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Posts posted by V___

  1. I was about to upload it when my parents left my house for a bit, so I checked it out on speakers...


    No one hears this shit. Not yet.

    Its really quite nice, on earphones.... but i need to properly fix balance with bass etc before I upload this for you guys.

    Is it OCRemix material? Hmm... I think the arrangment is liberal but still true to the source, and I can get sound quality to an acceptable level... Its going to be submit-able, thats for sure :D

    Sorry to tempt you guys like this, and I hope the end product is worth it in your opinions.... honestly, I love this peice, and Iv only worked on it like what... 4-5 hours?

  2. :P Well you'l be happy to know Iv started and its actually flowing quite well (at least on EARphones, havnt had time on speakers yet... ). Keeping the piano/string sound, with a different texture... 24 hours from now I'l post a sample (It might be really teasing though)

    Got kinda lucky actually: I made up like 3-4 instruments and made a really crappy simple loop, and was going to give up, because I relised my 'mix' idea was pretty much the original song with newer sounds and stronger drum beat. Then for some reason, I tried a bass rhythm that forced me to 150% the time signature. Now I have a punnet (i was gonna say bunch, but i dont have that many) of ideas, and arrangment is becoming more detailed... this may turn into a proper mix after all!

  3. I'm starting a chill mix of World Map 2.... Its not going to be very well 'arranged', probably very much a midirip, but I can SO hear this in my style. So dnt expect it on OCR, but I'l whip out something within the next 2 days

  4. Whenever I come to OCR, I come strait here.... Iv done more remixes for OCR requests than I have alone (not including PRC compo entries). I dont necessarily finish the mixes, but I'l happily make a 1 1/2 minute mix just for a quick challenge or something to do.

    What I dont like is that the requester usually has the peice planned in their head, and if the remixer doesnt give them exactly what they want they can get whine-y. Additionally, when I'm done with a mix, I loose all inspiration to keep working on it, and sometimes I get suggestions for improvments I just dont wanna take up.... no demands, I just feel guilty for ignoring them....

    Oh... and a little gripe from a remixers point of veiw.... If your going to request a song, post links to it please. I dont really want to spend time hunting for a request only to go 'not my style'.

    I havnt been to OCR in a while though, Iv been working on my album (which is now finished, yay)..... LETS GO FIND A REQUEST!!! :D

  5. Someone around here did a Wii Sports remix (I think it was called Wiitastic), dunno whatever happened to it... I might give it a shot...... Never played the other 2, though...

    Theory of Nonexistance did that one, he's floating around, PM him and he'l probably give a link.

  6. Hey guys

    Bad news...

    Alot of stuff has come up in my life, and I'm gonna have to say I wont be there for the meetup. I'd say we could delay it, but these things could take a while to clear up.....

    By all means, if people are still up for meeting do so, this isnt a cancelation of the entire event.... But me, the most AWESOME person you could ever meet, will not be there, and my place wont be available for afterwards.

    Again, really sorry...





    WANT TO SEE?!?! COOL!!!


    I call it 'SPYROHAPPYHAPPYWITHHASTE' cos you say it real fast like without any breaks.

    Ahem. Yeh, so this took me an hour n 10 minutes, not including render + upload. I love it, personally, very upbeat and smiley. hehehe, and both avaris's n my mixes are 2:09...

    Meanwhile, yeh, i'm totally not digging PRC much atm sorry... i'm trying to finish material for a psudoalbum....

  8. ITS HAPPENING AGAIN!! Yes, the frivolous time of year where us Aussie nerds/geeks throw caution to the wind and SOCIALISE. Traumatic as it is, we always end up with smiles on our lips, astroglide at our crotch, and our inner gamer satisfied. And so, it is my pleasure to announce....

    The 2nd Sydney Australia Gaming (OCR) Meetup!!

    Note that this is not an OCR meetup, it is a gaming meetup, and its being advertised on OCR. Multiple reasons for that, and I wont get into it, because I dont want to be banned. Ok so the plan this time is to actually get some gaming and remixing in. Hence, here are the details so far:

    Date: Saturday 3rd March

    Time: 10am

    Place: Town Hall steps

    10:00am - Meet. Recognise each other quickly, comparitive to last time

    10:05am - Galaxy World, baby!! Arcade gaming til we'r broke or someones crying

    11:30am - LUNCH!! No where super expensive or far away this time. Momma's Kitchen is an awesome pasta place a block away from Galaxy World. I'l make a reservation this time too...

    12:30-1:00pm - Head back to my(semi) place in North Sydney for gaming and so forth

    From here, nothings planned. Theres space for people too sleep if they dont want to head home that night. They'l be 2 TV's (projector + normal TV), stereo, 2 compies (no internet though :() sooo umm... yeh. With the 2 TV's, I personally beleive 2 Wii's (with 6 Wii controllers) and 1 DC will be satisfactory. I'l bring my Wii and as many remotes as I can


    Projector - V

    Wii - V,

    Wii/GC games/controllers - V,

    Dreamcast + Controllers -

    Dreamcast Games -

    USB Mic -




    Fireman Joe

    (+ friends?)

    Akujamo Belmont



    DunnoWhatHuh (if he turns up this time)



    B = confirmed, Tabs = friended

    So yeh, add your name to the list, suggest somthing you could bring ... etc etc.

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