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Posts posted by V___

  1. I kinda like the idea of a wavetable synth, that'd be nice... How about a 'portable LFO' device? Basically, its a simple LFO, except you can attach it to ANY rotary or fader you want... a chord comes out the front and you attach it to they synth knob you want it on, or somthing like that.

    Oh and also, the 'Hide Cables' option should extend to 'Hide all cables except these i'm left clicking atm' or 'Hide all maelstrom cables' or somthing... It'd just be handy...

  2. No, the sends are independent of each other. But you can chain them manually via the rear plugs (lol).

    Isn't that something you'd be able to tell right away?

    I knew you could chain em manually, just wasnt sure of the mixer... and my delays always sound a bit muddier than i like, and i usually have rev at 1, delay at 2, so i thought mabey thats why....? It couldnt be my sounds were just dirty ^^;;;

  3. I hope people are still reading this thread....

    Anyway, i need major help. In case you havnt noticed, i'm in the Full Metal Alchemist remix project, and theres a song I went with called Scar, which is mostly percussion, and no melody til just after halfway through. The melody consists of 4 notes (i, iii, i, ivA) played on brass. So this is my mix of it.

    I kept in mind the final eq shaping problems i had in my last tunes the whole way but when i got to the final EQ i found i had to dip the bass a fair amount, is that normal? I'v never been able to get a comfortable kick either, so is there some effect/technique/idea i'm missing? I'm not sure bout balance of volumes overall either.

    You'l want Microlab Pack 1 for this, its 3.0 but i just downloaded 3.04 so i'l be able to open any of those. Heres the file (rns this time :P)

    http://www.geocities.com/v_gasm2000/ScarProp.zip (rightclick and choose save as, direct link wont work *shrug*)

  4. **awesomeness**

    Ooo!! Ok, I can agree with the bass idea, i can see it in all my bass-y peices now. That'l be a habit to break, thanks for that! I'l test out the unison and scream ideas when i get home, same with the mirror synth. Thanks dude, your a champ!

    I think i'm going to restart this almost from scratch, sound-wise. The rack is a bit cluttered, and i've found better ways of organising recently, plus the ideas with sound, so the next file posted here will be an .rns and cleaner!

  5. What kind of help? Let us see! People could post their reason songs and ask for some help, and then we could edit it for em and send 'em back! :D

    check 3-4 posts up.... I hope Arcana is still hosting... (yay he is!)


    Ive worked on Static Rave a bit more, but still not happy with the lead or bass really... I dont think i have the mindset for trance/dance-ish music, I'm ok with downtempo/chillout...

    Hmmm i should probably try to get the rns files up, rather than the rps, might help for others manipulations...

  6. Thanks to the legendaryness of Arcana, I have 2 songs up! http://arcana.serveftp.net/songs/v_gasm/

    The first is Static Rave, which is up here to get a bit of help with. Its my first dance song in a long time, but i'm not happy with peices of it, mostly the lead synth and drums. The bass also seems pretty murky.

    The next was my PRC v2-24 entry, a mix of River Stage from Penguin Adventure. I liked it, and i was thinking of subbmitting it. Feedback would be awesome here as well. The bass isnt as smooth as it should be because i kinda stole the sound outta a soundbank (analogue monsters 9). I havnt found anything else good in there, so i didnt want to make you download it....

    Anyway... uhh... enjoy, i guess!

    EDIT: thanks for the offer legion, but i dnt have FTP access, the only net access i have is at work, and thats majorly limited...

  7. I havnt got any songs that i'm happy with atm, but i was thinking of pushing up an orchestral template i'm working on. That way people can help me improve it! ^^ Geocities is the only place i got to host me too, so unreliability could be a problem...

    If anyone else has any templates for drumsets, trance, etc, would here be a good place to place it, or better to make a new thread (i'd be more likely to put it here, this thread'l last longer... :P)

  8. loved this in the WiP forum (the thread was fun to watch!) and ive heard a bit of Sixto's stuff and this guy is quality. I like this version... it mightnt stray too much arrangment wise, but its got zing style the original didnt have. Or pa-zazz. you know, that unnamable quality that creates awesomeness...

    I think the one thing that makes this great is the visuals.... i can almost imagine (especially at the begining) opening credits for a castlevania anime. All it need is some guy singing about destiny and reaching the stars...

  9. First up, thank you to peeps for the string realism advice, helped out substantially.

    **EDIT*** Sorry people, just been reading through other topics/sticky's and will be posting this question somewhere else. Probably not the best place to post this kinda question.... ^^;; Sorry bout that...

    I've got a hardware idea ...*DELETED*


    "Wait, Yoshi lays eggs by eating things? Why isnt that island way over populated? I bet Mario harvests them and sells them as large turkeys..."

  10. Hey, people, first post here... ive gone through quite a bit of this sticky (not all, so sorry if there is already an answer)... one thing i'm wondering...

    I'm mostly working with orchestral sounds on Reason 2 at the moment, and that going ok, except for the strings... i cant get them sounding realistic enough. I'm not sure how perfect i can get them in Reason alone (no hardware, no Cubase or other funky programs) At the moment, i use velocity changes and filter cut automation to make the sound flow a bit better, but its just not enough, in my opinion... If anyone has any suggestions at all on how to perfect it, it'd be much appreciated.

    Oh, and i'm thinking of another program for notation, but i'd still want to hear a decent sound... At the moment i'm looking at Sebelius, but if anyone has had better experiences with somthing else, give a holla. Cheers!! cya

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