, like the feel... cept for the fact the game ran slow. But I loved the atmosphere. So now I'm looking for games with a similar vibe but slightly older so I can actually play it. Any recommendations?

  9. I LOOOOOVE Happy Hardcore and hard fast dance/trance. Like, you have no idea. I groove like nothing else when I hear it. The thing is, I suck at bass. Like, you have no idea. I think I'm missing some of the basic concepts of bass and/or compression, and I need your help...

    Can someone provide me a source file for how to make a happy hardcore bass/kick combo? I'm fine with high end synthesis/mastering, its these 2 things which just kill me.... and even after reading so much on it, I have no idea how to make the bass complement the kick and the song.

    Example of my type of music.... http://vmeissner.googlepages.com/loop2.mp3 (^_^ *whoooo* *jumps around*)

  10. ... Well, I was working on a track for this....

    I got a new laptop

    Sister stole old laptop, with all my music source files

    I am now sitting here while she keeps refusing to give it back to me, claiming that I dont need it now that I have a new laptop.



    Production skills have gone up a notch recently, really interested in getting back into this peice, will provide an update when I get my files back or when I relise the futility of the situation and start from scratch (mabey on a another song... oooo...)

  11. Excellent, thanks for that :D

    Well I'm picking up my Edirol FA-101(40% off, it was cheaper than the FA66) and Kork PadKontrol sometime in the next week, and will use the time to check out some more monitors - I'm down to either KRK Rokit 8s, Event Tuned-Reference 6s, or Mackie HR624s (bit more $$$ than expected but....) Any one have any experiences with these, or other high recommendations?

  12. :o


    This refill..... makes my balls wet....

    SO awesome, you guys rock, and are amazing, thank you so much for this. Seriously... I would have never thought of so much of this.... my entire concept of sound is expanded and Reason is a new feild of delight, in which I prance and pick dafodils.

    I am only disapointed in 1 thing with this....



    I wasnt thanked for anything in the documentation (I know I didnt actually do anything, but it still wouldv been nice)

  13. My laptop has firewire ports already, so I'm set there....

    Iv done a bit more reading on what I want to go for, and been giving favorable looks at the M-Audio FireWire 410. It has good reveiws from what I can see, its supported and has a great name, and allows me room to grow my setup in the future.

    That said, Im not sure if I'm completely understanding the sound cards relationship with the computer... If people use multiple MIDI devices, why do so many sound cards only have 1 set of MIDI i/o? So now Im thinking if MIDI information comes in through a USB port, it goes to the soundcard (regardless of how its attached). So here is the...

    ULTIMATE QUESTION: Does my piano have to be plugged directly into the external soundcard to get low latency?

    My setup is looking to be around 6900AU atm, I'v just got to find time to check out the KRKs and their competitors... this is where I get worried, my experiences with high quality monitors are very limited so I dont know if I'l be able to choose wisely upon comparison....

  14. what does a pad control do? If all it does is send midi messages, just assign the extreme upper or lower of your 88 keyboard to do that.

    I'm assuming its MIDI messages, and I probably COULD use the the keyboard to do whatever I'd usethe PadKontrol for, but its is a completely different interface.

    I'l look into PCMIA soundcards, I'd only been looking at USB ones really... Thanks!

  15. Ok, so Iv recently come into a bit of cash (yay promotion) and Im wanting to improve my setup.... as nice as it is, it is starting to limit me a bit (before you say 'blame the user not the tools' keep in mind Iv been using an onboard laptop soundcard with $20 speakers)

    First off, what I have and want to continue using: my laptop (running Reason 3.0 mostly), an 88-key velocity sensitive elec piano, and a Behringer BCF2000 mixer.

    My purchase list - Korg PadKontrol, new speakers, a soundcard, CDJs+mixer. My budget is at MAX $8000AU ($6.6kUS), but I'd prefer to keep it around $7000AU. About $5200AU is booked out on the CDJs and mixer, leaving me a comfi $2000 on the rest. PadKontrol is around $350 where I checked.

    My first problem is in regard to the soundcard and my gear. I obviously dont want latency issues with any of the stuff I have, and I want it to work well together. My assumption is the piano would lead through the mixer to the soundcard, but then where is the padkontrol plugging in: soundcard or USB to laptop? Does all my gear need to be/benefit from being in the soundcard rather than the compy? What soundcard best suits my desired setup?

    Next, monitors, having gone through acouple of other threads/places, I'v found good reveiws and prices for the KRK Rokit RP6s ($750AU a pair). This is just for recreational production, and home DJ use. Is anything else recommended (these are just down the street from me, so easy access too, bonus). I'd probably want to use good headphones occasionally too, Pioneer HDJ-1000 headphones come with the DJ kit, would these be accurate for production?

    Lastly, any highly recommended items? Anything to keep in mind? Cheers for any help!

  16. ... because I had to pay for HOSPITAL BILLS! I found some sick irony in this. =/

    HAhahhahaha!! Seriously.... that just made my morning.

    Hope your better now.

    As for the software, I think you guys are too cynical. I mean, are we so tainted by commercial society that we cannot fathom the concept of a group freely distributing their goods? Is selflessness such a thing of the past? And if you yourself cannot beleive in such a concept, how can you act on it? A smile is infectious, just as a good deed. We should embrace this act and gain all we can from it, at the least a lesson on humanity, a lesson of love and compassion for fellow human beings.

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